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1、高二上学期期末测试卷 第卷 (共三大题, 计分95分) 单项填空 (共25小题, 计分25分)A) 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项1dssert Arescue Bmouse Cincrease Dcause2blanket Abranch Btanker Cwarning Dchange3developed Aplayed Bnoticed Cnodded Dpoured4pollute Aprobably Bpiano Cofficial Dlory5heaven Abreathe Bseal Ctreat DdealtB) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,

2、 选出可填入空白处的最佳答案6Was it in the place _ the last emperor died? Awhere BthatCwhich Din which7-Are you going to Toms birthday party?-If Mary goes, _ Aso i will Bso do ICso will I Dso I do8The doctor insisted that he _ for a few days Awould rest BrestsCrested Drest9Seeing the boy in danger, the soldier ru

3、shed over to carry him to _ Asafe BsaveCsafety Dsafely10Would you mind _ alone at home? Aleaving Bbeing leftCto be left Dleft11It is _ great fun that the shoes he bought yesterday were _ different sizes. Aain B/oC/in Dawith12I have met Mr Johnson before, one of _ books has been filmed Awhose BhisCwh

4、ich Dwhom13To our great surprise, their basketball team did_ ours _ _ _a large score Awinby BbeatbyCdefeatwith Dgainwith14I like to have everything _ Ain place Bon placeCin places Dat place15-Excuse me, could you tell me the time?-SorryI dont have my watch with me AThanks anyway. BThanks a lotCIm so

5、rry to hear that. DWhat a pity!16Please drop _ my home when you are free Ain BonCin on Din at17I dont like _ film _ that Asoas Bsuch alikeCsuch aas Dsamelike18The 21 Century is very popular _ young readers Aby BwithCfor Dto19There are sixty-five students in our class, _ are girls Afive-ninth of whom

6、 Bfive-ninths of themCfive-ninths of whom Dfive-ninth of them20_ worried her a bit that her hair was turning grey AThis BThatCWhat DIt21By the end of that year, the factory _ one million bicycles Ahas produced BproducedChad produced Dwere producing22The problem _ is about our English Corner. Abeing

7、discussed Bto discussCis discussed Dis being discussed23He was one of the students who _ late for class this morning Aare BisCwere Dwas24-Mary, this is my friend John AAre you John? BGlad to see you againCPleased to meet you. DHow are you?25The teacher suggested that the dictionary _ to be bought Ar

8、efer BreferredCbe referred Dreferring完形填空 (共25小题, 计分25分)根据下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从2650题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案Mrs White was a wealthy ladyShe lived 26 in a large comfortable house where her children and grandchildren came to visit her 27 However, she was 28 She spent a lot of time thinking about her 29 and about h

9、er dead husbandHer children 30 about her and asked DrGreen to see herMrs Green was an experienced doctorShe knew 31 people became set in their ways and dont like to be 32 what to doShe decided to 33 Mrs White before she said anythingDuring the visit, DrGreen asked Mrs White to give her a 34 of the houseMrs White was 35 her house and happily agreedAs they walked from room to room, DrGreen 36 that there were a lot of violets (紫罗兰) in every windowShe asked, “ 37 do you have so many violets?”Mrs White replied, “I love these 38 and they 39 so fast that I have more and more”When the tour of



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