2020年浙江省高一英语Unit3-Unit4单元测试题 新课标 人教版

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1、2020年浙江省高一英语Unit3-Unit4单元测试题一 单项选择(每小题1分,共计20分)1. They _ this evening.A. havent come B. arent coming C. dont come D. didnt come2. Dont go skating today-there are dangerous _in the ice.A. pieces B. ruins C. cracks D. chips3. Never _ heard of such a thing.A. am I B. I have C. I am D. have I4. As I kno

2、w, there is _ person in the neighborhood.A. no such B. no a C. not such D. no such a5. I must warn you that my patience is almost _.A. at the end B. in the end C. at an end D. by the end6. He has three sons, _ graduated from Qinghua University.A. both of whom B. both of them C. all of whom D. all of

3、 them7. Please tell me the way you thought of _ the garden. A. take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. how to take care of8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable.A. which price B. price of which C. its price D. whose price9. It was in the classroom_ we often

4、have classes_ we had a party last night.A. where; thatB. that; whereC. where; which D. which; where10. The factory _ the river since it was opened.A. has polluted B. is polluting C. has been polluting D. polluted11. You can take any seat _ is free.A. which B. in which C. that D. where12. This medici

5、ne has no effect on my _ cold.A. determined B. stubborn C. insisting D. familiar13. _, she was already a lawyer.A. How young was sheB. As she was youngC. Young as she wasD. Young she though was14. Who is making so much noise in the garden? _ the children.A. They are B. It isC. That isD. There are15.

6、 We tried to _ her out of her foolish plan, but she just turned a deaf ear to us.A. advise B. take C. help D. persuade16. _ of the money they have made_ gone to the boss.A. Two third; haveB. Two thirds, hasC. Two three; areD. Second three; is17. All the people present felt _ at the _ news.A. shocked

7、; shockingB. shocking; shockedC. shocked; shockedD. shocking; shocking18In summer people usually stay up late outside, _ the cool air.A. enjoyB. enjoyingC. to enjoyD. enjoyed19Mother insisted that the childs hands _ before dinner.A. should wash B. would be washedC. had been washedD. be washed20I wan

8、t to buy a computer, but there is only one left in that shop, so Ill have to buy _.A. oneB. that C. itD. them二. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共计30分)In the past hundred years a million people have died in earthquakes, _21_million have been _22_ by hurricanes and tornadoes and 9 million have _23_ their lives in floors

9、. In addition to this many million more have died _24_ hunger and disease. We should also not forget in many of the worlds _25_ drought and water shortage are a fact of life, _26_ in some African countries.Scientists and _27_ around the world have made great advances _28_ earthquakes engineering. It

10、 is, of course, _29_ to move cities _30_ Tokyo and San Francisco _31_ have been built in earthquake zones. But most often it is not the earthquake that kills people, _32_ the collapsing buildings, bridges and other structures that cause _33_, and the possibility of that happening can be greatly redu

11、ced _34_ better building programs.Finally, perhaps we need to _35_ the natural disaster _36_ we are causing ourselves. Through our mismanagement of the planets resources we have made hundreds of species of plants and animals _37_ out, and at the same possibly _38_ our own living environment. Maybe t

12、his is one disaster that could be avoided _39_ we are _40_ to act with a sense of responsibility.21. A. other B. others C. another D. the other22. A. killed B. hurt C. hit D. damaged23. A. made B. lived C. earned D. lost24. A. of B. at C. for D. on25. A. states B. countries C. continents D. villages

13、26. A. especialB. special C. especially D. specially27. A. farmers B. teachers C. soldiers D. engineers28. A. from B. in C. for D. with29. A. impossible B. possible C. necessary D. natural30. A. so as B. such as C. instead of D. in case31. A. where B. what C. when D. that32. A. but B. and C. so D. because33. A. deaths B. problems C. earthquakes D. disasters34. A. with B. in



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