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1、黑龙江省齐齐哈尔八中2018-2019学年高一英语上学期期中文理分班考试试题(满分100分 时间90分钟)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷 (非选择题) 两部分。第 卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ALast Friday after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted to have a rest before catching the train. So I bought a newspa

2、per and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shopthat was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.When I came back with the coffee, there was

3、someone in the next seat. It was one of those wild-looking youngsters with dark glasses, wornclothes and hair coloured bright red at the front. But I wasnt surprisedat such a young man. What did surprise me most was that hed started to eat my chocolate!Naturally, I was quite uneasyabout that. Howeve

4、r, to avoid trouble, I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bitof chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of chocolate. I could hardly believe it .Still I didnt dare to start an argument. When he took a third piece, I felt more

5、 angrythan uneasy. I thought.“Well, I shall have the last piece”and I got it.The boy gave me a strange look, and then stood up. As he left, he shouted out“This woman is crazy!”Everyone stared at me. That was embarrassingenough. But it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My fa

6、ce went redas red as his hairwhen I realized I had made a mistake.It wasnt my chocolate that he had been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my newspaper. I thought I owed the boy an apology.1.Why did the author go into the station coffee shop?A.To wait for her husband. B.To have a rest for

7、 a while.C.To buy her husband food. D.To sell some newspapers.2.How did the boy behave when the author started to eat a bit of chocolate?A.He went away with anger. B.He had an argument with her.C.He tasted his coffee happily. D.He had a close look at her.3.What can we infer from the text ?A.The boy

8、forgave the author at last. B.The author had good manners.C.The author was being careless. D.The boy mistakenly ate the chocolate.4.How did the author feel about the boy at last?A.Sorry. B.Thankful. C.Angry. D. Pleased.BIn choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you stu

9、dy. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather friends.They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities (品质) of character, esp

10、ecially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).I look for understanding in a friend, which I think is of great importance. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other persons plac

11、e, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults (过错) in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.Another quality of a friend is reliabili

12、ty. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A spec

13、ial friend is someone with whom we can have fun.We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of hum

14、or, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me. When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know Ive found a friend!5. Which of the following qualities the writer thinks is greatly i

15、mportant in choosing a friend?A. understanding. B. honesty. C. reliability. D. a sense of humor.6. If you have fair weather friends, _. A. they will give you all that they have when you need help B. you will be refused when you get into trouble C. you will become rich D. you can be sure that you get real friends7. This passage mainly discuss_. A. the qualities of a friend B. where to choose friends C. how to get along with friends D. the importance of having a friend CMore than 2,400 years ago, a sickness struck Athens. The disease is said to have killed up to one t


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