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1、Unit 5 Inside advertising-readingPart One: Teaching DesignPeriod 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(HOW ADVERTISING WORKS)AimsTo help students develop their reading ability To help students learn about advertisingProceduresWarming up by defining advertising Good morning, class! Do you know what is

2、advertising? Do know want to know some inside information about advertising? ADVERTISING is a paid form of communicating a message by the use of various media. It is persuasive, informative, and designed to influence purchasing behavior or thought patterns.Now turn to page 42. We shall take HOW ADVE

3、RTISE WORKS today.Warming up by learn to use “advertise”Advertise: (v. t.) To give notice to; to inform or apprise; to notify; to make known; hence, to warn; - often followed by of before the subject of information; as, to advertise a man of his loss.Advertise: (v. t.) To give public notice of; to a

4、nnounce publicly, esp. by a printed notice; as, to advertise goods for sale, a lost article, the sailing day of a vessel, a political meeting. Warming up by looking and sayingWhat are these pictures for?Yes, they are for advertising goods. Could you say something about them? Could you make questions

5、 and answers about these pictures?But first lets go to page 84 for some necessary information.I. Pre-readingHere are some questions and answers for the pictures I showed you just now. Read them and match them with the correct pictures. You may draw your own pictures to match them.Question1: What can

6、 be more terrible than watching these ads? Answer1: You could get someone watch the ads for you.Question2: Why are the ads on this page so small? Answer2: I dont want people to die, I just want them to suffer. Question3: What can I do if I want to order some of these products?Answer3: You can seek f

7、or medical care, but its probably too late already. Question7: What is the purpose of these silly colours you use?Answer7: Turn your monitor off and read the black text on the screen, then youll know .Question8: Is it true that you grow banana-threes in Finland? Answer8: Nope, the climate is too hot

8、 for them to survive.II. Reading for forms Read the text HOW ADVERTISING WORKS to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. HOW ADVERTISING WORKSDo you know how many advertisements /you are exposed to/ in your da

9、ily life? Every day,we pass by advertisements/ on buses /and billboards,on trains/ and in train stations,in shop windows, outside restaurants /and on public notice boardsAt home,we see advertisements/ in magazines/ and newspapers /and in the middle /of our favourite television programmesWe hear adve

10、rtisements /on the radio/ and come across them /on the InternetEven some of the casual garments/ we wear/ have brand names/ attached to them /which turn us into walking advertisements. With so many messages /from advertisers/ filling our daily lives,it is important to understand /how advertisements

11、workThen /we can avoid being controlled by themWhat is an advertisement?An advertisement is a message/ or announcement/ that informs /or influences peopleIt can use words,pictures,music/ or film/ to communicate its messageAdverts are not only made /and paid for by business,but also by individuals,or

12、ganisations /and associations/ that wish to inform /or educate the public.How do advertisers make effective advertisements?Identify your targetAdvertisers must pay the media/ for displaying their ads. Their money would be wasted /if the message didnt reach its target audience,in other words the peop

13、le /the advertisement intends to persuade. For example,adolescent boys are more likely to buy computer games/ than any other group,so it makes sense/ to make computer game ads/ that appeal to this groupHaving identified the target group,researchers find out as much as possible/ about those/ in the t

14、arget group,such as their likes /and dislikes, and how the product would fit into their livesThis information then/ forms the basis /for decisions /about what type of advertising techniques to use/ with this groupAppeal to your targetIn order to persuade people to do something, advertisements often

15、appeal to our hopes/ and dreams/ or our emotionsFor example,the one /on the right,which advertises sports shoes,shows young people/ doing exciting thingsThe colours/ and the flames /also suggest excitementThe message/ it is sending is: “Buy our shoes /and youll live an exciting life /in thefast lane

16、”The ad above,with the star in it, is for a new radio stationIt appeals to peoples desire /to“fit in”/and be part of the groupThe message is:“Everyone else is listening /and if you want to be part of the group,youd better listen too.”Some advertisements appeal to peoples desire/ to save moneyOthers are more likely to be noticed/ if they are funnyAds/ that feat



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