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1、太原五中2020学年度第一学期阶段性检测 高 二 英 语I单项选择(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. Thanks to Mayor Geng, great changes _ in our city and many high-rise buildings _ during the past 20 years. A. have taken place; have set up B. were take place; were set up C. have been taken place; have been set up D. have taken place; have been

2、set up2. The newly-rebuilt Yingze Park, _ so many trees are planted, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.A. that B. it C. what D. where 3. Is this hotel _ we are to book?A. that B. where C. the one D. in which4. _ you have tried it, you cant imagine how pleasant it is. A. U

3、nless B. Because C. Although D. When 5. My parents were quarrelling about me, _ I could not quite tell why. A. since B. though C. if D. until6. He gave his life _ the rare wild animals. A. to save B. to saving C. saved D. save7. The news about the accident is followed by a detailed report made _. A.

4、 on the spot B. on the site C. on the location D. on the ground8. The money is to be used for one _ purpose: the building of our new school. A. especial B. ultimate C. unusual D. specific9. Discipline is often _ at weekends, Many students want to listen to the _ music. A. relaxing; relaxed B. relaxe

5、d; relaxed C. relaxing; relaxing D. relaxed; relaxing10. _ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problemC. However serious a problem D. What serious a problemII阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选

6、出最佳选项。ASportsmanship appeared again Sunday when three men stopped their Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon to help a sick woman to the finish line.The woman was found nearly falling over for energy loss by runner Bryan Crnkovic and anotheryet unknown man just a few hundred yards from the finish lin

7、e. The pair caught her before she fell and with the help of Joseph McGinty, carried her to the finish line.“Its just what we do,” said McGinty. “You just see someone who needs help and you just want to help. We were just under that two hour mark, and most people came here for that, and 1 thought she

8、 probably trained hard so why shouldnt she hit it, you know?”Crnkovic and the other man were the first to find the woman. They put her arms over their shoulders and helped her down towards the finish line, but it became clear that she was too tired to continue. That was when McGinty doubled back to

9、help finish the job. He lifted the woman up and carried her to the finish line so that she could cross it on her own two feet. The pair then handed her over to doctors, who took her away in a wheelchair.The scene, caught by Fox 29, went viral as the pairs warm-hearted actions won over the crowds. “

10、I got a call from my cousin Bill, saying Youre on Facebook, youre on the news”, said Crnkovic. He wasnt the only one looking-the scene earned much praise online, with one user, Mari Cross Johnson saying, “Their parents have to be proud for raising men like this. Theyre the types of people I want to

11、have my back.”11. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about? A. The importance of helping others.B. How the three men helped the woman.C. Why the three men helped the woman to the finish line.D. The high expectation the three men had for the marathon.12. Why did the woman nearly fall over? A. Because

12、she lost her way. B. Because she was too tired to run.C. Because she was caught by an unknown man.D. Because she was found by runner Bryan Crnkovic and another unknown man.13. What can be inferred from Mari Cross Jognsons words? A. The three mens parents felt very proud.B. The three mens actions wer

13、e surprising.C. The three men were really well-educated.D. The three men set others a good example.BThere are so many rabbits across Australia that it may be surprising to learn that they are a non-native species. A few rabbits arrived with British settlers in 1788, but it was not until 1859, when a

14、 British-born farmer named Thomas Austin brought 24 European rabbits to his land for hunting, that they began to live there. They are an excellent example of an invasive species, a non-native species that does harm to its new environment.Rabbits have lived well in many different environments within

15、Australia, such as grasslands, coastal areas, farmland, and even in towns or cities. Their activities have destroyed crops and plants. They compete directly with other wildlife for food and shelter,including taking over burrows (地洞) of other animals. They have led to dangerously reduced populations of many plant and animal species


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