2020届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land课堂作业 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 2Working the land.单项填空1The boy lay on his back,his teeth _ and his glaring eyes _.Aset;lookedBset;lookingCsetting;lookedDsetting;looking2People are struggling_ pollution.AforBagainstCtoDon3It is often said that _ teachers have _ very easy life.A/;/B/;aCthe;/Dthe;a4May I open the window to let i

2、n some fresh air?_ACome on.BTake care.CGo ahead!DHold on!5He expanded_ his new theory.AinBintoCaboutDon6Susan wanted to be independent from her parents.She tried _ alone,but she didnt like it and moved back home.AlivingBto liveCto be livingDhaving lived7.You were brave enough to raise objections at

3、the meeting.Well,now I regret_ that.Ato doBto be doingCto have been doneDhaving done8Anything to say about the latest talk between the two countries?_ANo comment!BNothing to say.CI beg your pardon?DGo ahead.9The factory is equipped_ modern machinery and _ the most recent techniques.Awith;usesBon;usi

4、ngCby;useDinto;to use10Its acknowledged that the traffic accident was largely_ the drivers carelessness.Abecause ofBdue toCthanks toDwith a result of11For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill_ my own business someday.Aturn upBfix upCset upDmake up12Some studies even suggest t

5、hat playing more_ bigger brains that are_ at reasoning and learning.Arefers to;goodBturns to;betterCsticks to;goodDleads to;better13If your wages are small,youll be free _ income tax.AwithBaboutCtoDof14_ in your class?AWhom do you think is the tallest studentBDo you think who is the tallest studentC

6、Who do you think is the tallest studentDWho you think is the tallest student15He will come tomorrow.But Id rather he _ the day after tomorrow.Awill comeBis comingCcameDhad come.阅读理解Two years ago,the Funk family of suburban Chicago adopted a Chinese baby girl who had been abandoned on a sidewalk near

7、 a textile factory in Yangzhou.Last year,the Ramirez family of suburban Miami adopted a girl who had been abandoned a week later on the same spot.Both families named their daughters Mia.It turns out,a first name and Chinese heritage arent the only things the threeyearolds have in common.The girls mo

8、thersHolly Funk and Diana Ramirezmet on a website for parents who had gone through international adoptions.After a lot of emails comparing photographs and biographical details,DNA testing proved the families suspicions: The girls are probably fraternal twins.“I was in shock,” said Ramirez,who lives

9、with her husband Carlos in Pembroke Pines,Florida.“Well,now this is for real.”The Internet and Web groups revolving around international orphanages are increasingly being used to link adopted children with biological kin(亲属)The site that Funks and Ramirezes used has a membership of 137 people,with 1

10、5 sets of twins and 7 sets of siblings whose relationships have been confirmed.At a reunion at Chicagos OHare International Airport,Mia Diamond Funk and Mia Hanying Ramirez shyly surveyed each other,and then reached for each others hand.DNA tests establish an 85 percent probability that the girls ar

11、e at least halfsisters.Scientists do not have a biological parent to test and reach a greater certainty,but given their ages and physical similarities,experts say it is likely they are fraternal twins.Douglas and Holly Funk hope to bring their Mia to Miami in October.Both sets of parents say they ar

12、e committed to staying in touch and often let the two sisters talk to each other on the phone.16Both the adopted girls shared a first name _.Abecause they both came from ChinaBbecause of their physical similaritiesCbecause their US parents suspected they were twinsDfor no good reason17Why did the gi

13、rls mothers meet on the Internet?ATo compare photographs of the two girls.BTo find the girls biological kin.CTo test their suspicions.DTo know how to adopt children.18Experts are still not 100 percent sure that the two girls are fraternal twins because _.ADNA tests are still not accurate enoughBthe

14、two girls were born in two different familiesCthe DNA of a biological parent is still missingDone girl was born a week later than the other19What Ramirez said in Paragraph 4 suggests that she _.Adidnt believe what had happenedBwas surprised at what had happenedCdidnt want to accept the factDwas pleased with what they had done20What would be the best title for the passage?AAdopted Sisters Are ReunitedBAdopted Sisters Live Happily in the USCSuspicion Turned into RealityDThe Stories of


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