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1、高二英语Module 4 The world of music外研社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: Module 4 The world of music二. 重难点讲解:(一)重点单词:1. interpret动词 v. 口译;翻译 say in one language what someone has said in another language I couldnt speak Italian so I asked Maria to interpret for me in the shop. 我不会说意大利语,所以在商店里我请玛丽亚给我翻译。 Have you got to do

2、any interpreting next week? 下周你有什么口译任务吗? 动词 v. 了解;抓到意思 understand; take the meaning to be They interpreted his silence as consent. 他们把他的沉默理解为赞同。 2. combine动词 v. 使结合 to(cause to)come together; unite; act together The acid and alkali are combined into salt. 酸与碱化合成盐。 We consider it necessary to combine

3、 theory with practice. 我们认为理论联系实际是必要的。 Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence, using the second as an attributive clause. 把下列各对句子结合成一个句子,用第二句作为定语从句。 In proteins, atoms of nitrogen are combined with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. 在蛋自质中,氮原子与碳、氢、氧原子相化合。 动词 v. 联合;混合 unite; mix Oil and wate

4、r will not combine. 油和水混合不到一块儿。 Two parties will combine to defeat the third. 两党派将联合一起以击败第三党。 What chemicals combine together to form water? 什么化学元素化合成水? The two teams combined and did very well in the sports meet. 在运动会上这两个队合并成一个队,成绩很好。 Efforts and confidence combine to make a full man. 努力与信心结合造就完人。

5、3. compose及物动词 vt. 创作(乐曲、诗歌等) make up a poem, song, etc. Bazet composed an opera called “Carmen”. 比塞特创作了一部名叫“卡门”的歌剧。 The music was composed by him. 这乐曲由他谱写而成。 及物动词 vt. 组成;构成(通常用被动式) make up(usu. in the passive)The class is composed of twelve boys and eight girls. 这个班由十二个男孩和八个女孩组成。 Japanese houses ar

6、e chiefly composed of wood. 日本人的房子主要由木头造成。 The song was composed extempore. 这个曲子是即席做成的。 The exhibition is composed of three parts. 展览会由三个部分组成。 The jury is composed of men. 陪审团由男人组成。 及物动词 vt. 控制;使镇定;使安静 get under control; calm Compose yourself before we enter. 在我们进去之前你要先镇静下来。 Compose your mind! 镇定下来!

7、 4. regulate及物动词 vt. 有系统地管理 control by rule, principle, or system Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families. 即使在管理最好的家庭,意处事故也会发生。 to regulate the traffic 管理交通 及物动词 vt. 调整 put in order; make to work properly and accurately The prices are regulated by demand and supply. 价格随着需要和供应而

8、调整。 to regulate a clock 把钟对准 5. shrink动词 v. 缩小;变小;缩短 to become smaller or shorter after washing or heating My shirt has shrunk so much after washing that I cant wear it any more. 我的衬衫洗过之后缩了很多,不能穿了。 Woolen clothes shrink in hot water. 毛料衣服在热水中会收缩的。 In bright light , the pupil shrinks. 在太亮的光线里(看东西),瞳孔

9、会收缩。 shrink back: move back, withdraw out of fear , sensitivity, etc. 退缩;畏缩 A snail shrinks back at a touch. 蜗牛一碰就缩回去了。 shrink from : withdraw from to avoid encounter, flinch from; recoil from 退避;在面前畏缩或退缩 The child shrinks from meeting strangers. 这孩子怕见陌生人。 It is a formidable task , but we are determ

10、ined not to shrink from it. 这是一个非常艰巨的任务,但是我们决不退缩。 shrink up : try to make oneself small and inconspicuous out of shyness , etc. 由于羞怯等畏缩 He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him. 每当人们的注意力集中在他身上时,他往往畏缩不前。 6. handle 名词 n. 柄;把手 the part of a thing that you hold I cant carry t

11、he bucket if the handle is broken. 提手要是坏了我就提不动这桶了。 Pick up the cup by the handle. 捏着杯柄把杯子拿起来。 They took these things by the handles. 他们握住把手把这些东西拿了起来。 His faults gave a handle to others. 他的毛病给了别人以把柄。 及物动词 vt. 触;摸;拿 touch something with the hands Dont handle that book until you wash your hands. 在拿那本书前

12、,请先洗手。 You must be careful when you handle glass. 拿玻璃时必须小心。 及物动词 vt. 管理;处理 look after something The director handles his staff well. 董事长善管人事。 The clerk handles all letters. 秘书处理所有的信件。 A child cant handle that big dog. 小孩子管不了那只大狗。 及物动词 vt. (商业)经销;买卖 buy and sell;deal in This shop handles meat and egg

13、s. 这家商店经销肉和蛋。 及物动词 vt. 操纵;驾驭 control a person or animal He knows how to handle a horse. 他懂得如何驾驭马。 7. signify及物动词 vt. 意味着,表示 The wrinkles on his face signified that he had lived a hard life. 他脸上的皱纹表示他饱受人间的辛酸。 及物动词 vt. 表示,告知 with, by signify ones satisfaction(with a nod)(点头)表明满意的意思 She signified her c

14、onsent by raising her hand. 她举手表示同意。 及物动词 vt. 表示,表明 She signified that she consented by raising her hand. 她举手表示同意。 及物动词 vt. 成为的前兆 预告 A red sunset signifies fine weather. 红红的晚霞是晴天的预兆。 及物动词 vt. 有的重要性 What does it signify? 那有多重要? 不及物动词 vi. 重要,重大 That does not signify. 那不重要;那没有什么关系。 It signifies little.= It doesnt signify much. 那没什么大不了;那没有什么关系。 8. present形容词 adj. 在场的;在的;出席的 being here; being there Every member of the club was present. 俱乐部的每个会员都出席了。 Is all the class present? 全班人都到了吗? 形容词 adj. 存在的 (be present)be or exist Oxygen is present in the air. 氧存在于空


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