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1、2011高一英语学案:M4U2 Grammar (牛津译林版必修4)Learn Aims: Make Ss grasp the usage of Modal verbsDifficult Points: How to distinguish and use Modal verbsLearning procedures:Step One : 情态动词特征基本形式特征情态动词有一定词义,但不完全,不能单独作谓语,须和不带to的动词不定式(ought等除外)一起构成合成谓语;情态动词没有人称和数的变化;情态动词表示可能,能力,允诺,命令,愿望,敢于等情态。原形过去式canmaymustought t

2、owillshallneeddareStep Two:情态动词和否定词not连用时的简略形式情态动词not简略形式例句can notcantHe cant ski. 他不会滑雪。could notcouldntI couldnt speak English fluently then.must notmustntYou mustnt think only of yourselves.should notshouldntWe shouldnt be so careless.ought tooughtntThere oughtnt to be much noise in a library.wil

3、l notwontI wont do so. 我不愿这样做。would notwouldntHe wouldnt go to bed before he finished his homework.shall notshantYou shant leave your post.need notneedntYou neednt go there alone.dare notdarentShe darent swim in a river.Step Three 情态动词的用法can /could 的用法:用法例句表示能力1. My daughter can speak three language

4、s quite well: Chinese France and English. 我女儿能流利地讲三种语言:中文、法文和英文。2. Because he was tired, he couldnt swim across the river.因为累了,他不能游过河。表示表示可能性1. If we dont have a guide, we can lose our way in the forest假如没有向导,我们有可能在森林里迷路。2. We have just bought 50kg of rice. We cant be in short of food. 我们刚买了50公斤大米,我

5、们不可能缺粮。表示请求,命令,惊讶等1. Can you lend me your bike? 你能将自行车借给我吗?2. You can bring the calculator tomorrow. 明天你们要带计算器来。3. How can he be so rude? 他怎能这样无礼?Could用于疑问句中表示请求,语气比较委婉,但肯定回答时要用can,而不用could.1. -Could you lend me your book? 把你的书借给我好吗?-Certainly, I can. 当然可以。2. Could you let me have your pass? 看看你的通行证

6、好吗?说明can 和be able to都可以表示能力,但它们的过去式在意义上有点差别,could偏重于表示某人过去有某种能力,但并不明确表示某人干了某事,而was/were able to 则表示过去某人有能力干某事,实际上干了某事。另外,be able to 有更多的时态形式。如:1. I was able to (managed to) finish my homework in an hour.2. Chuck has been able to realize that friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as w

7、e take.may/might的用法:用法例句表示允许和请求当might代替may时,在语气上更委婉1. You may use my camera. 你可以用我的摄像机。2. May /Might I come in? 我可以进来吗?表示可能性1. She may not be free today. 今天她可能没有空。2. He might come to see you this evening. 今晚他可能来看你。用在由so that或in order that引导目的状语从句中1. She saved her money in order that she might buy a

8、watch.为了买块手表,她节省钱。2. I am saving my money so that I may go to Australia next winter.表示祝愿1. May you have a good time.2. May you succeed.表示让步Try as he may, he cannot find her.表示建议(和as well连用)1. We may as well stay where we are.2. You may as well consult a dictionary.must 的用法:用法例句表示必须,必要,mustnt (must n

9、ot) 表示禁止,不准1. You must come to school early enough for the morning class. 你必须早晨到校上早读课。2. You mustnt talk to your father like that. 你不能那样对你父亲讲话。表示主语的肯定推测, “一定”“准是”,比may肯定得多1. The lady cant be only 30. She must be 50. 那位女士不可只有30岁。她肯定50岁了。2. The old man must be our history teacher. 那位老夫子肯定是我们的历史老师。后面加动

10、词不定式的完成式表示对过去事物的推测Mike speaks Chinese very well. He must have studied Chinese before. 迈克的汉语很棒,他以前肯定学过汉语的后面加动词不定式的进行式表示对现在进行事物的推测She must be waiting for us.她一定在等着我们。表示推测的否定和疑问结构不能用must须用can1. The door is locked; she cannot be at home.门锁了,她一定不在家。2. Can the news be true?这消息可能是真的吗?说明must 和have to 都可以表示必

11、须,但must 着重说话人的主观看法,而have to强调客观需要。 另外,have to 有多种时态形式。如:1. We must learn at least a foreign language well. 我们必须学好至少一门外语。2. Mother was ill, so I had to look after her at home. will/would的用法:用法例句用干各种人称,表示意愿、意志或决心1. I will do anything my country asks me to do.我决心做祖国需要我做的任何事。2. Xiao Hong said that she w

12、ould help me with my maths. 小红说她愿意帮助我学习数学。用于第二人称的疑问句,表示征求对方的意见或向对方的请求。Would 比will更委婉客气些1. Will you give this note to Tom as soon as he comes back? 汤姆一回来,你把便条给他,好吗?2. Would you mind explaining it again?请你能再解释一遍好吗?will表示现在的某种倾向或习惯。 Would 表示过去习惯发生的动作1. Fish will die without water. 没有水鱼就会死。2. They will

13、have a party every Saturday evening.3. He would go for a walk every evening when he stayed at the hotel. Would like“愿意,要”1. I would like to hear your opinions.2. Would you like to have a chat with me?Would rather “宁愿,较喜欢”1. I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.我宁可呆在家里也不愿意去看电影。2. He woul

14、d rather have tea.3. I would rather not go to the concert.说明would 和used to 都表示过去的习惯,但used to 表示这种习惯现在已停止,used to 后面可用状态动词或动作动词,而would后只能用动作动词。1. I used to smoke heavily, but I dont any more. 2. He would go to see his grandfather on Sunday when he was in middle school.3. Ben used to be a heavy smoke.

15、 Shall/should 的用法:用法例句Shall (表示说话者的意图、许诺、警告、命令、决心等,用于陈述句第二、三人称中) 必须,应1. You shall not leave your post.你不得离开岗位。(命令)2. You shall see her again before long.不久你就会见到她。(允诺)Shall (在条约、规章、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,一般用于第三人称) 应,必须The new regulation shall take effect on June 1st.新章程自6月1日起施行。Shall (在问句中表示征求对方意见,主要用于第一、第三人称) 好吗?要不要?Shall I close the door? 要不要我


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