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1、Lesson 2Task 1: Film EditingInterviewer: Is film editing a complicated job? Film Editor: Oh yes, a lot of people probably dont know how complicated a job it can be. Its far more than just sticking pieces of film together. Interviewer: How long does it take to edit a film? Film Editor: Well, it depen

2、ds. You can probably expect to edit a 10-minute film in about a week. A 35-minute documentary, like the one Im editing at present, takes a minimum of four to five weeks to edit. Interviewer: Can you explain to me how film editing works? Film Editor: There are different steps. Synching up, for exampl

3、e. Interviewer: What do you mean by synching up? Film Editor: It means matching sound and pictures and that is usually done by my assistant. The film and the sound tape have numbers stamped along the edge which have to be matched. The details of the film and the sound are also recorded in a log book

4、, so its quick and easy to find a particular take and its soundtrack. This operation is called logging and is again done by my assistant. Interviewer: So what do you usually do yourself? Film Editor: A lot of things, of course. First, I have to view all the material to make a first selection of the

5、best takes. Theres a lot of film to look through because to make a sequence work the way you want, you need a lot of shots to choose from. Interviewer: Does that mean that you have to discard sequences? Film Editor: Oh yes. On average for every foot of edited film, you need twelve times as much uned

6、ited film and therefore you have to compromise and, of course, discard some of it. Interviewer: What do you do after selecting the material? Film Editor: First of all, I prepare an initial version of the film, a rough cut as it is called. That means that I actually cut the film into pieces and stick

7、 them together again in the new order. Interviewer: And after this rough cut what happens? Film Editor: Well, after the rough cut comes the fine cut when the film takes its final form. The producer and the director come in for a viewing. Some small changes may then be necessary, but when the fine cu

8、t has been approved by everyone, this is the final version of the film. Interviewer: At this point is the film ready for distribution? Film Editor: Oh no. After the final version of the film has been approved, there is the dubbing, there are voices, music, background noises and sometimes special eff

9、ects to be put together for the soundtrack. And after the dubbing, the edited film is sent to the neg cutters. Interviewer: What do the neg cutters do? Film Editor: They cut the original negatives on the films, so that these match the edited film exactly. And after all that comes the best partI can

10、sit down quietly with my feet up and enjoy watching the film!Task 2: A Vision of the FutureMan: Hi. Woman: Hi. Man: Whatd you do last night? Woman: I watched TV. There was a really good movie called Soylent Green. Man: Soylent Green? Woman: Yeah. Charlton Heston was in it. Man: Whats it about? Woman

11、: Oh, its about life in New York in the year 2022. Man: I wonder if New York will still be here in 2022. Woman: In this movie, in 2022 . Man: Yeah? Woman: . New York has forty million people. Man: Ouch! Woman: And twenty million of them are unemployed. Man: How many people live in New York now? Abou

12、t seven or eight million? Woman: Yeah, I think thats right. Man: Mm-hmm. You know, if its hard enough to find an apartment now in New York City, whats it going to be like in 2022? Woman: Well, in this movie most people have no apartment. So thousands sleep on the steps of buildings. (Uh-huh.) People

13、 who do have a place to live have to crawl over sleeping people to get inside. And there are shortages of everything. The soil is so polluted that nothing will grow. (Ooo.) And the air is so polluted they never see the sun. Its really awful. Man: I think Im going to avoid going to New York City in t

14、he year 2022. Woman: And there was this scene where the star, Charlton Heston, goes into a house where some very rich people live. Man: Uh-huh. Woman: He cant believe it, because they have running water and they have soap. Man: Really? Woman: And then he goes into the kitchen and they have tomatoes

15、and lettuce and beef. He almost cries because hes never seen real food in his life, you know, especially the beef. It was amazing for him. Man: Well, if most people have no real food, what do they eat? Woman: They eat something called soylent. Man: Soylent? Woman: Yeah. Theres soylent red and soylen

16、t yellow and soylent green. The first two are made out of soybeans. But the soylent green is made out of ocean plants. (Ugh.) The people eat it like crackers. Thats all they have to eat. Man: That sounds disgusting. Woman: Well, you know, it really isnt that far from reality. Man: No? Woman: Yeah. Because, you know the greenhouse effect thats begin


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