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1、用心 爱心 专心1 PartPart Six Six 书面表达部分书面表达部分 答题应试技巧 答题应试技巧 牢记 一式 两头 三写 四关 的应试要诀 一式 是关注文章体裁 写对格式 两头 即写好文章 的开头和结尾 三写 是大小写 拼写和书写无误 四关 也就是过好内容要点关 行文逻辑关 语法 规则关和习惯表达关 具体如下 1 注重审题 对写的内容做到心中有数 首先 应通过审题明确文章的体裁 其次 应注重时态及语态 认真琢磨其内容的英语表达方式 避免汉式英语 最后着手写时要注意分段 2 内容要点是否齐全 句子语法 包括 时态 语态 用词 句法和结构格式等 是否正确 词汇是否 准确多样 句式结构是否

2、丰富多彩 逻辑关系词使用是否到位 是否合理使用连接词和过渡性词语 标点符号 英语字母大小写是否规范 3 在表达清晰明了的前提下适当使用有把握的复杂结构和高级词汇 4 注重英语习惯 使所写句子准确地道 注意表达时的切换 避免汉式英语 5 注重开头和结尾的技巧 6 新标准对写作的要求增加了情感因素 所以发挥自己的观点时注重思想性 力图提高文章思想内涵 7 注重书写 追求卷面美观 书面表达属于主观性试题 阅卷老师的主观印象直接关系到考生的得分高 低 8 通读全文 检查疏漏 忌 书写潦草 单词模糊不清 左右明显不齐 随意涂改 缺乏分段 字数太多或太少 应在忌 书写潦草 单词模糊不清 左右明显不齐 随意

3、涂改 缺乏分段 字数太多或太少 应在 130 170130 170 间 间 写作典型习题 写作典型习题 A A 请根据对某校这段时间学生中拥有 QQ 号人数的调查写一篇文章 要求描述变化 分析原因并谈谈看 法 2008200920102011 20 40 50 60 B 近些年 由于各种原因 对父母的孝顺之心 感恩之心 在许多青年学生心中已经大大折扣 甚至 越来越淡漠 根据这种现象 谈谈你的看法 注意 孝心 filial piety 打折扣 discount C 近日某网站对人们外出旅游的频率和目的进行了一次问卷调查 结果见下图 请根据图表提供的信 息用英语写一篇短文 介绍此次调查结果 并谈谈

4、你自己外出旅游的目的 词数 150 左右 文章的开头 已经给出 旅旅游游频频率率 有时旅游 46 很少旅游 21 经常旅游 33 48 20 26 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 观赏风景游览名胜了解民俗外出购物 旅旅游游目目的的 表 1 表 2 用心 爱心 专心2 OneOne possiblepossible versionversion RecentlyRecently anan onlineonline surveysurvey onon travelingtraveling hashas beenbeen conductedconducted D 请根据下面提供的漫画所反应的现

5、象和问题 写一篇题为 Exam is coming 的短文 你的短 文应该包含 1 漫画描述和反映的问题及原因是什么 2 请联系实际 就我们应该怎样正确面对这样的 问题发表自己的看法 要求 1 参照图及所给提示 作必要的发挥想象 2 词数 150 左右 作文中不得提及考生所 在学校和本人姓名 3 参考词汇 失眠insomnia E 假如你校最近就家长应该如何对待孩子的问题进行了调查 结果如下 请根据图表 1 中提供的信息 描述调查结果 并针对图表 2 的其中一个数据所反映的情况写出你的看法 词数 150 左右 开头已经写好 不计入总词数 Recently our school has cond

6、ucted a survey among the students about how parents treat their children F 近期某网站就校车安全问题进行了一次社会调查 结果见下图 请根据图示用英语写一篇短文 介 绍调查结果并谈谈你的看法 供有关部门参考 注意 150 词左右 文章的开头已给出 提示词 报废车 abandoned vehicles Recently a survey on school buses has been conducted on a website The result is as follows 书面表达书面表达 PossiblePossi

7、ble versions versions 用心 爱心 专心3 A A With the development of the Internet nowadays many students own QQs As is shown in the chart the rate of students who owned QQs increased greatly from 2008 to 2011 Back in 2008 only 20 of the students had QQs one year later the rate became twice as large In 2010 h

8、alf of them had QQs and the rate in 2011 rose to 60 Clearly it is tending to increase In my opinion the increase can be accounted for two factors For one thing the widespread use of the Internet makes it convenient for students to communicate with each other For another QQ provides all kinds of ente

9、rtainments such as playing games and enjoying music What s more QQ has gradually become the main means for the public to know the latest news Personally students should make proper use of and not be addicted to QQ and only when we do so can it serve its purpose 155 words B B In recent years many you

10、ng students have forgotten some Chinese traditional virtues Worse still in many students minds the idea of filial piety to their parents has been discounted and even lost As far as I m concerned there are different reasons leading to young students lacking the sense of thanksgiving to their parents

11、Firstly they are often self centered considering themselves to be number ones in the family forgetting thanks Secondly they always take their parents cultivation teachers teaching and social offering for granted Thirdly it is related to the education of our society family and school where education

12、focuses only on knowledge teaching forgetting all about traditional good virtues Therefore we should do something to change this phenomenon We believe building harmonious school campus needs thanksgiving education So schools should add virtue education to their routine while young students should le

13、arn to be respectful and grateful It is essential in building a harmonious society and developing Chinese traditional goodness 159 words C C RecentlyRecently anan onlineonline surveysurvey onon travelingtraveling hashas beenbeen conductedconducted In the survey people are asked about how often and w

14、hy they travel and the results are as follows Chart 1 shows that 33 of the people often go traveling the reason for which lies in the fact that they have enough time and money Nearly half of the people do it now and then while those who seldom go out to travel account for 21 As is shown in Chart 2 p

15、eople travel for different reasons The largest percentage of people about 48 put enjoying beautiful natural scenery in the first place for their travel Over a quarter of them enjoy learning about culture and customs and 20 prefer to visit places of interest Also there are a small number of people wh

16、o travel mainly for shopping As for me traveling is not only a good way to relax and enjoy myself but also a chance to broaden my horizons 151 words D D 用心 爱心 专心4 Exam is coming As we can see in the picture the boy is so worried about the coming exam that he feels dizzy and even suffers from insomnia and mental illness It s a fairly common phenomenon among us students With the college entrance examination approaching many students are suffering from exam anxiety Some of the students feel nervous



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