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1、 目录1绪论1.1研究背景和研究意义1.2国内外研究现状评述1.2.1金融互动、传染定义评述1.2.2金融危机传染机制评述1.3本文的研究思路和研究内容1.4本文的创新点2国际金融危机传染效应的理论基础分析2.1金融危机国际传染的定义2.2金融危机国际传染的特征2.2.1传染渠道的多样性2.2.2传染机制的复杂性2.2.3传染速度的快捷性2.2.4传染范围的广泛性2.3金融危机传染的根源2.3.1“全球化说”2.3.2“金融市场内在不稳定性说”2.3.3微观基础说3国际金融危机传染机制分析3.1金融危机传染机制概述3.2宏观传染机制3.2.1贸易传染渠道3.2.2宏观金融传染机制3.2.3货币

2、(美元)贬值传染途径3.3微观传染机制3.3.1流动性传染机制3.3.2“多米诺骨牌”传染渠道3.3.3预期传染渠道3.3.4资产负债表传染渠道3.3.5季风效应传染机制4金融市场间传染效应的实证分析4.1基于信息溢出角度下金融市场间联系的实证分析4.1.1信息溢出理论4.1.2 Hong方法介绍4.1.3实证分析4.1.3.1数据说明4.1.3.2美国股票市场和我国股票市场间信息溢出效应的实证分析结果4.2金融传染效应的实证分析4.2.1单位根检验4.2.2协整检验4.2.3格兰杰因果关系检验4.2.4实证分析4.2.4.1数据选取4.2.4.2单位根检验结果4.2.4.3协整检验结果4.2





7、次贷危机 AbstractAt the background of economic globalization and financial integration, financial crisis is becoming more frequent, The impact of this to the world economy is growing.Financial derivatives of constant innovation and the high correlation between financial markets causes infection of finan

8、cial crisis between different financial market. Since the 1990s, 10 times of financial crisis happened in the worldwide. They all have the same characteristics: These financial crisis has strong infectious, especially Americas subprime crisis. The financial crisis of infectious mainly refers to the

9、outbreak of a financial crisis at fantastic speeds spread to neighboring countries or regions, then forms the regional crisis. With the world economy globalization and the deepening of financial integration, financial contagion of damaging effect isbiggerr and wider,it can even result in one country

10、 s regime instability and unrest.Therefore, how to effectively deal with the financial crisis of transmission is the general problems international community needs to face. Began in Americas subprime crisis broke out in August 2007, the financial turmoil rapid transfer to all corners of the earth, r

11、aising the world financial crisis. Economic globalization for financial crisis infection has provided an objective conditions for financial crisis sphere of influence spread to all fields, such as monetary market, capital market, bond market and financial derivatives markets, and other financial mar

12、kets. China as emerging economies, since the reform and opening-up rapid development of economy, also can not withstand from the subprime crisis hit. After joining the WTO, due to the policy of the objective requirements, China is constantly improve opening and degree of the scale, the currency has

13、realize part of the free convertibility, capital project also gradually open in this aspect, this is beneficial for China into the world financial system, but also for the infectious of the subprime crisis. In this case, or parts of the subprime crisis as an example for financial markets infection b

14、etween crisis carries on the discussion and analysis, and on this basis, proposes the effective policy Suggestions for China to deal with the financial crisis of infection is of great significance. This article mainly l analysis and discusses the financial crisis contagion from both theoretical and

15、empirica, and proposed policy Suggestions in this foundation against financial crises. Specifically, this paper firstly briefly introduced interaction and infect the pair relation and difference coexist concept., Interaction are catching foundation, transmission is an interactive specific form. Then gives a brief summary for domestic and foreign current research situation, mainly summarizes the financial crisis of infection mechanisms and for different types of infection mechanisms are compared. This article take the us subprime mortgage crisis



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