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1、BBC英语听力2012年01月合辑(文本翻译):BBC0116A hearing at a United States military base has recommended that Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking a huge number of classified government documents, should be sent for court-martial. If convicted, he could face life in prison. Jonathan Blake reports from W

2、ashington.美国举行的听证会建议,将被指控泄露政府大量分级档案的士兵Bradley Manning交由军事法庭。如果罪名成立,他将面临终身监禁。Jonathan Blake在华盛顿报道。Private Bradley Manning was arrested in May 2010. The 24-year-old from Oklahoma is accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the Wikileaks website while working as a US army ana

3、lyst in Iraq. There are 22 separate charges against him for distributing state secrets and aiding the enemy. At a pre-trial hearing, defence lawyers said the soldier was emotionally troubled and that the government had failed him, but prosecutors described the evidence against Manning as irrefutable

4、.士兵Bradley Manning于2010年5月被捕,他今年24岁,来自俄克拉荷马州,他被指控在伊拉克担任美军分析员期间向维基解密网泄露大量分级档案。他还因泄露国家机密和通敌而面临22项指控。辩护律师在预审中称Manning当时情绪失控,因为政府令他失望,但检察官称针对Manning的指控是无可辩驳的。The Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan is holding talks with trade union leaders as a nationwide strike threatens to shut down the countrys oil

5、industry. Its the first time the president has become directly involved since the industrial action began four days ago. Mark Lobel reports from Lagos.因全国发生大规模罢工,威胁要关闭该国石油业,尼日利亚总统古德勒克乔纳森目前正与工会领导人进行谈判。这是自4天前工业罢工开始后,总统首次插手其中。Mark Lobel在拉各斯报道。The threat by the main oil and gas union to disrupt oil prod

6、uction could be a tipping point in the dispute over a recent doubling of petrol prices. The union workers announced the action after the government removed a subsidy on fuel, which has badly affected transportation costs and Nigerias informal economy. Any oil shutdown would seriously damage the Nige

7、rian economy as it accounts for 80% of state revenues.主要的油气工会威胁要扰乱石油生产,这可能是对近期石油价格翻倍的一个警告。工会工人在政府取消燃油补贴后宣布此举,取消补贴已严重影响运输成本和尼日利亚经济。石油业占国民收入的80%,一旦石油停产,将严重影响尼日利亚经济。A former member of the British royal family is facing charges in a Turkish court. Prince Andrews former wife, Sarah Ferguson, made an unde

8、rcover trip to Turkey in 2008 to examine orphanages for a British television programme. Secretly filmed images appeared to show children tied to their beds. The court on Thursday accused her in her absence of going against the law and violating the privacy of five children.一名前英王室成员在土耳其法庭面临指控,安德鲁王子的前

9、妻Sarah Ferguson曾于2008年秘密访问土耳其,为英国某电视节目看望那里的孤儿。秘密拍下的照片显示,有儿童被绑在床上。周二Ferguson未能出庭,法庭指控她违法,侵犯了5名儿童的隐私。The director of public prosecutions in Britain has announced that no criminal charges will be brought against British intelligence officers over their alleged complicity in the torture of two terrorism

10、 suspects. It was alleged the two men were tortured in foreign countries before being sent to the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay.英国公检署署长宣布,将不指控英国情报官犯有刑事罪,之前他们曾被指控涉嫌拷打两名恐怖嫌疑犯。据称这两名男子在被送往美国关塔那摩监狱前被拷打。Hours after its launch, the election campaign website of the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin h

11、as been flooded with calls for his resignation. Mr Putins aides blamed a hacking attack. From Moscow, Daniel Sandford reports.俄罗斯总理普京的竞选网站刚运行数小时,网站上就满是要求他辞职的呼声。普京的助手谴责这是黑客行为。Daniel Sandford在莫斯科报道。Vladimir Putins presidential election website putin2012.ru went live with a little under eight weeks to

12、go to polling day. The site includes a suggestions page, and immediately it was being bombarded by readers supporting requests that he resign. There were more positive posts and ones asking him to improve things like housing and infrastructure. But the ones being discussed with great glee on social

13、networking sites were those where he was asked to leave politics.普京的总统选举网putin2012.ru运行到现在还不到8周,网站包括一个建议页面,很快这里就排满了网友要求他辞职的言论。还有一些正面帖子,人们要求他改善房屋和基础设施等。但人们在社交网站上谈论最热烈的,就是要求普京离开政界。The US State Department has imposed sanctions on three international energy companies for dealing with Iran. They include

14、Chinas state-run Zhuhai Zhenrong Corp, which the State Department said was the largest supplier of refined petroleum products to Iran. Two other energy companies based in Singapore and the United Arab Emirates are also affected.美国国务院对三家与伊朗进行交易的国际能源公司实施制裁,包括中国的国有企业Zhuhai Zhenrong公司,国务院称这是向伊朗提供精炼油的最大供

15、应商。另外两家能源公司分别在新加坡和联合阿拉伯酋长国。Roman Catholic bishops in the Democratic Republic of Congo have denounced the recent elections which gave President Joseph Kabila another term in office. A statement issued by the bishops complains of cheating, lies and terror. Grant Ferrett reports.刚果民主共和国的罗马天主教大主教谴责最近的选举

16、,使总统Joseph Kabila又获得一个任期。大主教发表声明,责怪其中满是欺骗、谎言和恐怖。Grant Ferrett报道。The Congolese bishops are unstinting in their criticism of Novembers presidential election. They point to violence and irregularities, and call on the election commission to correct what they call serious errors or resign. Congos most senior Roman Catholic clergyman, the Archbishop of Kinshasa Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo, has gone still f



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