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1、Unit1 School life课时练 Period 6 Task I. 写出下列单词的缩略形式或英语表达形式1. 1st January _ 2. 25th October _ 3. 3rd September _4. Monday _ 5. Tuesday _ 6. Friday _7. 九点半 _ 8. 下午六点四十五 _9. 八点五十 _ 10. 三号楼二零四室 _11. 光明高级中学 _ 12. 有关英语学习的演讲 _13. 大礼堂 _ 14. 艺术节 _II. Fill in the blanks according to the instructions. More than

2、one word is needed if necessary. 学生会将组织一次英语演讲比赛,通知要点如下:1、演讲主题:21世纪的人们2、参赛办法:每班推选一人参加3、比赛地点:学校大会议厅4、比赛时间:9月15日星期三下午2:005、演讲时间:每人限时5分钟Boys and girls, Attention please!Weve planned an English (1)_ contest in our school. The contest will be held on (2)_, Wednesday at (3) _ in the (4) _. Each (5) _ may s

3、end one speaker. I suggest you should have a class speech contest to choose your best speaker. The topic of the speech is (6) _. The time limit to each speech will be (7) _. Each speaker will (8)_ finish his or her speech within five minutes. Thats all. Thank you.III. Reading Comprehension: Comparin

4、g information.Question ItemsNewMiddle-standing(中年教师)Veteran(老教师)1. Shows a sense of humor in class4256702. Explains clearly3358683. Teachers in a relaxed manner3046654. Writes neatly on the blackboard943565. Lets pupils ask questions in class1830476. Makes checks in notebooks2230437. Speaks loudly a

5、nd clearly4585548. Treats all pupils equally4358429. Cares about pupils opinions47431710. Spends time with pupils between class251061. As for Question Items _, pupils evaluations (评价) can be said to rise at a steady (稳定的) rate as their teachers experience increases.A. 1 and 4 B. 3 and 5 C. 6 and 8 D

6、. 9 and 102. In contrast (对比) to the new teachers, the middle-standing and veteran teachers seem to have made a remarkable (显著的) improvement in the ability (能力) to _.A. be fair to any pupil B. evaluate pupils progress C. present materials clearly D. understand and play with pupils3. Pupils seem to r

7、egard the new and the middle-standing teachers as being more _ than the veterans.A. relaxed in class B. interested in pupils ideas C. neat in appearance D. skillful at explaining4. According to the table, which of the following is right?A. In the new teachers classes, pupils seem to ask questions mo

8、re freely.B. Pupils seem to be quite satisfied with the amount of time their teachers spend with them.C. The evaluation of middle-standing teachers is lower than that of the veterans in seven items.D. Though veterans do not play games with pupils during breaks, their teaching is rated (评价) highly. 如


10、stedtomeetinthecollegeconferenceroomonSaturday,August18,at2:00p.m.todiscussquestionsofinternationalacademicexchanges. Aug.14,2005 English Department通知本星期六(8月18日)下午两点,全体教授和副教授在学院会议室开会,讨论国际学术交流问题,请准时出席。英语系2005年8月14日例二:书信形式的通知 Dearexaminee,The exam on July 6 will be cancelled because of the flood. Plea

11、se wait for further information. We are very sorry for that.Principle: John Smith.诸考生:原定六月六日的考试因为洪水将被取消,请等待进一步的消息。由此带给您的不便,我们深表歉意。校长:约翰史密斯Keys:I1. 1st /1 Jan 2. 25th/25 Oct 3. 3rd/3 Sept4. Mon 5. Tue 6. Fri7. 9 a.m./09.00 8. 6.45 p.m./18.45 9. 8.50.a.m./08.50 10. Room 204, Building 3 11. Guangming High School 12. speech on English study13. assembly hall 14. art festival II1. speech 2. 15 Sept 3. 2.00 4. afternoon 5.class 6. People of the 21st century7.five minutes 8. have to III1-4 BCBD


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