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1、2006-2007学年高三英语第二次月考试题第一部分:听力110略第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分60分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)11. He is in trouble now and Im sure he is _ want of our help. A. on B. under C. with D. in12. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _ it got worse. A. until B. when C. before D. as13. Gradually they _

2、 a knowledge of French during their stay in France.A. learned B. got C. acquired D. achieved14. Go and ask for help. The bull got _ in the pond. A. sticking B. caught C. killed D. stuck15. Once you have decided to buy an expensive article, you had better _ an expert on it. A. ask B. advise C. consul

3、t D. find16. Although the working mother is very busy, she still _ a lot of time to _ children. A. devotes, look after B. spends, looking after C. devotes, looking after D. provides, looking after17. Do you think this meeting is of great _? Surely. A. important B. useful C. significant D. significan

4、ce18. I didnt know how to work out this problem. _, there was nobody who could help me. A. To make matters worse B. Thats to say C. Or rather D. In other words19. He was rude to the customs officer, _ of course made things even worse. A. who B. whom C. what D. which20. The new house is _ with only t

5、wo chairs and a bed. A. offered B. given C. fixed D. furnished21. They took _ in their beauty; in other words, they are _ of their beauty. A. proud, pride B. pride, proud C. proud, proud D. pride, pride22. First the professor gave us a brief introduction to his research and then he showed us how to

6、find out the secret of it at full _. A. depth B. length C. width D. height23. Mary cant help _ the room because shes busy with her homework.A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned24. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem _ they themselves couldnt. A. once B. then C

7、. which D. while25. Lily finally admitted _ my umbrella by mistake. A. to take B. to have taken C. having taken D. have taken第二节:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)I started to love running at a young age. I loved to 26 my father and my sister around the backyard. I couldnt 27 to get older so that I could run

8、 in the Olympics and win lots of 28 One day my mother saw a(n) 29 for a race in a newspaper. “Would you be 30 in entering this race ?” she asked me, pointing to the advertisement.“Yes, ofcourse!” I answered.I spent the next few days practicing for my big race. My sister 31 a table in the backyard so

9、 she could supply me with water and 32 me. Just before the race began, my dad 33 in my ear. “Dont use up all your energy at the beginning of the race. You need to have energy 34 you can speed up at the end.”Following Dads 35 , I didnt run as fast as I could. Then the other runners started passing me

10、, which made me 36 . I began to feel tired, and started slowing down and 37 harder.“Coming on, Kelly! You can do it! Keep running.”Out of the corner of my 38 I saw Dad running beside me around the outside of the track.“I cant do it!” I 39 to say.“You can! Dont give up! Keep running!” he called back.

11、I took a deep breath and tried to 40 forward. Dad continued running beside me, shouting encouraging words.I came fifth, but I felt like a(n) 41 . Id done my best, and I hadnt 42 .I felt thankful that my dad had 43 left my side. He always 44 me when I feel like giving up. He runs alongside me 45 my l

12、ife.26. A. botherB. showC. raceD. amuse27. A. helpB. stopC. waitD. compete28. A. moneyB. giftsC. flowersD. medals29. A. storyB. reportC. advertisementD. introduction30. A. interestedB. frightenedC. excitedD. surprised31. A. asked forB. set upC. brought backD. thought of32. A. timeB. respectC. watchD

13、. teach33. A. repliedB. smiledC. whisperedD. shouted34. A. untilB. becauseC. so thatD. if35. A. adviceB. stepC. voiceD. guide36. A. silentB. angryC. surprisedD. nervous37. A. runningB. breathingC. thinkingD. suffering38. A. trackB. competitorsC. audienceD. eye39. A. continuedB. decidedC. managedD. r

14、emembered40. A. speedB. stepC. lookD. walk41. A. commanderB. winnerC. ownerD. actor42. A. broken downB. fallen behindC. run awayD. given up43. A. hardlyB. neverC. alwaysD. often44. A. comfortsB. encouragesC. educatesD. punishes45. A. throughB. forC. aboutD. with 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)AThat cold January night, I wa


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