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1、江西省重点中学协作体2017届高三英语下学期第一次联考试题(扫描版)江西省重点中学协作体2017届高三第一次联考英语参考答案英语听力材料Text 1W: Will you please help me? Ive lost my keys and I cant get into my apartment.M: Well send someone over right away to change your lock and give you a new set of keys, maam.Text 2M: Do you know somewhere new and different for o

2、ur vacation?W: We have been to Canada and Mexico so many times. How about Singapore? The street food there is supposed to be fantastic.M: Great!Text 3W: Why are you all wet?M: I didnt bring my umbrella with me. The weather forecast said it would be sunny today.W: But you could see big black clouds t

3、his morningText 4W: I think I want to study abroad next year. Where should I go?M: Well, would you like to go to Europe, North America, or to another continent?Text 5M: Look up there! Its a rainbow!W: Nothere are two of them! This is a lucky day! We have a super weekend.Text 6W: Hey, can I borrow yo

4、ur car tomorrow?M: I dont know Why do you need it?W: Lucy and I will go shopping together. Ill pick her up.M: I see. Well, Ill give you the car as long as you promise to fill it with gas before you bring it home.W: OK. No problem.M: The key is on the desk in my room.W: You are a great brother! Thank

5、 you so much. Ill go and get it!Text 7M: Help me write an ad.W: For what?M: I need to earn some extra money during school. I want to start giving music lessons.W: I didnt know you played an instrument.M: I play the guitar pretty well. Anyway, lets get started. Ill talk, and you write.W: UmM: OK. Wri

6、te down that a handsome, charming young man is willing to give guitar lessons for forty dollars an hourW: Handsome? Charming? This isnt an online dating site. And youre charging too much. Youre only a college student, not a professional musician. You should be charging half that.M: OK, how about thi

7、rty dollars an hour, then? Usually, lessons are only half an hour at a time. So, I wont be making much money at all if I charge less than that.W: I see your point.Text 8W: Son, its time you decided on a course of study. Youve been in college for almost two years. Havent you decided what you want to

8、do with your life?M: Thats the big question, Mom. And I havent had any idea yet. But I have been thinking hard about what I want to study. I think I should study chemistry. The major will look good on applications if want to apply to medical school. Itll also look good on job applications if I decid

9、e to join a big company after I graduate. I could work for a company that makes medicine. Or I could become an artist.W: Wait a minutedid you say you want to become an artist? We arent sending you to art schoolM: I didnt say that. But if I did want to be an artist, studying chemistry might be useful

10、. Right now, Im learning about some famous painters who studied chemistry. Some of them created their own paints, using what they learned in their chemistry courses.W: Youre worrying me, Daniel. I think I need to give your dad a phone callText 9M: Hey, Marcia. How do you like your new job?W: Its gre

11、at. Im working on some really interesting projects with some smart people.M: Glad to hear it. Are you still in the IT industry?W: No. I am working in a totally new industry for me education.M: Are you a teacher?W: No. I work in the admissions office of Georgia Tech. I wanted to work in an internatio

12、nal environment. My job lets me work with people of all ages from around the world.M: How long have you been there?W: Only about six months. But so far, so good. Hows your job?M: Same old thing. I dont hate being a lawyer, but I dont love it. After listening to you, I am thinking about switching car

13、eers, too. But Ive been doing this for so long nearly six years.W: Its never too late to do something you love.M: Do you have any advice?W: Well, you should try to volunteer on any projects you can to gain some experience in that field. That way, you will look better to potential employers.M: Thats

14、a good idea!Text 10An elderly woman made a legal claim against a department store yesterday because it had wrongly accused her of stealing a greeting card. Doss White, 72 years old, is asking $3000 in damages from the store for wrongful arrest.Mrs. White visited the store while doing some shopping,

15、but she did not buy anything. She was followed through the town by a store manager. He had been told that a customer saw her take a card and put it in her shopping bag. He stopped her at a bookstore as she was reading a book. Mrs. White said, “This man, a total stranger, suddenly grabbed my bag and

16、asked if he could look in it.” She was taken back to the store and put in a small room in full view of the other shoppers for 20 minutes until the police arrived. At the police station, she was body-searched, but nothing was found. Her lawyer said that the department store sent her an apology, but they insisted that she may hav


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