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1、 Unit 4 Finding your way知识点总结一 重点词组1follow me 跟着我 2. go down 下去3be afraid 害怕 4have to 必须5go on a trip去旅行 6. north of Sunshine Middle School 在阳光中学的北面7Go straight on 径直往前走 8. lie down all day long整天躺着9. walk along the road 沿着路走 10. the kings of the animal world 动物之王11. turn left 向左拐 12. make beautiful

2、 sounds 发出美妙的声音13. make people laugh 使人们大笑 14. eat the leaves from trees 吃树上的树叶15. walk past the house 经过房子 16. cross the bridge 过桥17. traffic lights 红绿灯 18. the way to my home 去我家的路19. at Exit A 在A出口处20. prepare plenty of food and drinks 准备足够的食物和饮料二、 重要句型1, I think we have to go up again.我想我们不得不再上去

3、。 Have to意为“必须,不得不”,否定形式为dont(doesnt)have to,疑问形式为“Do (does)have to?”。如: We have to finish the work before having supper. I dont have to practice the piano on Sunday. 2. Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School阳光动物园在阳光中学的北面。“A+be +方位词+of +B”结构用于描述A地在B地的某个方向。如: The park is west of my home.公园在我

4、家的西边。注意:此种结构中方位词前不加the,而在“in/on/to the +方位词+ of”中,却要加the。如:China is in the east of Asia.中国在亚洲东部。3. They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long.它们喜欢吃竹子,整天躺着。 ( 1 )lie为不及物动词,意思是“平躺”、“位于”、“说谎”。例如: After supper he likes lying on his chair. Taiwan lies in the southeast of China. We dont like a pers

5、on who often lies.注意:lie的现在分词是lying。 2) all day long的意思是“整天”,亦可以说成all day around。类似的还有all year long/ around(全年)。例如: 类似的还有all year long/around(全年)。例如: Its not too hot or cold in Kunming all year long.4. Go straight on, and youll find the Panda House.一直往前走,你就将看到熊猫馆。(l)go on表示“继续(说做)下去”。常用结构为:go on doi

6、ng继续做(未做完的事,中间无间断),go on to do接着做(做完某事,接着干另外一件事)。如:Go on writing,please.请继续写下去。We have finished Unit 5. Lets go on to learn Unit 6.我们已经学完了第5单元,让我们继续学习第6单元。(2) straight用作副词,意为“径直;直接地”。如: They stood straight.他们站得笔直。 Walk straight on and youll see the traffic lights.一直走你将看到红绿灯。5Walk along the road沿着这条路

7、走。(1) along用作介词,意为“沿着;顺着”,相当于down 。如: The train station is along that road, on the left. (2) along用作副词,意为“向前”,常与表示运动的动词go,come,move等连用,表示向前移动。如: Come straight along here.直接到这儿来。6. Remember that theyre dangerous.记住它们是危险的。(1) remember动词,意为“记得、记住”,反义词是forget。后面可接名词和代词或从句。如:Do you remember her?你还记得她吗?Di

8、d the girl remember your name?那个女孩还记得你的名字吗? (2)remember to do sth意为“记得去做某事”,该事没做:remember doing sth意为“记得曾做过某事”,该事已做了。如: Remember to turn off the lights when you leave. I remember telling you about this.7. Cross the bridge, and youll see the elephants.过桥,你就会看到大象。 1)本句属于“祈使句+ and +简单句”的句型。它可以转成含有if条件状

9、语从句的复合句。 本句 = If you cross the bridge, youll see the elephants.如: Work hard,and you will pass the exam. = If you work d,youll pass the exam.如果你努力学习,你就会考试及格。 2) cross作动词,意为“越过;穿过;渡过”。如: Its dangerous to cross the street when the traffic can go. 3) cross用作动词,还可意为“使交叉;使相交”。如: The street crosses the rai

10、lroad tracks.这条街道与铁轨相交。8The sign is over the bench指示牌在长椅的上面。 (1) above用作介词,意为“在之上”。如: The temperature will stay above zero in the daytime. ( 2) above用作副词,意为“在上方”。如: Her bedroom is just above她的卧室就在上面。 9. Take the second turning on the right.在第二个拐角处右拐。 本句中的“take + the十序数词+ turning on the left/ right”意

11、为“在第个拐弯处向左右拐”,其同义结构为“turn left/right + at + the +序数词+ turning”。如: Walk/Go along the street, take the second turning on the left. = Walk along the street, turn left at the second turning. 沿着这条街往前走,在第二个拐弯处向左拐。10. My parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for us我的父母将为我们准备足够的食品和饮料。(1) prepare作动词

12、,意为“准备;预备”。常用短语有:prepare for sth为做好准备;prepare sth(for sb)(为某人)准备某事;prepare to do sth 准备做某事;prepare sth准备(好)。如:We must prepare the room for the meeting.我们必须为会议准备好房间。(2) plenty作名词,意为“丰富,大量,充分”,它是不可数名词,只用于肯定句中。如:-Would you like some more? 再来点儿吗?-No,thanks. I have had plenty.一谢谢,不要了,足够了。拓展plenty of意为“大量

13、,足够”,前面没有不定冠词,它既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。如;Theres plenty of time/money有充足的钱。There are plenty of books.有充足的书。11Follow me,Eddie.跟着我,埃迪。follow及物动词,意为“跟随”,其后可以接表人或事物的名词或代词作宾语。The robot follows Mr Green all也e time.这个机器人一直跟着格林先生。Tom follows his mother all day long.汤姆整天跟着他妈妈。拓展:follow的形容词是following,意为“下述的,下列的”。Wh

14、ich of the following sentences is right? 下列哪个句子是正确的12Is it far away from our school?它离我们学校近吗?be far away from意为“离很远”:其中away可以省略。His home is far away from school,他的家离学校很远。My home is not far away from the zoo.我家离动物园不远。13. How will we get there?我们将怎样到达那儿? get to意为“到达”,get there意为“到达那儿”,当后面接地点副词时,to要省略。 How can we get to the hotel?我们怎样到达旅馆? Youd better get there by bus。你最好乘公共汽车到那儿。14.dangerous形容词,意为“危险的”。 Its dangerous to play football on the road.在路上踢足球是危险的。 Dont play with fire,Its dangerous不要玩火。危险。拓展:danger名词,意为“危险”。 We will叮to help those people in danger.我们将会尽力帮助那些处在危险中的人们。



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