2020届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 综合强化系列(十五)

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《2020届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 综合强化系列(十五)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 综合强化系列(十五)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020;2020届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料综合强化系列(十五)一、 单项选择1. The small mountain village where you took part in the summer camp last year lies in is now part of Shanxi.A. where B. that C. what D. which2. The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than in the newspaper.A. those B. thatC. any D. one3.

2、Even a reasonable income doesnt these days, with the prices rising all the time.A.go ahead B. go aboutC. go farD. go without4. -Isnt that position occupied?-Not yet, but you must know that our job is very demanding.-_. Ill try my best.A. My pleasure B. I dont mind C. Dont mention it D. Thats all rig

3、ht5. The idea for the new plan came to his mind, to his experiment in the lab.A. while devotingB. while devoting himselfC. while he was devoted D. while devoted6. Across the Yangtze River more than one bridge, the Nanjing Changjiang Bridge being the first one.A.lay B. lie C. lies D. laid7. -Im here

4、almost half an hour. How come it _you so long?-Sorry, honey!I had to drive two blocks before I spotted a place to park the car.A. takes B. took C. has taken D. had taken8. I cant wait to go to your party. my friend Susan come?Of course. She is always welcome.A. Shall B. Should C. Will D. Must9. You

5、dont like the new fashion of my hair style, do you?. I like it better I look at it.A. Yes; since B. No; as C. No; thanD. Yes; the more10. -Do you really mean to prepare our lecture two months in advance?-Sure.Anyway, _A.a good beginning is half done B. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushC. a

6、 fall into a pit, a gain in your wit D. the early bird catches the worm11. May I go to play football with Dick now, Dad?No, you cant go out your work is being done.A. before B. until C. as D. after12. Among the most important questions the journalists wanted was “How to keep the present economic gro

7、wth without causing damage to the environment?”A. to answer B. being answered C. answered D. answering13. Johnson is a warm-hearted lawyer in our community, _we often consult about legal issues.A. who B. which C. that D. where14. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, a

8、sudden loud noise.A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been15. Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure .A. than more on efficiency B. and more efficiencyC. and more on efficiency D. than efficiency二、 阅读理解AIf you travel to a new ex

9、hibit at the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers, you will have chances to see some meat-eating plants. Take bladderworts, a kind of such plant, for example. They appear so small and grow in a quiet pond. But these are the fastest known killers of the plant kingdom, able to capture a small insect

10、in 1/50 of a second using a trap door!Once the trap door closes on the victim, the enzymes(酶) similar to those in the human stomach slowly digest the insect. When dinner is over, the plant opens the trap door and is ready to trap againMeat-eating plants grow mostly in wet areas with soil that doesnt

11、 offer much food value. In such conditions, these amazing plants have developed insect traps to get their nutritional needs over thousands of years. North America has more such plants than any other continentGenerally speaking, the traps may have attractive appearance to fool the eye, like pitcher p

12、lants, which get their name because they look like beautiful pitchers (a container like a bottle) full of nectar(花蜜)The Asian pitcher plant, for example, has bright colors and an attractive half closed lid. Curious insects are tempted to come close and take a sip, and then slide down the slippery(光滑

13、的) slope to their deathsHair like growths along the pitcher walls ensure that nothing cab escape, and the digestive enzymes can get to work. A tiny insect can be digested in a few hours, but a fly takes a couple of daysSome of these pitchers are large enough to hold two gallons. Meat-eating plants o

14、nly eat people in science fiction movies, but sometimes a bird or other small animals will discover that a pitcher plant isnt a good place to get a drink16. From the first paragraph, we can know that bladderworts can A. capture 50 small insects in a secondB. capture an insect in the shortest timeC.

15、be found floating on a quiet lakeD. digest an insect in 1/50 of a second17. If the trap door of a meat-eating plant is closed, the plant A. is fooling insects into taking a sipB. is producing nectarC. is tempting insects to come closeD. is enjoying a dinner18. Meat-eating plants can grow in wet and poor soil because they A. can get nutrition from animalsB. dont need much f


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