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1、辽宁省师大附中2018-2019学年高一英语下学期6月模块考试试题(无答案)考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分 第 卷 选择题(共65分) 一、阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题,每小题2.5分,共25分) AWhen traveling to a different country, your safest bet is to limit gestures as much as possible. However , you may find that your gestures happen out of habit. Understanding appropriate ge

2、sture of the country youre visiting may prevent you from communicating the wrong message.Gestures in BrazilMuch like the Italian culture, a Brazilian snaps his fingers (打响指) and uses exaggerated (夸张的) hand movements when emphasizing a statement. The sense of warmth and friendliness with each other i

3、s shown through the gesture of eye contact when communicating and standing close together in lineups or when talking to each other. Communicating a greeting is more than the gesture of a handshake, but also involves the touch of the forearm.Gestures in China You communicate a greeting in china with

4、the gesture of a slight nod and bow. To communicate respect , you keep your head lowered. In china , the gesture of standing close during a conversation prevents having to communicate in a raised voice. A person will communicate her surprise during a conversation with the gesture of breathing in air

5、 loudly, rather than a loud outburst.Gestures in IndiaGestures used in India are representative of its traditional culture. In India, the gesture of holding out the hand to communicate giving or receiving must be done with the right hand as a person in India uses her left hand for washing. The gestu

6、re of communicating respect at a religious ceremony is done by removing your shoes. The proper way of communicating direction is to use either the whole hand or by using your chin(下巴). The proper form of communicating a greeting is to press the palms together with fingers upward and say, “Namaste”.1

7、. The passage is mainly about_.A. something traveling tips for visitors B. the advantage of using body languageC. some gestures in different culture D. the comparison between gestures 2. In china people stand close while talking simply to _.A. avoid a loud voice B. show their surpriseC. communicate

8、a greeting D. express their respect3. In India, a proper gesture of greeting is _.A. touching the forearm B. keeping your head loweredC. shaking hands with the left hand D. pressing the palms together upwardBLast night, I had the misfortune of eating at The BurgerShack. What I had hoped to be a roma

9、ntic anniversary dinner for my wife Gladys and I turned out to be a very disappointing dining experience. I began to have my doubts the moment we walked inside. The dining room itself was clean, but the decoration was far too gaudy(花哨的) for my tastes. Multicolored images of clowns and large cartoon

10、animals were stuck on almost every single wall. The tables were a bright lime green(橙绿). It certainly did not look like the romantic restaurant that I was hoping for, but I am not one to judge a book by its cover.Glaudy and I stood for what seemed like an hour waiting to be seated, but not a single

11、employee even glanced our way. Finally , we decided to just locate a table on our own. Although the restaurant was fairly crowded, we were able to find a table in the back. We took our seats and waited for a member of the staff to bring us menus. An unbearable amount of time passed and there was sti

12、ll no sign of a waiter or waitress. Perhaps noticing our frustration, a customer sitting at the table next to us informed us that there were no waiters. Instead, we had to place our orders at the front of the restaurant and then bring our own food back to the table.No waiters? Who came up with the i

13、dea? What is the purpose of dining out if you have to get up and serve yourself? I was about to storm out, but my wife calmed me down.Eventually , Glaudy volunteered to get the food for us. Somehow, I did manage to eat six of the hamburgers, but the seventh proved far too greasy(油腻的) for my liking.

14、The chocolate milk shake that they offered for dessert was acceptable, but the cup it came in was very small. Overall, the BrugerShacks combination of dreadful decoration, nonexistence service, and disappointing food make it a place to avoid. I certainly hope we will find a better place to celebrate

15、 our 51st anniversary next year!4.What does the author think of the decoration of the BurgerShack?A. excellent B. ordinary C. dull D. terrible5 When the author found The BurgerShack had no waiters, he_.A. was quite angry B. volunteered to get the foodC. decided to locate a table D. was very curious6.What do we know about the BurgerShack?A. It was very famous for its style B. It was a self-service restaurantC. It had a quiet environment inside D. It was crowded with dining tables CMany traffic jams leave drivers puzzled as they finally reach the end of a tail-back to f



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