2017年秋七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 3 The Earth(课后作业)课件 牛津深圳版

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《2017年秋七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 3 The Earth(课后作业)课件 牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017年秋七年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 3 The Earth(课后作业)课件 牛津深圳版(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3TheEarth Module2Thenaturalworld 上册 课后作业 一 根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词1 Thefamousbookhasthreep 2 Don tletthechildrenbthefallenleaves It sverydangerous 3 Howmanymicedidthecatc 4 Theparkisthreekawayfromhere 5 Whoothehouse 6 Farmersworkinthe 田野 arts urn atch ilometres 第1课时Vocabulary wns field 7 Thehost 提供 us

2、withdeliciousfoodanddrinkyesterday 8 Pleasedon t 污染 theriver 9 Thegovernmentasksustosave 能源 10 Pleasehandinyour 报告 tomorrow provided pollute energy report 二 词汇测试i 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项 1 Don tpollutethewaterhere A make cleanB make dirtyC make cool 2 Infact hedidn tknowthesecret A AsafactB

3、 AsmatteroffactC Asamatteroffact B C 3 Isawhimentertheroomjustnow A gointoB walkC gooutof 4 Theyprovideuswithfood A helpB giveC show 5 WeshouldprotecttheEarth A keep safeB changeC make clean 6 InordertoprotectourEarth wemustsaveenergy A havetoB canC may A B A A 7 Ourschoolislargewithtwoplaygrounds A

4、 verysmallB verybigC veryfar 8 Thequestionissodifficultthatveryfewstudentscananswerit A manyB notmanyC alittle B B ii 根据句子意思 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子 9 Theword meansofgreatsignificanceorvalue A difficultB importantC easy 10 You somethingmeansyouhavetheownershipofsomething A ownB likeC want B A 1

5、1 To somethingmeanstomakeitloseitslife A loseB killC live 12 isimportantforustolearnEnglishwell A ThisB ThatC It 13 Therearemanydifferentanimals Earth A inB onC with B C B 14 Weshouldn tmakeourclassroom A cleanB dirtyC tidy 15 Willitbefinetomorrow We regoingtohaveapicnic A IhopenotB IthinknotC Ihope

6、so B C 三 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 pollute isabigproblem 2 Heis60yearsold butheis energy 3 Iamthe own ofthatbicycle 4 MydreamistobeaTV report 5 Youwillgetour protect 6 Thewastewater pollution theriver 7 Look Thelittleboy burn hisshoes 8 Thefishermanusesthenet catch fish 9 Runningtwo kilometre makesmefeeltired 1

7、0 Don tlietome Tellmethe fact Pollution energetic owner reporter protection pollutes isburning tocatch kilometres fact 四 完形填空Johnisafamouswriternow Buthesaidhewasnota 1studentwhenhewasyoung Hewasoftenlatefor 2anddidn tlikedoinghishomework Sometimes hesleptinclasswhiletheteacher wasteaching Hedidn tu

8、nderstandmuch 3healwaysthoughtheunderstoodeverything Onedaytheteacher4thestudentsaquestion WhenJackwastenyearsold 5brotherBobwastwenty Jackisfifteennowand6ishisbrotherBob Johnsaid That seasy BobistwiceasoldasJack soheisthirtynow Anothertime the7inaScienceclassasked Whenitthunders 打雷 8dowealwaysseeth

9、elightbeforewe9thesound But Miss saidJohnquickly don tyou10oureyesareinfrontofourears 1 A goodB tallC rich 2 A sleepB lunchC class 3 A butB andC or 4 A sentB askedC told 5 A yourB myC his 6 A howmanyB howoldC what 7 A teacherB farmerC nurse 8 A whyB whenC where 9 A breakB makeC hear 10 A knowB hopeC

10、 study A C A B C B A A C A 一 根据教材P31的课文内容 补全下面短文 每空一词TheEarthisourhome Thereareforestsandrivers 1 andfields Therearedifferentplantsand2 Therearealsopeoplelikeyouandme TheEarth3 uswithair waterandfood Buttoday thereisalotof4 Weburnthingstomake5 Weputour6 intotheseaandundertheground ThispollutestheEar

11、thand7 animalsandplants Wemuststop8 thesethings Forour9 future itisimportantto10 theEarth mountains animals pollution provides energy 第2课时Reading rubbish kills doing better protect 二 根据教材P31的课文内容 回答下列问题1 WhatarethereonEarth 2 Whatdoallplantsneed 3 Whatkindofpollutiondopeoplemake Thereareforests rive

12、rs mountains fields differentplantsandanimalsandalotofpeopleonEarth Theyneedlightandwater Airpollution waterpollution landpollutionandsoon 4 Wheredodifferentanimalslive 5 WhatmustpeopledotoprotecttheEarth Someliveontheland Someflyinthesky Someliveunderthewater Peoplemuststopburningthingsandputtingru

13、bbishintotheseaandundertheground 三 阅读理解In1979 Chinaset12thMarchasNationalTreePlantingDay Treesareveryimportantincleaningtheair Everyyearpeopleplanttreesindifferentplacesinspring That sbecausespringisagoodtimefortreestogrow Wecanseesomepeopleplantingtreesduringspring Whenleavesturngreen springreallya

14、rrives Placesarebecomingmoreandmorebeautifulbecausepeopleplantmoreandmoretrees PeopleareenjoyinganiceandhappylifeandI msureourworldwillbecome betterandbetter MoretreesmaketheEarthbetter AbetterEarthmeansgoodhealthforpeople Plantsareourfriends Andanimalsareourfriends too Weshouldlivewithourfriendsand

15、befriendlytothem Don tcutdowntreesformoney Don tkillanimalsfordeliciousfood Ifwedon tprotectourworldwell cutdownallthetreesandkillalltheanimals wewilldie too 1 WhenisTreePlantingDayinChinaeveryyear A On11thMarch B On12thMarch C On13thMarch D Wedon tknow 2 Ifweplantmoretrees A ourplaceswillbecomemore

16、beautifulB theEarthwillbecomeabetterplaceC peoplecanbecomehealthierD alloftheabove B D 3 WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrue A Treesareimportant becausetheycancleantheair B Thenewleavesofthegrassaregreen C Plantsandtreesareourfriends butanimalsarenot D Ifalltheplantsandanimalsdie wewilldie too 4 What sthebesttitleforthepassage A TreesareimportantB WeliketreesC TreePlantingDayinChinaD Don tcutdowntrees C C 一 选择填空 1 Arethereanymapsonthewall A TherearesomeB Yes thereisC Yes thereisone 2 Howmany aretherein



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