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1、 课时分层作业(八)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1You can use the phone if you want to.2A new road would be needed to link up with the main road.3A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.4The inviting(invite) target drew our attention.5So! Youve kept me in the dark all the time.6Find a job and end your depen

2、dence(depend) on your parents.7An applicant(apply) must be recommended by two party members.8This room is no bigger(big) than that one.9Youre Toms good friend,so you must know what he likes best.10Peter may come with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.完成句子1万物靠太阳生长。All living things depend on the s

3、un for their growth.2我决定申请奖学金。I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship.3我不完全同意你刚才说的,在这个问题上我有一些不同的看法。I dont agree with everything you said just now.Ive some different opinions on the question.4如果必要,你可用这些参考书。You can use these reference books,if necessary.5由车站走到这里最多十分钟的路程。It is not more than ten mi

4、nutes walk from the station.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解People from all over the world have different wedding traditions and marriage customs.The one thing that all wedding ceremonies commonly seem to have is the commitment (承诺) of love for all time during a public ceremony.Everyone at a wedding hopes for great h

5、appiness between the wedding couple.Wedding traditions are usually a way of showing signs of the hope for great happiness.Some of these traditions are very interesting.In Sweden,the traditional bride will wear three rings by the end of the wedding ceremony.The first is the engagement (订婚) ring that

6、she entered the ceremony with.The second,the wedding ring,is added to the first.The final ring,however,is added as well.This ring is known as the “motherhood” ring.This is said to show that marriage is about more than just love.It is about building a family.Wedding traditions in the Philippines incl

7、ude the Pandango,a dance which can last for hours.During the Pandango,guests pin (用大头针别住) money to the brides dress to pay for their honeymoon.A traditional Irish bride may wear a blue wedding dressbelieving blue to be a lucky color.English Lavender (薰衣草) is often mixed with her wedding flowers.It i

8、s traditional for the bride to braid her hair (梳头发)as it is considered a good way to bring luck to the new couple.There are many wedding traditions around the world which may differ from what they are used to,but if you are about to plan a wedding,you may find it interesting to include some of these

9、 traditions in your own wedding.【语篇解读】文章主要介绍了各地不同的婚礼习俗。1What do all wedding ceremonies seem to have in common?AThe commitment of love for all time.BHappiness between the wedding couple.CAn interesting life.DBuilding a happy family.A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“The one thing that all wedding ceremonies commonly se

10、em to have is the commitment (承诺) of love for all time during a public ceremony.”可知答案为A项。2In Sweden,the traditional brides third ring shows .Athe duties of the new coupleBthe great love between the new coupleCthe bride will be not only a wife but also a motherDthe bride will take care of not only he

11、r husband but also his motherC细节理解题。根据第三段“This ring is known as the motherhood ring.”一句可知答案。3In the Philippines,the new couple paid for their honeymoon with the money from .Athe brideBthe bridegroomCtheir parents Dvisiting guestsD推理判断题。根据第四段中“During the Pandango,guests pin (用大头针别住) money to the brid

12、es dress to pay for their honeymoon.”可知新婚夫妇度蜜月的钱来自于参加他们婚礼的客人。4Whats the passage mainly about?AThe reason for different wedding traditions.BInteresting wedding traditions from different countries.CThe way to prepare for a wedding ceremony.DInteresting engagement traditions around the world.B主旨大意题。阅读全

13、文可知文章重点说明了世界各地不同国家婚礼的有趣的传统和风俗。.完形填空Several years ago,my friend Arlene and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husbands employers home.Arlene was nervous about the 1 ,because the boss was very 2 , with a fine home and cars costing more than her house.Everything went well and Arlene w

14、as 3 to have this rare chance to see how rich people 4 .The boss was quite generous as a(n) 5 and took them to the finest restaurant for dinner. 6 the three of them were about to enter the restaurant,the boss walked slightly ahead. 7 he stopped and looked down at the road for a long,silent moment.Ar

15、lene wondered if she was supposed to 8 him.Then with 9 ,Arlene looked down at the road too.There was nothing on the 10 except a single darkened 11 .The boss reached down and 12 the penny.He smiled,and then put it in his 13 as if he had found a great treasure.Why would a man like this even take the time to 14 and pick up a single penny? What 15 did this man have for a single penny?When they were in the restaurant she could 16 it no longer.She casually mentioned that her daughter had once had a coin 17 ,and asked if the pen


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