高中英语听力测试 Unit 3(一)英语听力

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1、高中英语听力测试 Unit 3(一)asf听力文件无病毒,请放心打开听力理解I. 听句子,补全所缺单词。读一遍。1. If you have a stomach _, you should drink hot _ tea.2. My mother had a little _ yesterday afternoon.3. You mustnt _ someone if the person is badly _.4. You look _. Youd _ have a rest.5. First aid is the _ of giving _ care to a person before

2、a doctor can be found.II. 听短对话,选择正确答案。读一遍。( )1. How is Mary?A. Shes ill.B. She was ill.C. She is very well.( )2. Why does Tom go to the hospital?A. Because he is ill.B. Because Bob is ill.C. Because his mother is ill.( )3. Where does the dialogue happen?A. At home.B. In a hotel.C. In a shop.( )4. Wh

3、at would Lucy like to have?A. Some bread.B. Some orange juice.C. Some bananas.( )5. Will Lily eat another mooncake?A. Yes, she will.B. No, she wont.C.She would eat another piece of bread.( )6. Which sentence is right?A. Alice will eat some cakes.B. Alice will have some coffee.C. Alice will eat some

4、chicken.( )7. What will Meimei get for Jack?A. Some juice.B. Some tea.C. Some cabbages.( )8. What are the speakers talking about?A. Fire.B. Smoking.C. Their new room.( )9. What are the speakers talking about?A. Wine.B. Apples.C. Rice.( )10. What do we know about the man?A. He lost his bike by accide

5、nt.B. He was sorry about the accident.C. He wasnt injured in the accident.( )11. What does the woman mean?A. She doesnt enjoy potato salad.B. She thinks potato salad is delicious.C. She thinks potato salad is too expensive.( )12. What do we know about the woman?A. She has been working.B. She has bee

6、n exercising.C. She has been on a diet.( )13. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a post office.C. In a doctors office.( )14. What does the man suggest that woman should do?A. Take some medicine.B. Change her job.C. Take a holiday.( )15. What advice does the man

7、 offer?A. Taking a deep breath.B. Getting enough sleep.C. Seeing a doctor.I. 1. If you have a stomach pain, you should drink hot weak tea.2. My mother had a little accident yesterday afternoon.3. You mustnt move someone if the person is badly hurt.4. You look tired. Youd better have a rest.5. First

8、aid is the science of giving medical care to a person before a doctor can be found.II. 1. M: How are you today, Mary?W: Im much better.2. W:Hi, Tom, are you back from the hospital?M: Yes, but how do you know this?W: Bob told me your mother was ill in hospital. How is your mother right now?M: Shes mu

9、ch better. Thank you.3. W: Can I help you, sir?M: Id like a cup of milk, an egg and some cakes, please.4. M: What would you like to have, Lucy?W: Id like something to drink.5. M: Would you like some more mooncakes, Lily?W: Thank you, but Im full.6. M: Help yourself to some chicken, Alice.W: Thank yo

10、u. Just a little.7. W: Would you like a drink, Jack?M: Yes, please.W: Ill get you some juice now.8. W: Look! The room is full of smoke. I can hardly breathe.M: I agree. Smoking should not be permitted here in the room.W: Thats right. Nowadays, people who smoke seldom think of others.9. W: This wine

11、tastes a bit strange.M: Its made from apples.W: From apples? I thought wine was made from rice.M: Well, this is a special wine. I made it myself.10. W: Were you hurt in the accident?M: I was shocked at the time but I wasnt hurt at all. My bike was totally ruined, though.11. M: Hows your meal?W: I wi

12、sh they had a better variety of food.M: Why dont you try some of this potato salad? It smells so good.W: Thanks, but Ive never really fancied potato salad.12. M: It looks like that diet youve been on is working.W: Ive lost some weight and I feel better, too.13. W: What do you think about the soup of

13、 the day?M: Ive been thinking about sending it back.14. M: Hello, what seems to be the problem?W: Well, Im not feeling very well at the moment. Im preparing for exams and Ive been staying up late at night studying. Ive been pretty nervous and my eyes hurt sometimes.M: Well, it sounds as if youve pro

14、bably been overdoing your study and youre too tired. I think you should try to get plenty of sleep.W: Yes, I havent been getting much sleep lately.15. M: What seems to be the matter?W: I just cant sleep well, Doctor.M: Are you having any family problem? And how about work?W: Well, Ive been working a

15、 lot latelymore than 11 hours a day.M: Maybe you should take a vacation and just rest for a few days.答案:I. 1. pain;weak 2. accident 3. move; hurt 4. tired; better 5. science; medicalII. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B 6.C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C11. A 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. B点拨:2. 题目问Tom为什么去医院。从Bob told me your mother was ill in hospital.得出,Tom的妈妈生病了,而不是Tom或者Bob。4. 由女士讲的Id li


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