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1、2011高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Unit10 Frightening nature自助式复习板块知识搜索 A. 单词1.引起恐惧的;可怕的(adj.)_2.新的;刚经历的;新鲜的(adj.) _3.不可信的(adj.) _4.不舒服的(adj.) _5.飓风(n.) _6.到达;抵达(n.) _7.枕头(n.) _8.破裂(声);崩溃(n.) _9.(仪器上的)读数;阅读;读物(n.) _10.使恐惧;恐吓(v.) _11.埋葬;掩埋(v.) _12.发誓;起誓(v.) _13.立刻;马上;直接地(adv.) _答案:1.frightening2.fresh3.unbelievabl

2、e4.uncomfortable5.hurricane6.arrival7.pillow8.crash9.reading10.terrify11.bury12.swear13.immediatelyB. 短语14.使(某人)镇静_ (sb. )_15.上船(火车、汽车、飞机等)_ _16.突然地;冷不防;意外 _ _ a _ / _ at_17.同时 _ the _18.接连几个小时 _ hours _ _19.完蛋了;不行了 _ _ _20.另一个方向;相反 _ _ _21.被吓得要死 _ _ _ _22.挑选 _ _23.出路,克服困难的办法 _ _答案:14.calm down15.on

3、 board16.all of, sudden/all, once17.in,meanwhile18.for,on end19.be done for20.the other way21.be scared to death22.pick out23.way outC. 句型24. To promise is easy, while to keep a promise is not so easy.To promise is_ , to keep a promise is_ .25. Another mistake, _ you will have to rewrite it.答案:24.on

4、e thing; another25.andD. 语法26.Do you work in the lab every afternoon?No, but I wish I_ .(我希望有时间去。)27. My parents wanted me to be a doctor. But I_ .(没能做成)28.Shall I stay at home or go with you?_. (随你喜欢)29.Did you attend the lecture by the famous professor?I wish I_ , but I was in New York at that tim

5、e.(我希望有出席)答案:26.had time to27.failed to be28.As you like29.had重难聚焦重点单词要点1urge【例题】She_ he write a letter explaining why he didnt turn up at her birthday party.A. hopedB. urgedC. expectedD. supposed解析:根据从句中谓语动词write,可知从句中用了虚拟语气,write前省略了should,只有urge符合这一用法。答案:B归纳与迁移v. 敦促,力劝,强烈的要求urge sb. to do sth.urg

6、e that sb. (should) do sth.We urged her to reconsider the offer, but she refused. 我们竭力地怂恿她再一次地考虑这个提议,但她拒绝了。When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.当我的老朋友布赖恩怂恿我接受一支香烟时,我实在熬不住了。I urged that she should apologize to me at once.我要求她立即向我道歉。要点2calm【例题】Stay_ ,a

7、nd you will handle the situation successfully.A. stillB. comfortC. quietD. calm解析:句意为“如果你保持冷静,你就能成功地应对形势”。calm“冷静”。答案:D归纳与迁移 (1)平稳的,平静的the calm surface of the lake平静的湖面(2)镇静的,沉着的The President was calm throughout the global crisis.在这全球危机整个过程中,总统一直保持平静。He was calm when I told him the bad news.当我告诉他这个坏

8、消息时,他很平静。Keep calm! 安静!保持镇静!(3)v. 平静,安静calm down 使平息,使平静The crying child soon calmed down.哭闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。A warm bath will calm you.洗个热水澡,会使你平静下来的。After the storm, the air calmed. 暴风雨之后,空气变得安静了。重点短语要点1at hand【例题】He used to have a diction

9、ary close_ when he read newspapers or magazines.A. by handB. with handC. at handD. in hand解析:句意为“以前当他读报纸杂志的时候,手边常备一本字典”。at hand“在手边”;by hand“用手制作的”;in hand“在手中;在控制下”。答案:C归纳与迁移 (1)(close/near) at hand 在手边,在附近,就要到来The great day is at hand. 重大节日就要到来了。Is there any shop at hand?附近有没有商店?He lives close at

10、hand. 他就住附近。(2)in hand在手中,在控制下The Americans had thought they could have the situation well in hand. 美国人原以为可以将局面控制得很好。(3)by hand手工制作的Her sweater is knitted by hand. 她的毛衣是手工编织的。(4)hand down传给后代(=hand on, pass down)This pair of bracelets were handed down from my greatgrandmother.这副手镯是我曾祖母传下来的。(5)on the

11、 other hand另一方面I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying.我想去参加聚会,但从另一方面来说,我应该留下来学习。要点2knock about【例题】 After graduation from the college, Joe _for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his fathers business.A. knocked aboutB. knocked overC. knocked downD. kn

12、ocked off解析:句意为“乔大学毕业后,在国内无所事事一年才去他爸爸的公司上班”。knock about“漫游;流浪;放松,无所事事”。答案:A归纳与迁移know about=knock around(1)漫游;流浪;放松,无所事事He spent a few years knocking about (in) Europe.他在欧洲各地游历了几年。We spent the weekend just knocking around the house.我们这个周末就在房子里无所事事地度过的。Thats been knocking about the house for years.那东西在房子里已经闲置几年了。(2)接连打击,碰撞或粗暴对待She gets knocked about by her husband. 她经常受丈夫的虐待。The car has been knocked about a bit, but it still goes.汽车虽然受到多次碰撞,但仍能开。必背句型 要点1one thing.another (thing) .句型【例题】It is


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