九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section D优质课件1 (新版)仁爱版

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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section D优质课件1 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section D优质课件1 (新版)仁爱版_第2页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section D优质课件1 (新版)仁爱版_第3页
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《九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section D优质课件1 (新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 2 All these problems are very serious Section D优质课件1 (新版)仁爱版(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 LOREMIPSUMDOLOR SavingtheEarth airpollution lightpollution soilpollution noisepollution Howmanykindsofpollutioninthepictures waterpollution Task1Brainstorm Step1 WordgameRollingwithwords phrases 词语接龙 根据提示 快速说出相应单词或词组 Areyouready airpollution Rollingwithwords phrases soreeyesapainintheeyes chemicalf

2、actory noisepollution godeaf make producetoomuchnoise havehearinglossloseone shearing can tsleepwellatnight highbloodpressure waterpollution wastewater pour into soilpollution throwlitteraround plasticbags Phrasecollection 把 倒入 废水 眼睛疼 晚上睡不好 变聋 丧失听力 高血压 化工厂 制造大量噪音 乱丢垃圾 塑料袋 pour into soreeyes apainint

3、heeyes can tsleepwellatnight godeaf loseone shearing havehearingloss chemicalfactory highbloodpressure wastewater make producemuchnoise throwlitteraround plasticbags airpollution Step2 Talkaboutthecausesandharmsofpollution maycause pollution Pouringwastegasintotheairair doesharmto isharmfulto Itcanm

4、ake Airpollution soreeyes ushardtobreathe ourhealth soilpollution noisepollution lightpollution waterpollution Task2Speaking六人为一小组进行讨论 对抽中的污染提出解决的建议 再将讨论的结果填入表格中 时间到后小组长回答讨论结果 Groupwork air noisepollution soil waterpollution noise soilpollution air lightpollution Groupwork Discussingroup andthenrepo

5、rtyourideas Whatcanwedotosavetheearth 1 2 TIME 2minutes 3 4 Whatshouldorshouldn twedotoprotecttheenvironment Groupwork should must hadbetter can oughttodo1 2 3 4 5 shouldn t mustn t hadbetternot can t oughtnotto don tdo1 2 3 4 5 Goodjob Let sbegreenerpeople Task3Writing Writtenwork 地球是人类的家园 但我们的环境正遭

6、受严重破坏 因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园 请发挥你的想象 并结合所学知识 以 SavingtheEarth 为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文 短文开头已给出 不计入总词数 SavingtheEarthTheearthisouronlyhome However theenvironmentaroundusisbecomingworseandworse 审定列 Tips Beforewriting 地球是人类的家园 但我们的环境正遭受严重破坏 因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园 请发挥你的想象 并结合所学知识 以 SavingtheEarth 为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文 短文开头已给出 不

7、计入总词数 体裁 人称 时态 说明文 议论文 we 一般现在时 现在完成时 将来时 审题 定 地球是人类的家园 但我们的环境正遭受严重破坏 因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园 请发挥你的想象 并结合所学知识 以 SavingtheEarth 为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文 短文开头已给出 不计入总词数 列提纲 内容可包括 1 几种污染现象产生的原因及导致的问题 2 减少污染的措施 至少3个 3 呼吁大家保护环境 Hamburgerwriting BeginningThecausesandharmsofpollution BodyMeasurestoreducepollution EndingA

8、skpeopletoprotecttheenvironment Asweallknow Weknowthat It sknowntousthat It simportantforustoknow Beginning Usefulexpressions First Second Third Finally Lastbutnotleast Ononehand Ontheotherhand Besides What smore also especially aswell Forexample suchas Weshould hadbetter must not Body Whilewriting

9、Usefulexpressions Ending Inaword Inshort Let s Ifwe Ibelieve tryone sbest moreandmorebeautiful Whilewriting 地球是人类的家园 但我们的环境正遭受严重破坏 因此保护环境就是保护我们共同的家园 请发挥你的想象 并结合所学知识 以 SavingtheEarth 为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文 短文开头已给出 不计入总词数 SavingtheEarthTheearthisouronlyhome However theenvironmentaroundusisbecomingworseandwor

10、se Timetowrite Comeon It sshowtime Readtheinstructionscarefully Useproperwordsandgoodsentences Usetherighttense Makeanoutline Enoughwords Don tmissanyinformation Goodhandwriting Goodwriting Summary 审定列美 Afterwriting 1 Workingroupsofsix andcorrecteachother spassages Choosethegoodexpressionstorecompose 重组 anewpassageonhowtoprotecttheenvironment 必做 2 SearchtheInternetfortheinformationaboutmeasurestoprotecttheenvironmenttakenbyothercountries 选做 Homework Healtheworld Makeitabetterplace foryouandformeandtheentirehumanrace Thankyou Examplesofyourwriting A Handwriting Examplesofyourwriting B


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