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1、Unit 3 Festivals一、教材分析1本课所在的单元的主题Celebration(庆祝)主要是介绍了中外的一些主要的节日,还介绍了人们在一些特殊日子里的庆祝活动。2本课Chinese Seasonal Festivals 是本单元的第一课,是一节阅读课。3在Warm-up 部分学生通过听力理解已了解了一些关于庆祝的内容及相关词汇,为本课的话题作了一些词汇和内容的铺垫。4本课要通过阅读文章 被动语态的用法。二、学生分析1学生在Warm-up 部分通过听力理解已了解了一些关于庆祝的内容及相关词汇以。2学生对本课话题Chinese Seasonal Festivals 已初步具备了一定的背景

2、知识、经历和经验, 但是要用英语表达出来还是有一定的难度。3高一的学生已初步具备了一定的从语言材料中获取相关语言信息的能力。三、教学目标基于课程标准:“注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际意识和基本跨文化交际能力.”这一基本要求,达到下列教学目标:1知识教学点使学生了解和掌握下列知识目标:1)进一步了解我国的一些主要的节日及相关的历史。2)掌握从文章中获取和处理主要的信息的方法和技巧。3)掌握介绍节日的基本的篇章结构。4)学会用英语简单介绍中国的节假日。使学生掌握下列单词及短语。(walk along.,take the.turning on the left,catch a

3、 bus, need a number 16 bus,Is about a hundred meters along on the rightleft)2.教学目标设计A. 语言知识目标:使学生掌握下列单词及短语。(walk along.,take the.turning on the left, catch a bus,need a number 16 bus,Is about a hundred meters along on the rightleft)B语言技能目标:使学生掌握问路及应答的方法,介绍从家到学校的路线,并能较熟练地指明长春市各大旅游景点的乘车路线。C情感态度目标:使学生树

4、立助人为乐的观念,增强为人民服务的意识和热爱家乡的荣誉感。2能力与方法的培养1)通过各种文字资料和图片,使学生掌握一些中国节日名称的英语表达。2)通过阅读文章的教学,使学生进一步理解我国的文化。3)通过分析文章结构和内容,使学生掌握用英语介绍中国节日的一般的步骤。3价值与情感的培养我国的文化有着悠久、辉煌的历史,了解本国文化,对比西方的文化,可以增强爱国主义精神和民族志豪感。四、教学重点与难点让学生学会用英语来描述中国的节日。五、教学设计的理念 1探索阅读课中任务型教学的模式给学生设计各种各样的任务,要求学生用英语讨论交流,让学生在完成语言任务的同时学会英语的运用。2探索以生为本教学模式构建以

5、学生为本的教学模式,让学生以个体或集体角色进行有效的语言学习;把学生自主学习,合作学习和探究学习贯穿教学全过程中,为学生提供施展才华的平台。六、教学过程Step1 Leading-in1.Play a piece of music Silent Night for the students to enjoy .2.Ask the students: At what festival is the music played? In what countries is it (Christmas) celebrated?3.Tell the students Christmas is a seas

6、onal festival.4.Tell the students we are going to learn about Chinese seasonal festival. ( 以一首歌引入本课的主题:Chinese seasonal festival.)Step2 Pre-reading1.Before reading, present the students some questions to discuss:Q1 Which season do you like best? Why?Q2 What seasonal festivals fall in your favorite s

7、eason?Q3 What festivals will you think of when you see the pictures?2.Present the names of three festivals:Dragon Boat Festival Lantern Festival Mid- Autumn F(通过设计问题讨论,让学生把注意力集中到本课要讲到的三个节日上来: 龙舟节、元宵节和中秋节。)Step3 While-reading1.Ask the students to skim the passages and match the festivals and the pict

8、ures.2.Ask the students to read the first passage quickly and answer 4 questions about it:Q1 When is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated?Q2 What do people do and eat on this day? Q3 Why is this festival important ? Q4 What does the moon look like that day? (The students should first work in pairs, th

9、en individually. )(先让学生读第一篇关于“中秋”的文章,然后回答问题,给学生举出一个获取信息和处理信息的例子。)3Competition1) Divide the class into 2 groups: boys and girls. Each group read one of the rest passages carefully and raise at least 4 questions about it. Then the class read the whole text again. 2) Students close their books, and in

10、turn each group ask its questions for the other groups of students to answer. Each correct answer will win one score for his team!(让学生分组进行阅读,并在阅读中提出一些相关的问题让另外一组的同学来回答,进行比赛,促进学生的阅读效率)3.Students read the text again and fill in the table with the information they (再让学生阅读课文,用他们在阅读中所获得的信息填写一个表格。)Step4 Po

11、st- reading1.Ask the students to summarize how to describe a festival by asking them some questions:Q1 What us it called? Q2 When is it celebrated?Q3 How is it celebrated? Q4 What is eaten? Q5 What music is played? Q6 What are the stories about it?(把描述一个节日要涉及到的主要方面用问题的形式提出来,给学生一个示范,让学生通过回答问题获得信息。)2G

12、ive the students an example by describing Spring Festival. Give the students some hints.3Ask the students to pay attention to the following sentences and highlight the passive voice:Houses are decorated withFirecrackers are played.Greetings/ Presents are given to each other.Jiaozi / Dumplings are se

13、rved. 4.Present some other traditional festivals in China: Spring Festival, Double Ninth Festival, Double Seventh Festival, Qing Ming Festival and Winter Solstic Festival.5.Work in groups of four, make a description of one of the Chinese seasonal festivals they like best. Then choose one of the students to (给学生举出一个描述节日的例子,让学生先分组讨论,然后再描述一个他们喜欢的节日。)Step5 HomeworkRead the text “Christmas”. Compare Christmas with Spring Festival. Write a report abou


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