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1、考前夺分-英语写作典型句必背(原创)山东宁阳二中 张清勇1. At present, a great many students prefer to communicate with each other online by using Martian, a code-like lanuage.眼下,许多学生喜欢在网上用“火星文进行交流。”2. Critics accuse that if short messages are out of control,we cant ensure the taste of the programmes. T0 make matters worse,som

2、e adolescents are so addicted to short messages that too much time and energy are wasted反对者指责说,如果短信控制不当。我们就不能确保节目的品味。更糟糕的是,一些青少年对短信如此上瘾以致于浪费大量的时间和精力。3In my opinion,the short message is typical of information technology,which appeals to the need of the young people,but it is a powerful tool that need

3、s to be used with care我认为短信是迎合了年轻人需要的信息技术的代表,但它又是一种需要谨慎使用的强有力的工具。 4. We are living in a time when the Internet developing at a great speedWith the development of the Internet,many countries have improved not only their economy but also their peoples living conditions 我们生活在英特网飞速发展的年代。随着它的发展,很多国家的经济和人

4、民的生活条件得到了改善。5Asfar as Iam concerned,whether online chatting is good or bad dependson the person who does it 据我所知,网上聊天是好是坏取决于他本人。6. About 35% of the students believe the choice should be based on their own interest.大约百分之35的学生认为选择专业应该基于个人兴趣。7. Opinions on the issue vary from person to person.关于这个话题的看法

5、,人人都不一样。8. Therefore, I believe schools can surely benifit a lot from hiring foreign teachers.因此,我相信学校聘用外籍教师肯定会受益不少。9. In addition, other English teachers can also benifit by talking to the foreign teacher.此外,英语教师也能在和外籍教师的交谈中受益匪浅。10. I will appreciate it if my advice is accepted.如果我的建议被接受的话,我将很感激。11

6、.As we can see in the picture, the poem goes like this-.正如我们在图画中所看到的,诗的意思是这样的-.12.The diagram shows us the comparison of English material purchase made by the senior high students in our school in the early 1990s and in 2007-.表格数据向我们表明了我校高中学生在20世纪90年代和2007年购买英语资料的对比。13. As a senior student, I think

7、we should take part in some practical activities besides learning in school in order to know the society better and inspire our studies.作为高中生,为了更好地了解社会和使以后的学习更有目标,我认为除了在学校学习之外,我们还应该参加一些社会实践活动。14Nowadays,a lot of people believe going to college is the only way to a brighter futureBut as for me,colleg

8、e education is important but not a must in life,just as a famous saying goes “All roads lead to Rome” 如今,很多人认为上大学是通往美好未来的唯一出路,但在我看来,大学教育是重要但不是必需的,正如一句名言所说:条条大路通罗马。15In conclusion,a college education may be a good preparation,but definitely not the only means to your future success总之,大学教育可能是一个很好的准备,但

9、不是通向未来成功的唯一途径。16As is shown in Chart 2only 10 of the spare time is taken up with sports activities.It think the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after classThis waythey may be healthier andmore energetic 正如图2所示,课余时间只有10用在体育锻炼上。我认为,学校应鼓励学生课下多参加体育活动。这样的话,学生会更健康,更有活力。17From what

10、 I have mentioned above,we call see clearly that violence on TV has a great influence on teenagersbehavior 从上面我所提到的,我们可以清楚地看到,电视暴力对青少年的影响是极其深远18From what has been discussed above,we may safely draw the conclusion that. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论19For my part,I agree with the latter opinion for the following re

11、asons-就我而言,我同意后者,原因如下:20 Before giving my opinion,I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides在给出我的观点之前,我认为看看双方的观点是重要的。21This view is now being questioned by more and more people这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。 22So precious is time that we cannt afford to waste it. Bear it in mind:Time and tide w

12、ait for no man.时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。记住:岁月不待人! 23The annual college entrance examination is around the corner. On this special occasion.I wish I could have a hearttoheart talk with you 一年一度的高考即将来临。在这个特殊的时刻,我是多么的希望能和你说一说心里。24In view ofConsidering the seriousness of this problem,effective measures should be

13、 taken before pig flu. spread考虑到问题的严重性,在猪流感蔓延之前,必须采取有效的措施。25Yao Ming shouldered the hopes of an entire nation and served as a bridge between two culture,姚明肩负起了整个国家的希望,而且充当了两种文化的桥梁。26It is reported that Xiao Shenyang was elected the advanced worker of May Day caused warmly-heated disscuion.据报道,小沈阳被选为

14、五一劳动模范引起了热列的讨论。27. I hold the view that,having an idol itself isnt a bad thing,but the point is that we should act in a proper way我认为有偶像本身并不是坏事,关键是我们应该理性地去做。28. The real idols should be those who are making the greatest contributions to our societySuch as scientists,teachers and doctors 真正的偶像应当是那些为社

15、会做出巨大贡献的人,像科学家、教师和医生。29Instead of worshipping them blindly,we should learn from the starsOnly in this way can we become useful and worthy citizens in the future我们应该向明星们学习而不要盲目崇拜他们。只有这样我们才能在将来成为有用且价值的公民。30Thanks to the government,the financial crisis affected us little.多亏了我们的政府,金融危机对我们影响不大。31I cant agree more to the suggestion that we should recycle textbooksFor one thing recycling textbooks can save a 1ot of natural materials, which are used to make textbooks. For anotherit will unload some burden of the families of the students对于循环使用教科书这个建议我再同意不过了。一则,循环教科书能


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