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1、完形阅读综合练(八)1(2010太原第二次统考)One student took a box of chicken to class.Another carried on a cellphone1and still another whistled loudly every time the2turned his back.Reform school?No,college.More and more,professors say,they are coming across 3 students in their classrooms.Many of todays young scholars

2、 (学者) arrive late,leave 4 ,talk loud or take care of personal 5 such as paying bills during class.Why are the students behaving badly?“Because they can,”said a student of University of North Texas,“A lot of the time,the professors let them get 6 with it.”Some educators say it is time to bring polite

3、ness back to their classrooms and even 7 taking some of the blame for bad behavior.They say that rude students are by no means the majority but that one of them can ruin an entire 8 .People are 9 when they learn that impolite behavior is becoming more and more common in 10 education,says DrGerald Am

4、anda,a counselor (顾问) at City College of San Francisco.They 11 some high school students to misbehave but think those who get to 12 will behave more politely.DrAmanda believes that society in 13 has become more tolerant (容忍的) of rude behavior and 14 people in power,including professors,no longer 15

5、standards for 16 .That leads to a growing imprudence (轻率行为) 17 some college students.“Theres a great 18 of bad behavior in the world around them,and young people see it and 19 disrespect,”said DrAmanda, 20 that “Sometimes students have no idea that they are being rude.”1A.line BconversationCmessage

6、Dpicture答案B解析此处是列举大学生的不礼貌行为,有些在课堂上用手机打电话交谈,因此用conversation。2A.professorBstudentCpresident Dclassmate答案A解析从下文看,此处描述的是大学课堂上的情况,因此选“教授”。其他选项不合逻辑。3A.selfishBcheatingCrude Dhardworking答案C解析从描述的行为可知,这都是些粗鲁的学生,因此选rude。其他选项不合题意。4A.late BearlyCnoisily Dquietly答案B解析还是描述学生的不礼貌,晚到,早走,因此用early。“吵闹地”,“静静地”,都不是文章此

7、处强调的意思。5A.feeling Binterest Ccomputer Dbusiness答案D解析有些学生甚至在课堂上处理个人事务,如付账,故选business。6A.away Bdown Calong Dback答案A解析教授们都容忍了学生的不礼貌行为,故用get away with,意思是“逍遥法外;做了坏事而未受惩罚”。get along with意思是“相处”,不合题意。7A.enjoy Bhate Cstart Davoid答案C解析有些教育者呼吁现在是提倡文明的时候了,甚至开始为一些不文明行为承担责任,故用start。其他选项都不合逻辑。8A.school Bcompany

8、Csociety Dclass答案D解析一个坏学生可以搅乱整个班级,故选class。选“社会”,“公司”显然不合逻辑;school范围过大。9A.delighted Bsurprised Cinterested Dencouraged答案B解析了解到不礼貌行为越来越普遍,人们当然感到吃惊。其他选项显然不合逻辑。10A.better Bmore Chigher Dyounger答案C解析前文已经交代,这种现象出现的地点是在大学,也就是高等教育。11A.expect Bhope Cforbid Dwish答案A解析很多人原先预计,中学生不礼貌,但到了大学会好起来,故用expect。12A.work

9、 Bcollege Clearning Dknowledge答案B解析指上了大学的学生,跟前面的中学生相对,只能是B项,其他选项不合逻辑。13A.all Btime Ccharge Dgeneral答案D解析此处表示“总的来说”,故用in general。14A.why Bhow Cwhether Dthat答案D解析跟在and后引导宾语从句,此时that不可省略,其他选项不合语法要求。15A.change Bbreak Cset Dreach答案C解析此处指没有给学生制定标准,因此用set。16A.teaching Bpoliteness Cthinking Dprogress答案B解析此处

10、指设立礼貌标准,故选B项。其他选项都脱离了原文的中心。17A.about Bfor Cbehind Damong答案D解析此处表示在学生之中,因此用among。其他介词不合题意。18A.deal Bnumber Cmany Dsum答案A解析此处表示“大量”,修饰不可数名词behavior,故用a great deal of。其他选项不合搭配。a large number of,a good many表示可数概念,而sum则用于a big/large sum of结构中表示不可数的量。19A.prepare Bgrow Cdevelop Dimprove答案C解析耳濡目染,学生也逐渐学会了社会

11、上的不良风气,故用develop,当“逐渐发展”讲。其他选项不合题意。20A.speaking Badding Cwarning Dwishing答案B解析adding此处作伴随状语,表示“补充说”。2The average American will have three to five careers,10 to 12 jobs,and will hold each one for an average of 3.5 years throughout his or her lifetime,according to the USDepartment of Labor.Does this s

12、ound familiar? Are you still struggling to find the ideal career?Finding your dream job may be as simple as opening that bag of potato chips in your kitchen cupboard. A study conducted by Alan Hirsch,neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation,Chicago,found that job

13、satisfaction is correlated to your favorite snack.“A persons job selection reflects his essential essence and his personality,” he maintains.“Food choiceslike selections of clothing,movies,and spousescan provide insight in personality and character structure.Thus,the typical personality traits assoc

14、iated with snack preferences can be used to help predict occupational choices,because a persons job selection also reflects his essential essence and his personality.”People who choose potato chips to satisfy their snacking urges have high expectations not only for themselves,but for those around them.Competitive.They usually come out on top in business,sports,and social situations.(Lawyer,tennis player,police officer,CEO)Formal,always proper,conscientious,a



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