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1、2016-2017学年高二下期第一次周考英 语 试 题(满分150分,时间120分钟)第卷(选择题 共100分)一、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) When I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back, I reacted like most who receive a cancer diagnosis, the first thing that came to mind was a “death sentence” 1 ,instead of complaining I decided to look for t

2、he 2 side of it.I realized that I was about to 3 a new beginning.I knew that I had to develop and gain 4 from all my experiences.Even with the pain I had to 5 through each diagnosis, and all the 6 Ive dealt with all my life, I still felt truly lucky.I 7 myself that I “still have my life”,so who am I

3、 to 8 ?One day, I had an unusual experience.I turned that experience into a 9 and I called it “Peace”Writing had become therapy (治疗) for me.I took that poem, along with many others I had 10 during ray breast cancer period and placed them in book form.I was 11 enough to have that book published.I lat

4、er had another inspirational childrens book 12 ,with a third one 13 Im hoping that anyone who has the chance to read my first book of poems will benefit from it.My poems are from the heart, and I wish to have a positive 14 on someone whos ill.I 15 believe when you survive a serious 16 like cancer, i

5、ts for a reason and I want to live to 17 exactly what that is for me.Thats what Im all about now, inspiration.I would have 18 become a writer, producing inspirational poems and stories, if I had not gone through all that I did.Im a true example that you can 19 cancer, as long as you have faith and a

6、llow that faith to 20 your path.1A.HoweverBBesidesCThereforeDOtherwise2A.badBoppositeCright Dpositive3A.markBmissCface Dfind4A.advantageBstrengthCknowledgeDskill5A.express Bhide Cgo Dbear6A.chances BstrugglesCdecisionsDbusinesses7A.persuadedBshowedCremindedDtaught8A.complainBencourageCdisappointDple

7、ase9A.poem Bnovel Cdiary Dplay10A.read Blearned Cwritten Dcollected11A.confidentBluckyCcarefulDsatisfied12A.publishedBtranslatedCtypedDreviewed13A.in the darkBabove the average Cahead of timeDon the way14A.impressionBinfluenceCresult Dconclusion15A.hardly BhonestlyCtruly Dwidely16A.accident Bdiagnos

8、isCdisaster Ddisease17A.look for Bfind outCconcentrate onDpick out18A.ever BalreadyCjustDnever19A.cure Bdevelop Csurvive Dtreat20A.directBcrossCfollow Dwalk二、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) ANow hiring music teachers in TarrytownLocation:Tarrytown, NYCompany:Musika LLCPosted:August31,2013Company:Musika-Musi

9、c Teacher Organization has distinguished itself as the go to company for teachers looking for students. Founded in 2001, Musika has thousands of students already in the program and hundreds of calls are received daily.Job description: Musika is always seeking enthusiastic and friendly instructors. T

10、eachers are independently required to instruct one-on-one lessons in the students homes, as well as at their own teaching studios. Each teacher is able lo select which students fit their locations, schedules, and teaching levels.Job requirements: Applicants MUST be able to sign a contract and agree

11、to teach for one year, provide at least three professional references, show a love of teaching!Qualifications: Applicants should have a Bachelor degree in music, 5 to 10 years private music lessons teaching experience, and a car to travel to students homes.Pay: Pay is to be decided depending on expe

12、rience and other factors.IMPORTANT: Musika conducts thorough criminal background checks and has a zero tolerance policy for any type of criminal activities.21. According to the passage, Musika is_.A. an organization training teachersB. an organization providing musical tutoring jobsC. a school in wh

13、ich students can get regular musical education.D. a private school that provides professional musical education22. Any applicant must satisfy the following qualifications EXCEPT _to get a job.A. a Master degree in musicB. no records about criminal activitiesC. a car to travel to students homesD. at

14、least 5 years private music lessons teaching experience23. From the passage, we can infer that_.A. teachers often divide students into several groups in classB. different teachers for the same job may have different payC. students can choose their teachers according to their levelsD. teachers must a

15、gree to teach for one year.BWe all have our ways of marking time.As a photographer,my life is measured from one story to the next.My oldest son was born in the middle of a long story about the Endangered Species Act.My daughter came along with a pack of gray wolves.Twenty stories later,though,its the story in Alaska that Ill remember best.It


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