江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习 Module1 Unit2单元练习

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1、M1U2一、根据课文完成下列句子1. Mom and Dad arrive _ from _ a day earlier than _. The curtains are _ and the living room is _ when Mom and Dad _.2. Suddenly a door _ and a soccer ball flies _ the room. Eric runs in after it, _ by a big dog, _ very slowly.3. Hes so tired _ hungry! The money _ which you _ to buy d

2、og food is _, but Spot looks so _! What did you _ with the money we _?4. Dad opens the door _ light comes _ the room. The room is a _, with pizza boxes _ the floor and dirty dishes in the _. There are _ of garbage and _ paper around the _ can.5. Listen to me, _ man - remember the day _ we left you i

3、n _? We thought you could act _ an _! I dont know the reason _ the house is so _.6. Eric sits _ his bed _ at Daniel, _ has his arms _ and looks angry.7. We spent all _ yesterday _ there for him and that is _ we had _ time to _ the house. Why didnt they ask me _ happened instead _ shouting _ me?8. _

4、he has been refusing to do his _, and _ insists _ wasting his _ watching DVDs and _ to foreign music.9. He also spends too _ time in _ cafes, _ he either plays games _ chats _. He is wasting _ time during this important _ in his _.10. He and my mother always _ me do things I dont like _ _ playing _

5、piano and _ Japanese. When I have some _ time and want to be _, they call me _ and _!二、短语背记译1调大,出现,露面 2在六点之前 3再也没有电脑游戏4浪费时间 5强迫某人做某事 6在.业余时间7从.选择 8某人/物怎么了/碰巧做 9在度假10度假回家 11 比预期的早一天 12应该13向(某人)解释 14处理 15混乱16让(某人)负责 17表现得像/担当 18相信某人19负责 /由(某人)负责 20砰的关上门 21双臂交叉22免受惩罚 23迫不及待做某事 24对某人大吼大叫25对某人大声说话 26让某人做

6、某事 27有某事要做28某事被做/请某人做 29对(某人)苛刻/严厉/不公平 30既然31想要做某事 32本应该 33肯定做过34做出好的决定 35在某方面不同 36拨打电话找我37很不合身 38与某人开玩笑 39下倾盆大雨40倾听 41令人扫兴的人 42在电话里43漏掉 44感到灰心 45不可能做过46以.的 形式 47对(某人)粗鲁 48给某人机会做某事49与某人争论某事 50用换 51代替/而不是52以为骄傲 53熬夜 54做得好55对感到紧张 56白费/无功 57毕竟/终究58把和混淆 59一直 60一直做61整理/收拾 62怎么了 63没有影响,没区别64牢记 65既然,由于 66向

7、(某人)抱怨某事67因而苦恼/烦恼 68在早期,早先 69解决问题70求助/求教 71采纳某人意见 72在(方面)帮助某人73目前,现在 74拒绝做 75独生子(女)76对粗鲁 77好像 78坚持做79浪费时间 80在网吧 81要么要么82在人生的黄金时段 83放任某人 84不伤害(影响)我们的关系85向(某人)提出(想法) 86我们两个人 87发疯似88弹钢琴 89自私且缺乏爱心 90打发某人睡觉91禁止(某人)做某事 92消除代沟 93在全班人面前94做调查三、单项填空1. European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most

8、 popular sport in the world.A. making B. makes C. made D. to make2. While _ along the street, I met an old friend of mine.A. I walking B. was walking C. I am walking D. walking3. _ telephone is working here. You have to get them_.A. Both; repaired B. Neither; repaired C. Either; to repaired D. All;

9、to repair4. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I _ for her.A. had to write it out B. must have written it outC. should have written it out D. ought to write it out5. Its important for us to choose a word or a phrase according to the _ in language studies.A. situation B. expression C. conditio

10、n D. translation6. Though the girl _ to learn Japanese, she couldnt catch up with her classmates.A. made effort B. made all her efforts C. took every effort D. gave her efforts7. Mike _ with Janet for over one year before they got married.A. had fallen in love with B. had been in love C. has fallen

11、in love D. has been fallen in love8. Many patients got a high fever when they came to the hospital, but after being _ about a week, their temperature can be _.A. treated; normal enough B. looked; enough normalC. treat; usual enough D. looked after; enough normal9. It is believed that _ part of the animals cannot stay alive in water at 1,500 metersbelow _ s


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