2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 2训练案课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 2训练案课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 2训练案课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 2训练案课件 (新版)人教新目标版(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period2训练案 课本P45 P46 Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere 一 单项填空 1 Thehospitalisn tfar theshop A ofB fromC withD for 2 Thereisadesk theclassroom A nextB betweenC frontofD inthefrontof B 能力阶梯 D 3 Isthereapayphoneneartheshop A Yes itisB Yes thereisC Yes theyareD No thereis B 能力阶梯 4 I mgoingtoBeijingnextwee

2、k Ihopeyoucan A haveabadtripB tohaveagoodtripC haveagoodtripD havingagoodtrip C 能力阶梯 5 Thankyouverymuch Eric A I msorryB NoproblemC HereyouareD Idon tknow B 能力阶梯 6 Look somejuiceintheglass A ThereisB ThereareC TherehaveD Therehas 7 isthepayphone It sonCenterStreet A WhatB WhenC HowD Where A 能力阶梯 D 8

3、 Myhouseis theshop A toB throughC acrossfromD pass 9 Whyareyoustandingthere Maggie Ican tseetheblackboardclearly Twotallboysaresitting me A behindB infrontofC besideD nextto C 能力阶梯 B 10 GuangdongisinthesouthofChinaandHebeiisinthe A eastB southC westD north D 能力阶梯 二 根据所给中文写出适当的单词 11 Youcango 沿着 Bridg

4、eStreet 12 Johnsitsonmy 右边 intheclassroom 13 Whenyouareatthefirst 十字路口 youcanfindthehospital 能力阶梯 along right crossing 14 Pleaseopenyourbooksand 翻 toPage20 15 Wedon tusuallyuseour 左边 handstowrite 能力阶梯 turn left 三 完成句子 16 一直往前走 在第一个十字路口向右拐 银行就在你的左边 Godownandturnright Thebankis 17 公园紧挨着银行 Theparkis th

5、ebank atthefirstcrossing 能力阶梯 onyourleft nextto 18 在北街上有饭店吗 arestaurant NorthStreet 19 劳驾 付费电话在哪里 在邮局后面 Where sthe Isthere 能力阶梯 on Excuseme payphone 20 有一棵大树在房子的前面 Thereisabigtree thehouse infrontof 能力阶梯 四 阅读理解 注意每次都以A处作为出发点 能力阶梯 21 Walkupthestreetandturnleftatthefirstcrossing Thenturnleftagainatthe

6、nextcrossing The isafewmetersonyourleft A bankB collegeC postofficeD shop C 能力阶梯 22 Walkupthestreetonlyafewmeters Takethefirstturningonthe Thebankisonyourleft A leftB rightC roadD mountain B 能力阶梯 23 Walkupthestreetandturnrightatthe turning Thebusstopisonyourrighthalf waydownthisstreet A firstB secon

7、dC thirdD fourth B 能力阶梯 24 Takethefirstturningontheright Thenturnleftatthefirstcrossingandwalkupthestreet The isontherightjustafterthesecondcrossing A houseB bankC butcher sD cinema D 能力阶梯 25 Turnrightfirst Thenturnleft Walkupthisstreetandturnleftatthethirdcrossing The ishalf waydownthestreetonthele

8、ft A shopB bankC cinemaD mosquehouse A 能力阶梯 五 短文填空 SunandLindaarefriendsandtheyliveclosetoeachother Theylive26 CenterStreet Theyusually27 toschoolbycar Theypass 经过 asupermarket apark28 abank Thebankis29 tothesupermarket on in 能力阶梯 go and next Amygoestoschoolbybus It30 herabout20minutes Shepassesabankandapostoffice Thebankis31 fromthepostoffice Marygoestoworkby32 Sherides 骑车 pastsomeshopsandahotel takes 能力阶梯 across bike Theshops33 betweenthepostofficeandthepark 34 hotelisinfrontofthepark Thereisapay35 nearthehotel Allthesestudentsliveinabusyneighborhood are 能力阶梯 The phone 谢谢观看


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