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1、Unit 1 Other countries,other cultures Reading班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、明确目标,自主学习1. 学习目标:(1)To grasp the usage of some important words and expressions.(2)To analyse and understand some difficult sentences.2. 预习内容:可以按知识体系设置,最好分层设置A组1. Write out the required form of the given words1) wild (adj. 野生的) _ (n. 荒原,荒野)2)

2、 defence (n. 防卫) _ (v. 防御)3) count (v. 数数) _ (adj. 数不尽的)4) seem (v. 似乎,好像) _ (adv. 似乎,好像)5) freeze (v. 结冰) _ (adj. 严寒的)6) culture (n. 文化) _ (adj. 多文化的)7) locate (v. 坐落于) _(n. 位置)8) circle (n. 圆) _ (n. 半圆)9) settle (v. 定居) _(n. 定居点)10) immigrate (v. 移居) _(n. 移民)B 组1) 仅次于 _ 2) 在充足 _3) 户外运动 _ 4) 喜欢 _5)

3、 大量的 _ 6) 因而兴奋 _7) 加拿大第二大城市 _ 8) 坐落于 _9) 失去,感觉不到. _ 10) 是的原产的,栖息地 _11) 占地 _ 12) 由组成_13) 水上乐园_ 14) 最广为人知的自然景观 _15) 碰运气 _16) 少数人 _17) 除了做之外还_18) 和非常相配 _C组1._讲法语的城市 2._简称,缩略 3._喜欢,喜爱 4._为的所在地/家 园 5._满足于,满意于 6._把归因于,归功于 7._大多数 8._被指控/批评 9._配备有装备有 10._吸引;呼吁 11._参加 12_ 把 和区 分 开来 13._追逐,追赶 14._尤其,特别 15._ _

4、位于,坐落在 16._由组成 17._就而言 18._碰运气,找出 路 19._以为基础 20._而不是二、合作释疑,互相研讨重点句型 1._ _(坐落于) heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which the is often called the CN Tower_ _ (简称) 2.Montreal is the second largest city in Canada and also the second largest French speaking city in Canada,_ _ the largest.(巴

5、黎是最大的) 3.Vancouver has superb scenery,_ _ _ _ close to some very popular ski areas(此外附近还有最受欢迎的荒原). 4.The waterfalls, the largest _ _ _ _ _ a semicircle(其中最大的瀑布形似),are 670 metres wide, and fall 56 metres in an awesome white sheet of water. 5.The maple tree supplies Canada most famous food-maple syrup

6、-_ _ _ _(配上一起吃) pancakes. 6. The conversation quickly _ _(转向)sport. It _ _ _ _ _(有可能是对分析)the most recent sporting results. 7. _ _ _ _ _ (由于它的大多数人口)living near the coast, swimming and surfing are popular activities for many families at the weekend. 8. Since most tennis courts _ _ _(配有) lighting facil

7、ities, many people often play late into the night. 9. The sport is known as soccer in Australia,_ _ _ _ (以区别于 )Australian rules football. 10 Patience is a _ _ _ (欣赏的所必须的)the game . 11. You will see players _ _ _ _(全身穿着白色球衣). 12. In the Olympic Games _ _(尤其),Australian performers often _ _ _ _(赢得奖牌的比

8、例高于) of medals than many of their competitors. 三、精心点拨,启发引导 2.Montreal is the second largest city in Canada and also the second largest French speaking city in Canada,_ _ the largest.(巴黎是最大的) 4.The waterfalls, the largest _ _ _ _ _ a semicircle(其中最大的瀑布形似),are 670 metres wide, and fall 56 metres in an

9、 awesome white sheet of water. 13. _ _ _ _ (考虑到澳大利亚人相对较 少),its outstanding performance in the Olympic Games was amazing. 15. _ _ _ _ (虽然很大一部分)of Australians may be people who watch sports rather than do them, it is indeed a great sporting nation.四、巩固训练,提升技能A组单项填空 1. Happy and _, Tony stood up and ac

10、cepted the prize. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprising D. To be surprised 2. If you feel sick and tired of fat food , that is _ you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination. A. when B. why C. whether D. what 3. The _ on her face told us that she was really angry. A. impression

11、B. sight C. appearance D. expression 4. Perhaps _most separates the successful people from others is _ they live on purpose. A. /; what B. that; what C. what; that D. that; that 5. - Lucy, you wash the dishes, _?. - Mom, cant Lily do it? Its her turn. A. dont you B. can you C. shall you D. will you 6. It was not until dark _ he foun


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