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1、原文标题:Office Cubicle Dwellers Build Walls for Privac.内容简介:概述:“粉色噪声”能保护小隔间里的隐私的原理。分类:万花筒标签:办公室 工作 美国 标准VOAHints:Timeswhooshing文中一处连字符This is what the Times calls a soft whooshing emitted over loudspeakers that sounds like a ventilation system but is specifically formulated to match the frequencies of

2、human voices.This whooshing doesnt entirely drown out chatty colleagues. But it muddles their conversations and mellows out distractions.The term pink noise derives from the color when the sound displays as visible light on frequency spectrums. Other sound frequencies show up as white, red, brown, a

3、nd gray.Entrepreneurs in one New York office told the Times that the close proximity of workers to one another in cubicle farms enhances communication, idea-sharing, and office efficiency.But they admitted to occasionally retreating to a bathroom or a broom closet for a private chat.纽约时报把粉红噪声形容成由扬声器发出的轻柔的呼呼声。它听上去像通风设备产生出的噪音,但它的频率被特别设置得跟人声十分匹配。这种呼呼声并没有完全盖住同事间的交谈声,反而和谈话声混在一起,叫人放松,不会分心。“粉红噪声”一词源于其呈现在频谱上的可见光的颜色为粉色。其它音频呈白色、红色、棕色和灰色。一间纽约办公室的企业家们告诉纽约时报,小隔间工作环境能够促进坐在一起的员工之间的交流和意见分享,提高办公效率。但他们承认偶尔也会退到洗手间或清扫间进行私人谈话。2


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