新教材高一英语寒假作业Unit4NaturaldisastersListeningandSpeaking .doc

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1、Unit 4 Natural disastersListening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking1、Rescue workers are rescuing the _ ( injure) in the earthquake.2、The flood _ ( destroy) a lot of houses and many people became homeless.3、With the governments aid ,those _ ( affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settleme

2、nts.4、The square looks more beautiful _ all the lights on.5、They dug a hole and _ ( bury) the money.6、Mr Brown and a partner _ _ (建立) on their own and built a successful fashion company.7、Two hours later, the sailors _ _ _ (逃离) the sinking ship on a little boat.8、Wang collected _ _ (超过) 7 million ab

3、andoned bricks of different ages.9、After he had been trapped for more than 40 hours, he was saved by _ _ (救援人员).10、Two people got _(困住)in the lift this morning when the electricity was cut off.11、 One day when I was about nine years old, I ran into my mothers bedroom and opened the dresser (化妆台). Th

4、en in the top drawer (抽屉) was a small 1 jewelry box. I was fascinated by its treasures. Then I saw there was something2under a piece of cloth.3the cloth, I found a little white chip (碎片) of china. Why did my mother keep such a4thing? Shining slightly in the light, it5no answers. Some months later, I

5、 was setting the dinner table when my neighbor Marge knocked at the door. Coming in and6the table, Marge said, Oh, you are expecting company (客人). Ill7another time. No, come on in, Mum replied. We are not8 anyone. But isnt that your good china? Marge asked. Id9trust kids to handle my good dishes! Mu

6、m laughed. Tonight is my familys favorite meal. If you set your best table for a (n)10meal with guests, why not for your own 11 ? A few broken plates are a small 12 to pay for the joy we get. Then she added, 13 , every chip and crack has a story to tell. Mum went to the cupboard and took down a plat

7、e. She said, Seeing this 14 on the edge (边缘) here? It happened when I was 17. Her voice 15 . One day my brother invited a young man to dinner and sat him next to me. I was so 16 that when I took the plate, it 17 and knocked against the fork. As the young man was leaving, he 18 a piece of broken chin

8、a in my hand without saying a word. I couldnt forget about that plate with the 19 chip. I went up to take out the little wooden jewelry box again. I examined the chip20 . The chip which my mother had saved with care belonged to the plate she broke on the day she met my father.1. A. silver B. gold C.

9、 china D. wooden2. A. hidden B. unpaid C. removed D. fixed3. A. Covering B. Tearing C. Seeking D. Lifting4. A. broken B. real C. beautiful D. valuable5. A. found B. invented C. offered D. selected6. A. glaring at B. glancing at C. looking on D. spying on 7. A. set by B. sit by C. stop by D. stand by

10、8. A. inviting B. expecting C. consulting D. celebrating9. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. regularly 10. A. common B. strange C. unbelievable D. special 11. A. family B. relative C. neighbor D. ancestor 12. A. value B. mistake C. news D. price 13. A. However B. Though C. Besides D. Otherwise 14.

11、A. break B. scene C. spot D. design 15. A. hardened B. softened C. sharpened D. weakened 16. A. nervous B. anxious C. surprised D. pleased 17. A. jumped B. escaped C. slipped D. left 18. A. threw B. laid C. examined D. covered 19. A. replaced B. penniless C. remaining D. missing 20. A. secretly B. c

12、arefully C. gratefully D. proudly12、 Earthquake rescue robots have experienced their final tests in Beijing.Their designers say with these robots,rescuers will be able to buy more time to save lives during an earthquake. This robot looking like a helicopter,is called the detector-bot.Its about 4 met

13、ers long,and it took about 4 years to develop the model.Its main functions (作用) are to collect information from the air,and send goods of up to 30 kilos to people trapped by an earthquake. This robot has a high definition 360 degrees panoramic (全景) camera.It can work day and night and will also be a

14、ble to send the latest pictures from the quake area. Dr.Qi Juntong,Chinese Academy of Science,said,“The most important feature of this robot is that it doesnt need a distant control.We just set the destination (目的地) information on it,and then it takes off,and lands by itself.It flies as high as 3,000 meters,and as fast as 100 kilometers per hour.” This robot has a different functionit can change as the environment changes.Its m


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