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1、课时作业(十六)选修模块6Unit 1Laughter is good for you限时:30分钟.语法填空1It is true that the old road is not too direct and a bit longer._,they dont like to take the new one. AThoughBSomehowCTherefore DEither2Look! Youve made the same mistake again.Oh,no,_ that mistake!AI make BIm always making CIve always made DI a

2、lways made3A new law has been passed in response _ the rare animals.Ato kill Bof killingCto killing Dfor killing4The visitors _ at the entrance of the exhibition.Agot up Bstood upCkept up Dqueued up5It suddenly _ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.Aoccur Bto occurCoccurring Doccurred6N

3、ow that this task has been finished,lets _ the next item on the list.Amove on to Bgone on continuingCmove on with Dgo on to7His father was then _ as a bus driver in the city transport company.Amoved on Bput onCtaken on Dheld on8Tom,dont _ the poor little girl and _ yourself.Do you forget the school

4、rules?Amake a joke about;performBlaugh at;conquerCmake fun of;behaveDtease;believe9She is an enthusiastic actress. She considers it a _ job to perform on the stage.Apleased BworthCworthwhile Dexcited10The girl followed _ her mothers _ and later became a teacher. Awith;footsteps B/;footstepCto;footst

5、eps Din;footsteps11Last year three university departments have been _ $700,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.Apromoted BincludedCsecured Dawarded12He didnt shout,but he just _ me silently.Alooked at Bglared atCknocked at Dwondered at13Sam was so angry that he _ the book in his ha

6、nd _.Atore;off Btore;downCtore;up Dtore;away14The children _ themselves by playing hideandseek games,full of joy.Aastonished BamusedCaroused Darose15Both _ and _ laughter do harm to your health.Aburst into tears;burst intoBto burst into tear;to burst intoCbursting into tears;bursting intoDtear;/.完形填

7、空(一)One day we visited a temple in India and a long queue of people were waiting to go inside. Some of my friends were standing in the line, while others _16_ the opportunity to drink tea, or smoke a cigarette. I was standing near a shop with my friend as he lit his cigarette when an old woman begga

8、r approached us.She asked us for one rupee to help her buy lunch but we _17_. At that moment, one of our friends called us over as our group was at the front of the queue.We had to hurry so my friend crushed his cigarette with his shoes. _18_ we were hurrying over, I overheard the woman beggar say “

9、these young men will burn more than one rupee for their bad _19_, but theyll never give that rupee to a hungry person.” I paid no attention to her and _20_ hurrying over. However once I was inside the temple, her remark _21_ in my ears. I began wondering if there was some truth to what she had said.

10、 When I came back outside, I saw the old woman _22_ standing near the shop. So I gave two rupees to her. Later that day, as we were returning to our hotel we _23_ the old woman having her lunch by the road. She was also feeding a little girl in a dirty dress. I asked her who that girl was. She repli

11、ed, “Sir, this girl is _24_ in the city and still has to learn how to beg for a rupee for her lunch from the _25_. She couldnt arrange a rupee today. I had two; therefore I bought lunch for her out of the money for my dinner.”I was astonished at her _26_. I thought again about her words and saw how

12、the cost of two cigarettes could feed the two hungry people. I threw my halfburnt cigarette away. In that moment I had the _27_ to quit smoking.16A.lost BfoundCmade Dtook17A.agreed BconsideredCrefused Dmistook18A.As BAfterCBecause DThough19A.personality BbehaviorCattitude Dhabit20A.stopped Bcontinue

13、dCstarted Drisked21A.resounded BdisappearedCweakened Darose22A.even BstillCalmost Dfinally23A.kept BcaughtCobserved Dfound24A.new BpoorCstrange Dalone25A.consumers BworkersCtourists Demployers26A.generosity BqualityCpoliteness Dfriendship27A.privilege Bstrength Copportunity Dpurpose.阅读理解When top eng

14、ineers in Germany wanted to build a more energyefficient car, they headed to the natural history museum to study dolphins and sharks. But it was the boxfish (盒子鱼)that interested them. “We were surprised when this clumsylooking fish became our model for designing an aerodynamic (空气动力学的)car”,says Thomas Weber. He is the research and development chief for the car company Daimler. An aerodynamic design reduces wind drag and increases fuel efficiency. The boxfish may look clumsy, but it can start, stop,back


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