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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高一册 Units18.单词拼写1What had a _(令人吃惊的) amount in common.2A _(多山的) country is one in which there are many mountains.3After hours of talks the government and the union have reached an _(协议)4This medicine can _(使平静,安宁) your nerves.5We have _(出口) a lot of wheat to their country.6The mana

2、ger agreed to hold a _(会议) to discuss the problem.7The _(航行,航海) from England to India used to take six months.8The customer likes this table whose _(表面) is very smooth.9The woman was in _(拥有) of a large fortune.10Australia is _(包围) by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east.答案1surprising2.mountainou

3、s3.agreement4.settle5exported6.conference7.voyage8.surface9possession10.surrounded.完成句子(湖北专用)1_(似乎没必要) for you to go there on your own.(there be)2_(乍一看), the difficulty looks greater than it really is.(sight)3Our headmaster likes to arrive at school early, _(为其他老师树立了榜样)(example)4It is impossible _(满

4、足每个人的需求)(demand)5_(禁止抽烟) in the concert hall.(forbid)6The young man went abroad to seek an ideal job _(不顾父母的) strong objection.(regardless)7The factory _(曾释放难闻的气味) has been closed.(give)8The ocean provides good living conditions to life forms that _(敏感的) sudden changes in temperature.(sensitive)9I f

5、ound his uncle _(正沉浸在读) an interesting novel.(absorb)10I _(获益) my fathers advice for so many years.(benefit)答案1There seems to be no need2At first sight3setting a good example to other teachers4to satisfy(meet) everyones demands5Smoking is forbidden6regardless of his parents7giving off an unpleasant

6、smell8are sensitive to9absorbed in reading10have benefited from(by).单项填空1Either you or Mr. Green _ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A. is handing out B. are to hand outC. are handing out D. is to hand out2The population of the town _ over 8,000 and 28% of the population _ students.

7、A. is; are B. are; isC. is; is D. are; are3Mrs. White kept asking for money from others, but _ didnt help her become rich.A. she B. heC. which D. it4This kind of fish lives around the island _ the west coast of the Pacific Ocean.A. away B. fromC. off D. on5The United States is _ the south of Canada

8、and _ the east of Japan.A. to; in B. on; toC. in; beside D. at; on6I want that new coat, but _ is too expensive for me.A. which B. oneC. it D. that7Knife should be kept _ the childrens _.A. beyond; reach B. in; reachC. out; side D. to; life8The little girl, _ on her back on the chair, _ her eyes in

9、the sky.A. lying; fixed B. lying; fixingC. laid; fixed D. lying; fixing9Young people are usually _ the rising sun in the morning.A. compared with B. compared toC. comparing to D. comparing with10We must always _ alive the memory of the bitter past.A. keep B. remainC. stay D. hold11The farmer keeps 1

10、2 _ of cattle. The cattle _ fed on grass and corn.A. heads; is B. head; areC. heads; are D. head; is12When he came to himself, he found himself _ by a crowd of sheep.A. covered B. surroundingC. surrounded D. led13It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he go

11、t punished.A. stick to B. refer toC. keep to D. point to14Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes.A. turning up B. putting upC. making up D. showing up15(2010宁夏银川一中期末) My _ of tomorrows activity is going out for a picnic with my classmates.A. opinion B. thoughtC

12、. mind D. idea答案1D。either.or并列连接主语,谓语动词的数遵循就近一致原则;be to do表示按计划或安排做某事。2A。population作“人口”讲时,是个集合名词,作主语时谓语动词一般用单数,但如果被百分数、分数或some等词修饰,而且句中若有复数名词作表语时,谓语动词则用复数形式。3D。it指代前面的句子Mrs. White kept asking for money from the others。如果去掉but,则选which。4C。off可表示“靠近的海面”。使用该词的前提是;该事物在水中。5B。考查表方位的用法。in表示“在某一地理范围之内”,to表示

13、“范围之外”,on表示“两地相邻”。6C。it指代that new coat。7A。beyond ones reach“在某人够得着的范围外;够不着”。8A。lying可以看作是主语发出的动作,作伴随状语,fixed在这里作句子的谓语动词。9B。compare.with“跟比较”;compare.to“把比拟为”。10A。keep sth. alive“使活着;保持”。11B。12 head of cattle“12头牛”;cattle是复数名词,故谓语动词用复数。2C。be surrounded by“被围着”。13B。refer to参考,查看。句意:在那么重要的考试中翻看笔记,他太傻了,

14、结果,挨罚了。14C。考查动词短语的用法。句意:村子里每个人都喜欢杰克,因为他擅长于讲笑话和编笑话。make up“编造”,符合句子语境;turn up“出现,(音量等)调大”;put up“搭起”;show up“出现,到达”,均不合句意。15D.阅读理解AIt may help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech. At some point in every speech, every speaker says something that is not understood exactly as he has planned. Fortunately, such moments are usually not obvious (明显的) to the listeners.



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