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1、2012年高考英语考前冲刺书面表达范例精选1.假如你叫李华,是高一学生,你所在学校和美国California州一所中学实施互派“exchange students”的友好合作项目,你家被定为“host family”,一个名叫John Stephenson的将在你家住三年。现在,请根据下面的提示,以李华的名义给John Stephenson发一封e-mail,告诉他有关情况。提示:1、得知他的到来全家人非常高兴。父母已为他准备好了一个房间,既可作卧室也可作书房。2、你们可以一起上学、锻炼身体、上网、参观访问,还可以互相学彼此的语言等。3、相信你们将对彼此的国家和人民有更多的了解,会一起度过一段

2、美好的时光。Dear John, How happy my family are when we know youll stay with us for two months! My parents have already prepared a room with things you need for you. It can serve both as a bedroom and a study as well. We will be able to share such a lot of pleasant hours as going to school, taking exercise

3、s, surfing on the Internet and visiting places together, whats exciting and interesting is that we can exchange language lessons, with you teaching me English , and me teaching you Chinese ! Im sure that we will be able to know each others country and people better, and that we well have a very happ

4、y time together. Looking forward to seeing you! Yours sincerely, Li hua2. 世界戒烟日那天,你在报纸上发表了一篇文章,内容如下:(1) 吸烟危害我们的健康,如身体变弱,引发多种疾病。(2) 你爸爸曾吸烟,经常引发咳嗽,并多次戒烟失败。(3) 学习“Smoking”一文后,向父亲解释吸烟的后果,父亲戒烟成功,身体状况有很大改善。(4)希望刚刚开始吸烟的人赶快戒烟。 Smoking does great harm to our health. Smoking will reduce Vitamin C in our body,

5、 make us weaker and cause many diseases. My father used to be a heavy smoker. Every morning he coughed and coughed before he got up. He tried many times to stop smoking but failed. After I got some knowledge about smoking, I explained to him the bad result of smoking. Now he has given up smoking and

6、 is in good health.I hope new smokers will soon realize the importance of giving up smoking and try their best to give it up.3.假如你是李林,想给中外合资的中华饭店外方经理写封投诉信。信的内容参考以下内容。 April 13, 2006Dear Sir, Last Friday, I booked a table near the window for dinner in your hotel as I was going to treat my two America

7、n friends to a typical Chinese meal. But Im quite disappointed with your service. We went there at the time as arranged, but the waiter told us there were no seats available. After about one and a half hours, we were asked to share a table with an old couple. The food was not delicious and some dish

8、es were too salty. Ill appreciate it if you can look into this case. Yours, Li lin4. 假设你是李华。昨天是星期天(8月9日),你和几位同学去了一个农场。根据下列图画用英语写一篇日记。要求:日记必须包括所有图画表示的内容,可以适当增加情节,使日记内容连贯。词数100字左右. A happy day August 9th, Sunday sunny It was Sunday yesterday. I got up at six oclock. It was sunny. The sky was blue and

9、clear. After breakfast my classmates and I went to a farm by truck to help the farmers with the apple harvest. As soon as we got there, we began our work. Most of the apples were too high to pick. Li Ming brought a ladder, leaned it against the tree and held it for me. I climbed to the top of the la

10、dder so I was able to pick the apples. Some of us carried the apples to the truck, and others put the baskets onto the truck. It was hard work, and we were dog-tired. But we were all very happy to be helpful.5. 你应邀给市报写一篇介绍残疾人事迹的文章,应包括以下内容: 唐小利,你的同班同学,女,8岁时因一场车祸致残。 双腿不能动,腰以下部位都没有感觉,如今只能生活在轮椅上。 尽管如此,

11、她自强不息,不但学会了自己照顾自己,还能鼓励其他残疾人或得了不治之症的病人积极乐观生活。她学习刻苦努力, 成绩在班里名列前茅。 你班的同学都受她感染,为她骄傲。同时你们都希望大家不要歧视残疾人,要为他们做些事,使得一些公共设施能够方便他们使用。Tan Xiaoli, my classmate, is a lovely girl. Unfortunately, she became disabled at the age of 8 in a traffic accident. Since then, she cant move her legs and has no feeling below

12、her waist which makes her stay in a wheelchair all day. In spite of her disability, she didnt give everything up. Not only has she learned to take care of herself, but also encouraged other disabled people or some patients who have got incurable diseases to face life bravely and lead an active life.

13、 She works hard and takes the lead in our class.The whole class are inspired by her, and we feel proud of her as well. And we hope other people dont look down upon the disabled. What we healthy people should do is to do what we can to help them, and to make public equipments convenient for them to u

14、se.6. 假如伦敦奥运会组委会正在向全世界招聘奥运会志愿者。条件如下: 1有热情为他人服务的思想; 2有丰富的文化知识,既能做好服务工作,也能传播文化; 3有流利的英语表达能力和良好的沟通能力。 假如你是王林,你想申请成为一名奥运会志愿者。请根据以上要求,些一封申请信。Dear Sir or Madam,I am grateful to you for reading my letter of application. With the 2012 London Olympic Games 7. 假如你是李华,从今日中国上的广告得知某公司需要一名秘书,请你根据以下信息写一封求职信。1年龄22岁

15、,即将大学毕业;2专业是经济管理(business management),成绩优秀,英语和计算机学得好;3曾做过校报编辑。4喜欢办公室工作。Dear Sir/ Madam,Im writing to apply for the position of secretary that you have advertised in China Today.My name is Li Hua, 22 years old now, who will soon graduate from University. My major is business management and my grades remain outstanding in my class


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