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1、用心 爱心 专心 1 2013 届高考英语一轮总复习人教版新课标必修五 unit3单元知识点 归纳 1 impression n 印象 感想 印记 1 固定搭配 make leave an impression on sb 给某人留下印象 be under the impression that 觉得 以为 make no impression on 对 无影响 效果 give sb a favourable impression给某人以好的印象 First impressions are most important 第一印象最重要 his impression of her her imp

2、ression on him 她给他留下的印象 2 其动词形式impress 用法 impress 作 使 某人 印象深刻 时 常用结构有 impress sth on upon sb impress sb with sth 给 留下深刻的印象 使铭记 通常用于被动语态 be impressed by at with sth 或 be impressed on one s mind memory 如 The teachers were most impressed by your performance in the exam 所有老师被你们的考试成绩所深深感动 His speech made

3、 quite an impression on the audience 他的演说给听众留下了相当好的印象 即境活用 1 was favourable 他给我的第一印象不错 答案 His first impression on me My first impression of him 2 His trip to India made 他的印度之行对他的触动很大 答案 a strong impression on him 3 He with his sincerity 他的真诚打动了她 答案 impressed her 2 take up 从事 占 时间 空间 注意力 等 继续 典例 1 Th

4、is table takes up too much room 这张桌子太占地方 2 She has taken up a job as a teacher 她当上老师了 3 This chapter takes up where the last one off 本章继续上一章的内容 短语归纳 take off脱掉 衣服等 起飞 打折 作为折扣而减价 take over接管 获得对 的控制或管理 take apart拆开 分开后将 分成许多部分 take for把 视作 误认为 take for granted认为 是理所当然 take down 写下 记下 take back收回 诺言 即

5、境活用 1 Helen always helps her mother even though going to school most of her day A takes up B makes up C saves up D puts up 答案 A 2 To keep healthy Professor Johnson cycling as a regular form of exercise after 用心 爱心 专心 2 he retired A took up B caught on C carried out D made for 答案为A 3 constantly adv 始

6、终 一直 重复不断地constantly adv 不断地 经典例句 His report was constantly interrupted by applause 他的报告频频被掌声所打断 考点聚焦 constantly经常和进行时连用 如 I m constantly telling her to behave herself 我不断地告诉她要守规矩 e g Fashion is constantly changing 时尚总是日新月异 知识拓展 constant adj 连续发生的 不断的 重复的 4 flashback 倒叙 Flashy 炫耀的 flashlight手电 Flash

7、back 闪回 小说 剧本 倒叙 Flash across 一闪而过 掠过 flash by past一闪而过 Flash sth around 炫耀 The events in his happy family life were shown in flashback 他幸福的家庭生活是用倒叙法来表现的 5 previous adj 先的 前的 事前的 以前的 previous to 在 之前 previously adv 先前地 以前地 1 He did better in his previous study 他在预习方面做得好 2 His previous attempt was su

8、ccessful 他以前的尝试成功了 3 Previous to the conference we had discussed the matter 在会议召开之前 我们讨论了这个问题 即境活用 汉译英 1 你以前有过这种工作经验吗 2 来这里之前 我为你准备了文件 答案 1 Do you have any previous experience of this kind of job 2 Previous to coming here I prepared all the documents for you 6 Uncertainty犹豫 迟疑 uncertaintly Be uncert

9、ain about of 对 不确定 In no certain terms明确有力地 不含糊地 7 guide n 忽视 忘记 失去联系 I lose sight of the words on the blackboard Out of sight out of mind 眼不见 心不想 Keep out of my sight 别再让我看见你 c 景象 奇观 pl 风景 名胜 The seaside sunset was a beautiful sight I enjoyed seeing the sights of the West Lake out of sight看不见 在视野外

10、lose one s sight失明 catch have get sight of看见 发现 in within sight在视野内 看得见 at first sight乍一看 一看到就 at the sight of一看见 in sb s sight在某人看来 have long far sight远视 have short near sight近视 near sighted近视眼的 32 sweep up打扫 横扫 涌向 快速地抱起 归纳拓展 有关up 的短语归纳 speed up 加速 use up 用光 come up 过来 eat up 吃光 sit up 熬夜 坐正 turn u

11、p 出现 开大 音 水量 即学即用 1 He into his arms 他一把将孩子抱进怀里 2 In pushing to the train the children the crowds of people A sweeping up into B swept up into C were swept up D were swept up into sweep aside放 堆 到一边 不予理会 sweep away 扫清 迅速消灭 肃清 冲走 sweep off扫清 吹走 大量清除 用心 爱心 专心 6 sweep out 扫掉 清除 sweep over将 一扫而光 即境活用 选择

12、短语并用恰当的形式填空 1 After the party the house needed 2 The leaves were into the air by the strong wind A sweep off B sweep over C sweep up D sweep out 答案 1 sweeping up 2 swept up 课文知识点 1 Think about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years in the last one thousand years在过去一千年时间里 in

13、the last past 时间 表示在过去多长时间里 与之连用的时态用现在完成时态 Great changes have taken place in our hometown in the last ten years 2 What changes do you expect to see in your life in one thousand years time 一千年之后你料想会发生什么变化 Expect sb to do sth 希望 某人 做某事 I expect to be back within a week I didn t expect him to stay so l

14、ong hope to do something 希望做某事 Joan s hoping to study law at Harvard wish wish to do something 希望做某事 I wish to make a complaint wish somebody something 希望某人 We wish them every happiness in their new home 3 I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008 remind vt to make someone remem

15、ber sth that they must do 使记住 提醒 remind sb about sth sb to do sth sb that what how Please remind him to take his medicine He reminded me that I hadn t written to my mother vt to make someone remember someone that they knew or sth that happened in the past 使某人想起 remind sb of sth sb that what how The

16、view reminds me of my hometown 这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到的一切 4 Worried about the journey I was unsettled for the first few days 我很担心这次 旅行 所以头几天心里总是不踏实 worried about the journey 为过去分词作状语 在此处作原因状语 worried adj 焦虑的烦恼的担忧的 worrisome adj 使人烦恼的 焦虑的 5 As a result I suffered from time lag 结果我得了时间滞后症 1 as a result of 作为 的结果 由于 It snowed as a result she was late 天下雪 因此她迟到了 result from 起因于 result in 导致某事 造成某事 lead to 用心 爱心 专心 7 2 suffer from to experience something unpleasant such as an illness especially over a long p



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