高中英语Unit 4 sharing --- a letter home新课标选修7

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1、Unit 4 sharing - a letter homeTeahcing aims: help Ss to understand the main idea of the passage and think what we can share with others.Difficult points: thinking: is jo making any difference?What can we offer to share?Teaching tools: multimedia.Teaching procedures:Step I: lead-in.Self introdution:

2、welcome to the class. I come from Fenghua High School to share what I know with you.“share” is a nice word. What can we share with others? (ask individual Ss one by one-brainstorm)- money, time, skills, knowledge, books, classroom, dorm. EarthLets look at these pictures. What are they sharing with o

3、thers?We have seen different people. But they have one common name: volunteer. And this is the sign of china youth volunteers. What does this sign stand for? What can you see in this sign? - a loving heart, a helping hand, a peace loving pigeon.Just Like Chen Xiaolei, an Australia lady, Jo, is also

4、sharing knowledge in a village in Papua New Guinea. Do you know anything about PNG? Have you ever heard of it? No? thats quite natural. Before I come to this unit, what I know about PNG is also ZERO. But now, I have already found some information about PNG to share with you.PNG is an island country

5、located in the pacific ocean, to the north of australia, with a population of about 5.7 million. Their official language is english. They make a living mainly on farming and their life is poor. About 85% of students start school but most of them only reach year 5, which is similar to our primary sch

6、ool.Jo is a volunteer teaching in a village school in PNG.Since PNG is a long way from Australia. Jos family and friends are sometimes curious about what Jo is doing in PNG. So, here, Rosemary, one of Jos friends, has written a letter to jo and Jo is writing a reply letter to share her experience in

7、 PNG with Rosemary. Lets share her letter.Scanning:First of all, would you plz mark the numbers of the paragraphs. All together therere 9 paragraphs. We can divide the passage into 4 parts: the reason to write the letter; school life; village life; the end. Im going to give you 2 mins to go through

8、the passage quickly and find out how the passage is divided. I can tell you that para 9 is about the end.Para 1 the reason to write the letterPara 2-3 school lifePara 4-8 village lifePara 9 the endStep 2: Detailed reading:1. para 1: so, what is the reason for Jo to write this letter? And Jo is also

9、sending some photos to help Rosemary picture the places. Here, picture is used as a verb, meaning: imagine. And where can you find those photos? Yes, on the right. When u are reading the letter, dont forget those photos. They can tell you much information.2. then we can come to Jos school life. I wi

10、ll give you 2 mins to go through para 2-3, and decide what does Jo share with her students. You can choose from the following items.Check it with the whole class.In the letter, Jo also says that she doubts something. What is Jos doubt?Is Jo making any difference to those boys lives? Why?Yes. Being a

11、ble to read will open a new world to theme and one or two of them may get out the village and seek their fortune in the outside world. So, sure enough, their life is changed and when they come back to their home village, they will bring further changes to the village life.So what about the village l

12、ife now?3. para 4-8 will tell us about the village life. Here, Jo will tell about her visit to a village. You will have 4 mins to read the 5 paras and think about the following items. You can also find these items on page 31. so, when reading, u can underline some key words and sentences.Check the t

13、able with individual Ss.Step 3: discussing:In one word, their living condition is poor. But do you think this poor living condition only exists in PNG? No, in afica, in asia, even in china a lot of people are still leading a very poor life. I can show you some pictures about them. I cant help feelin

14、g sad looking at these pictures. What can we share with them? And how can we share with them to make a difference? Plz discuss in Group of 4. share your ideas with your group members. When discussing, u need one person to write down your ideas and also one person to report. Every member participate,

15、 every member contribute.Step 4: concluding:Thank you for sharing with us your group ideas. Sharing is helping, sharing is enjoying, sharing is understanding, sharing is contributing. Sharing is Im sure sharing will make this world a better place. In the end, thank you for sharing this class with me. Thank you.



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