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1、湖北通山县2016高考英语二轮完形填空训练(1)【2015高考复习】完形填空Armed with two overpacked suitcases,we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight.As I watched her unload my luggage,I could see the_1_in her eyes.One last hug and a final goodbye,and I would be on my way to a new life_2_.“Youd better go or youll miss you

2、r flight,”she said.“Ill_3_ you,”I replied,and with those words I_4_.By the time I reached the customs I was_5_.While boarding the plane I was still crying.I did not have the_6_to put my bag in the overhead locker,so I put it on the empty seat next to mine.Born barely fifteen months_7_,we not only lo

3、oked alike,we were alike.We both had that same mix of_8_and fear of all things unknown to us.One sunny summer day I was playing outside when she came_9_to me and said,“What to come to the attic(阁楼)?”The answer was always“_10_”We were frightened of the attic but also_11_by its smells and sounds.Toget

4、her we would flight many spiders and battle through the numerous boxes_12_we found what we needed.The plane shook_13_and my bag fell on the floor.My aspirin,hairbrush and some other things were_14_on the floor.I_15_over to gather them up when I saw a(an)_16_little book in the middle of my belongings

5、.It was a diary.Immediately I_17_my sisters handwriting.“Hi Sis.What a day it has been today.You let me know that you are moving abroad.”Only_18_did I realize that my sister had been_19_a diary for the past month.I read about my sisters comings and goings during the flight.Even though a large ocean_

6、20_us,at some point it felt like she was actually there.1A.honesty BconcernCsadness Dsatisfaction解析姐妹俩在机场分别,眼中应该充满忧伤。sadness“忧伤”;honesty“诚实”;concern“关注”;satisfaction“满足,满意”。答案C2A.abroad Bhome Cagain Dalong解析根据倒数第二段中“You let me know that you are moving abroad.”可知答案。答案A3A.remember Bremind Cmiss Dthink

7、 of解析句意:我会想你的。remember“记住”;remind“提醒”;think of“想起”;miss“想念”。答案C4A.was out Bwas offCleft off Dleft away解析句意:说完这些话,我离开了。be off“离开”;be out“外出”。答案B5A.smiling Bsneezing Csighing Dsobbing解析分别时心情难过,所以在抽泣。由后一句“I was still crying”也可知答案。sob“呜咽,抽噎”;smile“微笑”;sneeze“打喷嚏”;sigh“叹气”。答案D6A.courage Benergy Cidea Dsp

8、irit解析她还在伤心地哭,所以没有精力去把行李放到头上方的架子上。energy“精力”;courage“勇气”;idea“想法”;spirit“精神,灵魂”。答案B7A.before Bafter Cbetween Dapart解析句意:出生只相差15个月。apart“分开”。如:The 2 buildings are 200 meters apart.两座建筑相距200米。答案D8A.curiosity Banxiety Csympathy Dworry解析对未知的事物既好奇又害怕。curiosity“好奇”;anxiety/worry“焦虑”;sympathy“同情”。答案A9A.abo

9、ut Bacross Cdown Dup解析come up to“走到跟前”。答案D10A.No BYes CSorry DCertain解析回答总是“好的”。这也说明两人的性格很相像。答案B11A.surprised BboredCattracted Dinterested解析前文说两人对未知事物既好奇又害怕,所以她们既害怕阁楼又被它的气味和声音所吸引。答案C12A.until Bunless Cthough Dsince解析句意:我们会一起赶走许多蜘蛛,在无数的箱子间作战“直到”找到我们想要的东西。答案A13A.hardly Bslightly Cweakly Dheavily解析句意:飞

10、机猛烈地晃动。heavily“猛烈地”。答案D14A.spread Bthrown Cdropped Dpushed解析我的东西散落在地上。spread“摊开,铺开”。答案A15A.turned Bwent Cbent Dlooked解析我弯下身把东西捡起来。bend over“弯下腰”。答案C16A.familiar BunfamiliarCimportant Dunimportant解析我看到了一本小小的不熟悉的本子夹在我的东西里,从下文知道这是姐姐的日记,所以“我”不熟悉。答案B17A.knew BsawCobserved Drecognized解析句意:我马上就认出了姐姐的笔迹。rec

11、ognize“认出”;observe“观察”。答案D18A.when Bthat Cthen Dthis解析句意:直到“那时”我才意识到姐姐在过去的一个月里一直在记日记。答案C19A.keeping Bwriting Cusing Dmaking解析keep a diary“记日记”。答案A20A.faced BseparatedCsurrounded Dblocked解析句意:即使大洋把我们隔开,此时我觉得她就在这儿。答案B。完形填空The day finally came,when I had to leave the warm home where Id grown up.I ran t

12、o the back yard,as tears came up from my heart.Suddenly I_1_a hand rest on my shoulder.I looked up to_2_my grandfather.“It isnt_3_,is it,Billy?” he said softly.Gently_4_my hand in his,we walked,hand in hand,to the front yard,_5_a huge red rosebush sat alone.“What do you see here,Billy?” he asked.I l

13、ooked at the flowers,not knowing_6_to say,and then answered,“I see something soft and_7_,grandpa.”He pulled me_8_.“It isnt just the roses that are beautiful,Billy.Its that special place in your heart that makes them so.”“Billy,I_9_these roses when my first son was born.It was my_10_of saying thank y

14、ou to God.I_11_to watch him pick roses for his mother.Then,as a young man of only 20,a terrible war robbed him of his life.” Grandpa slowly stood up.“Never say goodbye,Billy.Never_12_to the sadness and the loneliness.Instead,I want you to remember the joy and the_13_when you first said hello to a friend.”A year later,my grandpa became very_14_.Then all members of the family were_15_back,and I returned to the old house.When it came to my_16_,I took his hand as_17_as he had once taken mine.“Hello,grandpa,” I_18_.His


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