高中英语 Unit 4《Body Language》同步练习17 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 4 Body language.单项填空1Work hard,dear.With your work done,you will feel much_.Aat easeBout of workCin peace Das usual2This is a new_to language teaching,which can stimulate students interest to learn the language.Aapproach BmeansCmethod Dway3The kids seated themselves_to the teacher and listened_

2、with great interest.Aclosely;close Bclosely;closelyCclose;closely Dclose;close4The_on his face told me that he wasnt satisfied with my answer.Aimpression BsightCappearance Dexpression5People are encouraged to speak openly,but careless words are_to hurt others feelings.Apossible BprobableClikely Dsur

3、e6_,most teenagers now listen to rock music.However,John likes classical music better.AIn a word BIn generalCIn time DIn total7The students entered the classroom,smiling and_,and_down to have their lessons.Atalked;sat Btalking;sittingCtalking;sat Dtalked;sitting8Do tell me the ways you think of_the

4、problem as soon as possible.Ato solve BsolvingCsolve Dbeing solved9The murderer reached_his gun,and then shot at the man.Afor BoutCin Dof10Hi,Peter.Long time no see.Oh,its you,Jack.Im sorry I didnt _you at first.Aknow BrecognizeCremember Drealize11Tyron was very angry,but coolheaded enough to_rushin

5、g into the bosss office.Aprevent BavoidCprotect Dallow12You dont look quite yourself today.Whats the matter?Well,Im suffering from a cold.Nothing serious,_.Aindeed BanywayCthough Dyet13When crossing the street,you should always_the traffic.Awatch Bwatch outCwatch for Dwatch out for14_different kinds

6、 of pianos,the factory is sure they can satisfy peoples needs.ATo produce BBeing producedCProduced DHaving produced15Smoking is one of the_causes of cancer,killing millions of people each year.Amajor BsimilarCcommercial Dchemical.阅读理解(2020年安徽名校联考三,C)American teens are setting an example for their pa

7、rents through their volunteer work,according to the Harris Interactive poll conducted in the United States between Jan.29 and Feb.2 among 2,003 adults.The random national telephone survey released this week by the Federal Waybased charity World Vision found that more teens volunteer to support a cha

8、ritable (慈善的) cause56 percentthan have a parttime job39 percent.Parents and guardians said 82 percent of the teens in their lives do something to support charitable causes,including volunteering,recruiting others to a cause,wearing a Tshirt or donating money.Fortysix percent of the adults surveyed s

9、aid they volunteered their time and they also inspired their children to volunteer.Sara Johnson,a teacher who advises students at a private school in a Chicago suburb,says shes seen a rise of teen involvement in social causes since President Barack Obama was elected in November.The Harris Interactiv

10、e survey found a quarter of teens have become more involved in charitable causes or organizations as a result of the economic downturn,but the economy has also led to cuts in allowances,and has teens work more hours at a paying job.Alynn Woodson,director of volunteer engagement at Habitat for Humani

11、ty International,said she has noticed a new enthusiasm among teen volunteers for the organization.Habitat for Humanity International celebrates the 20th anniversary of its alternative spring break program this year and is expecting more than 12,000 young people to help build homes for lowincome peop

12、le around the nation.1The following statements about the teens voluntary work are true EXCEPT_.Athe economic downturn led teens to work less hours at paying jobsBthe poll was done at the end of January and the early FebruaryCchildren do more voluntary work than their parentsDmore teens are involved

13、in charitable causes or organizations2We can infer from the passage that_.Aparents and guardians encourage their children to do voluntary workBvolunteers all wear Tshirts while doing charity workCmore teens are doing paying jobs as a result of the economic downturnDless teens were enthusiastic about

14、 voluntary work before Obama came into power3The author mentioned Habitat for Humanity International in order to prove_.Athat homes for lowincome people will be built around the nationBAlynn Woodson is the director of volunteer engagementCmore young people are doing volunteer workDits 20 years since Habitat for Humanity International came into being4Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AMore teens doing voluntary workBTeens setting examples for parents in charitable causesCComments on teens voluntary workDThe 20th



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