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1、SOHO SOHO 一族dialogue1E: I havent met you at the gym for a long time.好久没在健身俱乐部看见你了.B: yeah, I quit my job, and started working from home. Recently Ive got a project to deal with and dont have much time to work out.是啊,我辞职了,在家里工作.最近在忙一个项目,没时间出来锻炼.E: why? You have a decent salary, lots of promotion oppo

2、rtunities and a regular life of going to the office at 9 o clock and coming back home at 5 in the evening.为什么辞职?你原来的工资不错,升职机会多,朝九晚五的生活也很规律.B: its not about pay raise or promotion. You know,I hate getting up early in the morning and coming back home late at night.我辞职不是为了加薪或者升职,要知道,我讨厌每天早早起床,却很晚才回家.E:

3、 then SOHO is your ideal work style.那SOHO是你理想工作模式.B: yeah, as long as I have a computer and internet access, I can start working. I recently enjoy working in my own place and at my own pace.没错,只要我有太电脑,能上网,就可以工作.我喜欢在自己家里按自己的节拍工作.E: and you dont have to work under that much pressure and control.而且还没那么

4、多压力,不用受人控制.B: absolutely. I can decide when and what to do all by myself.就是,我想做什么,什么时候做,都可以自己决定.E: sounds great. Are there many business opportunies?听起来不错.生意机会多不多?B: yea, I can find enough online.恩,在网上能找到很多机会.E: its good to have business around. But you should also do some exercise to keep fit.有生意就好

5、.可你也得锻炼,保持身体健康啊.B: thank you for reminding me. Ill continue to exercise as soon as I finish this project.谢谢你提醒我.这个项目一做完我就会继续锻炼身体了.dialogue 2E:hey, the new SOHO. Hows everything going?嘿,SOHO新人.最近怎么样?B:everythings great.Ive just returned from my office.挺好的.我刚从办公室回来.E: your office?Arent you a freelance

6、r?办公室?你不是做自由职业吗?B: sure I am. I work for myself, but Ive rented a virtual office at an office building in the downtown area.是啊.我给自己打工,但在市中心一个写字楼里租了虚拟办公室.E: a virtual office?虚拟办公室?B: yeah, an office that runs efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies. I pay the rent an

7、d share office services with others in the same building.对,靠网络通讯技术高效办公.我付租金就可以和楼里的其他办公室共享各种办公服务.E: what kind of services do they offer?都有什么服务?B: a separated office, internet access, phone services, fax services, mail & courier services, and almost everything you have in a conventional office.一间独立的办公

8、室,网络连接,电话,传真,收发信件,和传统办公室差不多.E: sounds fun.what else?挺有意思.还有别的服务吗?B: I get a business address at an expensive location, and I can share the receptionist and secretary with other offices in the same floor.可以使用昂贵地段的地址,和同一层的办公室共享前台和秘书服务.E: oh, that helps a lot to promote your corporate image.哦,能帮你提升企业形象呢.B: you bet it!没错!



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