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1、A TALE OF TWO CITIES 3 12 CHAPTER XII Darkness SYDNEY CARTON paused in the street not quite decided where to go At Tellson s banking house at nine he said with a musing face Shall I do well in the mean time to show myself I think so It is best that these people should know there is such a man as I h

2、ere it is a sound precaution and may be a necessary preparation But care care care Let me think it out Checking his steps which had begun to tend towards an object he took a turn or two in the already darkening street and traced the thought in his mind to its possible consequences His first impressi

3、on was confirmed It is best he said finally resolved that these people should know there is such a man as I here And he turned his face towards Saint Antoine Defarge had described himself that day as the keeper of a wine shop in the Saint Antoine suburb It was not difficult for one who knew the city

4、 well to find his house without asking any question Having ascertained its situation Carton came out of those closer streets again and dined at a place of refreshment and fell sound asleep after dinner For the first time in many years he had no strong drink Since last night he had taken nothing but

5、a little light thin wine and last night he had dropped the brandy slowly down on Mr Lorry s hearth like a man who had done with it It was as late as seven o clock when he awoke refreshed and went out into the streets again As he passed along towards Saint Antoine he stopped at a shop window where th

6、ere was a mirror and slightly altered the disordered arrangement of his loose cravat and his coat collar and his wild hair This done he went on direct to Defarge s and went in There happened to be no customer in the shop but Jacques Three of the restless fingers and the croaking voice This man whom

7、he had seen upon the Jury stood drinking at the little counter in conversation with the Defarges man and wife The Vengeance assisted in the conversation like a regular member of the establishment As Carton walked in took his seat and asked in very indifferent French for a small measure of wine Madam

8、e Defarge cast a careless glance at him and then a keener and then a keener and then advanced to him herself and asked him what it was he had ordered He repeated what he had already said English asked Madame Defarge inquisitively raising her dark eyebrows After looking at her as if the sound of even

9、 a single French word were slow to express itself to him he answered in his former strong foreign accent Yes madame yes I am English Madame Defarge returned to her counter to get the wine and as he took up a Jacobin journal and feigned to pore over it puzzling out its meaning he heard her say I swea

10、r to you like Evrmonde Defarge brought him the wine and gave him Good Evening How Good evening Oh Good evening citizen filling his glass Ah and good wine I drink to the Republic Defarge went back to the counter and said Certainly a little like Madame sternly retorted I tell you a good deal like Jacq

11、ues Three pacifically remarked He is so much in your mind see you madame The amiable Vengeance added with a laugh Yes my faith And you are looking forward with so much pleasure to seeing him once more to morrow Carton followed the lines and words of his paper with a slow forefinger and with a studio

12、us and absorbed face They were all leaning their arms on the counter close together speaking low After a silence of a few moments during which they all looked towards him without disturbing his outward attention from the Jacobin editor they resumed their conversation It is true what madame says obse

13、rved Jacques Three Why stop There is great force in that Why stop Well well reasoned Defarge but one must stop somewhere After all the question is still where At extermination said madame Magnificent croaked Jacques Three The Vengeance also highly approved Extermination is good doctrine my wife said

14、 Defarge rather troubled in general I say nothing against it But this Doctor has suffered much you have seen him to day you have observed his face when the paper was read I have observed his face repeated madame contemptuously and angrily Yes I have observed his face I have observed his face to be n

15、ot the face of a true friend of the Republic Let him take care of his face And you have observed my wife said Defarge in a deprecatory manner the anguish of his daughter which must be a dreadful anguish to him I have observed his daughter repeated madame yes I have observed his daughter more times t

16、han one I have observed her to day and I have observed her other days I have observed her in the court and I have observed her in the street by the prison Let me but lift my finger She seemed to raise it the listener s eyes were always on his paper and to let it fall with a rattle on the ledge before her as if the axe had dropped The citizeness is superb croaked the Juryman She is an Angel said The Vengeance and embraced her As to thee pursued madame implacably addressing her husband if it depen



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