大学英语四级标准听力2原文 答案

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1、 12 the money now 46 答案答案 But Congress and President dealing with a nation s financial crisis refused the servicemen s request Main points But Congress and President solving a nation s financial crisis refused the soldiers demand 标准听力 二 听力原文及答案解析标准听力 二 听力原文及答案解析 Listening Comprehension Section A 11

2、W What do you think of my new hat M I m sure you ll never need to bring an umbrella with you wearing it And besides do you think the color is right for your age Q What does the man mean 听前预测听前预测 由The woman should可知 男士的话为听音重点 解解 析析 选 B 男士的话do you think the color is right for your age 你认为帽子的颜色 适合你的年龄吗

3、 为听音重点 反问表示相反的意思 由此可知 男士认为帽子的颜色不合 适 故答案为 B you ll never need to bring an umbrella with you wearing it说明帽子太大 12 W Tom where were you yesterday evening I expected to see you at the concert M Oh I waited for you at the corner of your street Then I looked for you at your flat but the house keeper said y

4、ou were out Q Why didn t they meet that evening 听前预测听前预测 由选项中的They waited went different places times等可知 本题可能考查They 错过 在音乐会 见面的原因 解解 析析 选 B 由对话中女士提到的I expected to see you at the concert和男士提到的I waited of your street可知 双方在不同的地方等对方 故答案为 B 13 M You ve been at university for over a year Have you had any

5、problems adjusting to campus life W Well you know we all have our ups and downs but none to speak of Q What does the woman mean 听前预测听前预测 根据意思过于绝对的选项往往不是答案的命题规律 首先排除 A 由She has hasn t 可知 女士的话为听音重点 解解 析析 选 B 女士的话have our ups and downs but none to speak of为听音重点 B 是 对女士的话的同义转述 故为答案 ups and downs意为 盛衰 浮沉

6、 在此指problems none nothing to speak of意为 不值一提 13 14 W Everyone seems to be on a diet Have you noticed that M Yes a neighbor of mine is on a banana diet She eats one banana for breakfast one for lunch and two for dinner yet she doesn t look any thinner Q What do we learn about the man s neighbor 听前预测听

7、前预测 由选项中的Her diet gained lost weight等可知 对话与She的减肥有关 解解 析析 选 A 由对话中男士提到的she doesn t look any thinner 她看起来没变瘦 可知 男士这位邻居的节食没有效果 A 是对男士的话的同义转述 故为答案 on a diet意为 节 食 15 M Some people think that walking is better for their health In my opinion swimming is more fun W But if John had his way he would spend a

8、ll of his life playing tennis Q What does the woman say about John 听前预测听前预测 由选项中的He prefers likes可知 对话与He的喜好有关 解解 析析 选 B 对话中女士提到spend all of his life playing tennis 把一生都用在打网球 上 B 是对该句的同义转述 故为答案 听清问题中的John是解题的关键 16 W Do you think you ll recognize Carl when you see him M Yes I think so I haven t seen

9、him since he was sixteen but he won t have changed all that much Q What does the man say about Carl 听前预测听前预测 由选项中的Carl changed be recognized等可知 对话与Carl的变化有关 解解 析析 选 A 对话中男士提到he won t have changed all that much 他不会变化那么大 A 是对该句的同义转述 其中的a lot对应all that much 故答案为 A 17 W The supermarket down the street i

10、s selling everything half price because they are going out of business M Sounds like an ideal time to stock up on coffee Tell you what how about we go there after class Q What does the man mean 听前预测听前预测 根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个可能是答案的命题规律 答案锁定在 A 和 C 之间 解解 析析 选 A 对话中男士提到an ideal time to stock up on coffee 是大量

11、买咖啡的好时 机 A 与此意思一致 故为答案 B 中的stack up 堆放 是对stock up 备货 存货 在音上 的干扰 18 W You Americans are funny It seems as if you were married with cars M Yeah I guess that s true The country is becoming one big highway I was reading that there are about 4 million miles of roads and highways in this country now Q Wha

12、t are they talking about 听前预测听前预测 由选项均为名词或名词词组且概括性强可知 本题考查对话的话题 解解 析析 选 B 对话中女士提到It seems as if you were married with cars 你们好像跟车结 了婚 男士回答时提到Yeah B 的heavy dependence on cars与married with cars对应 故为 答案 14 Now you will hear the two long conversations Conversation One 听前预测听前预测 预览四道题各选项 由vote candidates

13、election process等可推知 对话可能与 投票选举有关 W I m going to leave work early today There s a debate this evening at 6 o clock So I m going to get an early dinner and head over there M Who s debating about what W The two candidates for the states senate are going to answer questions from reporters The Daily New

14、s is sponsoring the event Members of the audience will also have a chance to ask questions so maybe I ll speak too M Oh so you re interested in politics Are you helping one of them W No I just want to learn more about the candidates so I can make an informed decision M Well I don t think I ll be vot

15、ing so I guess I won t bother with that W Why aren t going to vote M Oh My one vote doesn t matter W Sure it does M Well besides that I don t think any of the politicians these days represent my ideas I d like to see the government support guaranteed loans for people who start small businesses I ve

16、wanted to open my own bakery for years and I can t get a loan W You know what That s one of the issues they ll probably discuss tonight One of the candidates wants tax breaks for large companies He says that will create more jobs The other candidate owns a restaurant She wants to start programs to promote more small businesses M Hmm What do you know Maybe I should show up there myself Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19 Why is the woman going to the debate 解析解



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