人教pep 六年级下册英语Unit One.How tall are you? B.Read and write教案

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1、教学设计Unit One.How tall are you?B.Read and write教学目标:知识目标:1.能够听说认读单词:lower,shadow,smarter, become。2.能熟练应用句子:It is getting.You are older and smarter than me.You are becoming.3.能看懂故事,能完成相应的选择和填空练习。技能目标:1.能够熟练应用形容词的比较级形式,流利的朗读,表演故事。 2.能描述自己与他人的变化。3.学会抓关键词等阅读技巧。综合目标:1.运用形容词比较级比较自己与他人的变化,积极运用英语进行表达与交流。2.通过

2、本节课的学习,提高英语听说能力和阅读技巧。3.培养学生学会观察,独立思考能力及小组合作意识。教学重点:1.能够熟练应用形容词的比较级形式比较自己及他人的变化。2.故事内容的理解。教学难点: 如何在真实情境运用所学知识,敢于开口,乐于交流。教学准备: 课件、单词及句子卡片、鸭子及树的头饰、情境图。教学过程:Step One:Warm-up1.Class begin.Before our new class,lets play a game.Listen and judge.师说句子,生判断。让学生提前感知句型:It is getting.2.Spring is coming.Its beauti

3、ful.The sun is brighter.Look at the picture.Whats this?播放课件,教学单词:shadow.接着通过猜测图片引出小鸭子的影子及句型:Do you agree with.?Step Two:Presentation1.读前学生看黑板情境图,猜测故事内容Whats it about?感知句子What will happen?2.The first reading Read and circle.(1) Choose a title for the story.A. Little ducks shadow B. Old trees shadow(2

4、) Who is younger?A. The tree B. The duck(3)When is the ducks shadow longer?A. In the morning B. In the afternoon核对答案(1)title标题pay attention to shadow.从文中找到相关句子。学生书写标题,师贴标题,领读。第(2)小题:找到句子,领读You are older and smarter than me.So the duck is younger than the tree.讲解单词smarter.接着师联系生活问If you have difficul

5、ties,what should you do?Or if you have questions,who will you ask? Why?师举例启发学生思考。并重复练习单词smarter.第三小题:讲解第一段,go down 及句子It is getting .含义。 句中 “lower and lower”表示“越来越低”。“比较级+ and +比较级”的意思是“越来越” 看课件,练说句子In the afternoon,the sun is getting lower and lower,the shadow is getting longer and longer.How about

6、 in the morning?看课件,扩展句子练习。1.The second reading:Little duck is watching the sun go down.He has a question to ask.What does little Duck ask? Whats old trees answer?组织学生进行第二遍阅读并用下划线标出重点句子。师核对答案,对关键句子进行点拨。(1) Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?解释:“when”的意思不是“什么时候”,而是“当时候”。Can you read like

7、 a duck?学生模仿鸭子语气读句子。 (2)找到老树答案,并模仿老树语气读句子,学习grow older/taller ,become含义,师讲解You are becoming a big beautiful bird .告诉学生鸭子也属于鸟类。5.Read the story again and finish the dialogue.Little Duck: Old Tree, the sun gets _, but my shadow gets _ . Why ?Old Tree:Thats easy. Your shadow gets longer because you are

8、 getting _ and growing _every day.Little Duck: So what will happen to me ?Old Tree:Well, .核对答案,加深理解。6.Listen and repeat.Then act out the story分角色表演.7.Work in groups and solve the difficulties. (小组合作)(1)Do you agree with Old Tree? Why ?(2)Can you answer Little Ducks question? Whats your answer? 核对答案。

9、(1)No,I dont. The duck cant grow much taller in one afternoon.Then getting shorter in the morning.(2)正确答案,播放课件理解。If When the sun is lower, the sun angle(太阳高度角) is getting smaller so the shadow is getting longer. Its a natural phenomenon.启发学生思考Why does old tree answer like that?8.师根据watch,ask,answer,

10、复述故事内容.Little duck is watching the sun go down. He has a question to ask: “Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?” Old tree says, “Thats easy, little duck .Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller . You are becoming a big beautiful bird.”联系生活理解If we watch,ask and think more,

11、we are getting smarter and smarter.Step Three .Practice1.Were growing up every day.Were changing too.师讲述自己变化,姚明变化.呈现核心句型 .getting . , because . . becoming. 练写Write and report.生展示,汇报。2.Weve changed every day.When we look things in different ways,we think differently and get different answer.拓展:Who is

12、 right?One kid says:In the morning, the sun is nearer because the sun looks bigger.The other says:No, the sun is nearer at noon because it is hotter then.生答。Why?You can thing about it and get answer after class.1.情感渗透:Its never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。起立齐读。Step Four:Homework1.Try to retell the story.2.Think and ask,try to find the answer.Class is over.Goodbye.板书设计:Unit One How tall are you?Little Ducks shadowWatch _Ask_ Answer_ think_ smarterIt is getting+形容词比较级+and +形容词比较级You are becoming.另一侧贴阅读情境图,学生变化report


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