牛津英语Unit2 Wish you were here教案

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《牛津英语Unit2 Wish you were here教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津英语Unit2 Wish you were here教案(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 Wish you were here教案Teaching aims:Learn the new words and know how the main phrases and sentences of them. And remember new words and some expressions.Teaching important points:Master the pronunciation, spelling and usage of the words.Teaching difficult points:Help the students master the usag

2、e of the new words.New words:1. adventure n. 冒险,冒险经历 adventure stories/filmse.g.1.The boy dreams of leading/ living a life full of adventure.2. He told us his amazing adventures on the lonely island.adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的,充满危险的an adventurous holiday adventurous childrenadventurer n. 冒险家2. astonishin

3、g adj.astonished adj.astonish vt astonish sb.astonishment n.(u.n) to sbs astonishment/regret/happinessIts astonishing to us that he should be absent from the meeting.It was an astonishing performance for such a young man.We were greatly astonished to see what was going on before us.3. dusty adj.dust

4、 n. (u.n) 灰尘 chalk dust4. local adj. the local news/farmerlocal knowledgen. 本地人 the locals= the local people5. campgo camping 去露营,度假be in camp 在露营中6. uncomfortable fortable adj. feel comfortablecomfort n(u.n) / vt. 舒适,安慰 ensure our comfort and safety7. actually= in fact= in reality= as a matter of f

5、act=in actual fact=actuallyactual=real adj. 实在的,真实的What were his actual words?The actual cost was much higher than we had expected.8. clothing/cloth/clothesa) clothing n.(u.n) 衣服,服装的总称clothing industry a(n) article/piece of clothing 一件衣服winter/summer clothing clothing and shelter 衣食住行protective clot

6、hing 防护服The firefighters are wearing protective clothing.The young spend more on clothing.b) cloth u.n. 表示“做衣服用的布料或特殊用途的布”She bought some cloth to make some new dresses.c) clothes 衣服类的总称,包括上衣、裤子、内衣、外衣等在内的具体的衣服。不能单独和数词连用,不能说two/three clothes,但可以说many/some/ a fewClothesWhat sort of clothes was he wear

7、ing? 他穿着什么服装?Exercises:1. How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for a girl?2. Then they handed each of us a hot wet cloth to wipe our hands.3. Put on your school clothes.4. The clothing industry in this area has been going from strength to strength.5. Food here is cheaper than in Britain. Clo

8、thing, on the other hand, is more expensive.9. in case/in case of sth. 万一,如果发生in case1. You may not need the money, but I think youd better take some just in case (you do).2. It may rain youd better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does).3. Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.4. In ca

9、se I am late, start without me.in case of sth.1. In case of rain, they cant go.2. In case of fire, break the glass.in this/that case 假如是这样/那样的话in no case 决不,无论如何都不In no case, I will go to see the teacher instead of you this time.in any case 无论如何,总之I dont see why I couldnt do it. In any case, I m goi

10、ng to try.10. upside downupside-down adj, 上下翻转过来的,乱七八糟的,毫无条理的The thief turned the house upside down.11. whatevera) 引导名词性从句,无论如何,=anything that1. Whatever can be done has been done.2. This is a school. You cant do whatever you like.3. They eat whatever they can find.b) 引导让步状语从句,无论什么,不管什么,= no matter

11、what1. Whatever happens, well meet here tonight.2. Do what you like, no matter what the others think of you.类似的用法有:whoever, whichever, whenever等1. Whoever comes will be welcomed.2. Its a long trip whichever road you take.3. However great the difficulties are, we must carry out our plan.4. She is fol

12、lowed by detectives wherever she goes.5. Whenever I hear the tune, it makes me think of you.12. including prep. 包括(某人/某物)在内1. The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.2. There are 52 students in our class , including 23 girls. (including+n/pron)=There are 52 students in our class,

13、 23 girls included. (n/pron+included)3. Detailed instructions are _ in the booklet(小册子),_ the way youget there.A. including;included B. included; includingC. including; including D. included; included13. supply v. 供给,补充, 常指大批量的供给或提供supply sb. with sth.=supply sth. to sb.n. 储备,贮藏;数量;供应(复数情况较为常见)incre

14、ase oil/ food and medical supplies 石油/事物和药品供应supply and demand 供求关系in short supply 不充裕,供应不足When food is in short supply, many child die of hunger.provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.offer sb.sth.=offer sth. to sb.14. scare vt/nscared adj.= frightened be scared of sb./sth./doing sth.be scared t

15、o do sth.Im scared of ghosts/ being attacked.Im scared to go out alone.Dont let the noise scare you, its only the wind.He scares easily. 他动不动就害怕。Vi.受惊吓,感到害怕scare sb. away/off 把吓跑give me a scare 吓了我一跳15. tiringtired be tired of sb./sth./doing sth.tire vt.使疲倦或厌倦 tire sb. out 使某人筋疲力尽16. sickfeel sickbe sick at/about sth. 对懊恼Im rather sick at failing the final exam.be sick/ tired of sb./sth.


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