(山东)《龙门亮剑》2020高三英语一轮 Unit3 课时作业详细解析 新人教版选修8

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1、课时作业Inventors and inventions.单项填空1How did you like the lecture tonight?Very_.I doubt if I will come to this kind of lecture next time.AencouragingBencouragedCdisappointing Ddisappointed2_and well get everything ready for the taking off.AHave one more hour BOne more hourCGiven one more hour DIf I hav

2、e one more hour3Why was he unhappy yesterday?A letter from home_an attack of homesickness.Aset off Bset outCset about Dset up4Some parents dont allow their children to go online_they are affected by something unhealthy.Afor fear that BunlessCin only Din case5_homework did we have to do that we had n

3、o time to take a rest.ASo much BToo muchCToo little DSo little6If it is quite_to you,I will visit you next Tuesday.Aconvenient BfairCeasy Dcomfortable7In a time of social reform,peoples state of mind tends to keep_with the rapid chance of society.Afaith BpaceCcompany Dtouch8Can I speake to Mr Brown,

4、please?_Ill just see if hes here.ARing off BHold upCHang on DRing back9Listen,there is some strange noise.This machine mustbe_.I think so.You must have it checked.Aout of order Bout of dateCout of sight Dout of control10He_the bag and brought out a couple of coins.Aput into Bdragged intoCdived into

5、Dcaught into11Havent I told you already that you_have my answer tomorrow morning?Awill BshallCshould Dwould12Seeing the road_with snow,we had to spend the holiday at home,watching TV.Ablocking Bto blockCblocked Dto be blocked13Why didnt you tell him about the meeting?He rushed out of the room_I coul

6、d say a word.Abefore BuntilCwhen Dafter14I read about it in some book or other,does it matter_it was?Awhere BwhatChow Dwhich15The picture of the park_memories of our class trip last year,when Mr Smith began to take charge of our class.Acalled up BremindedCturned up Dcame up.翻译句子16看这对双胞胎姐妹,我几乎分不清她们,她

7、们太相像了。(distinguish.from)_17他经常会有新奇的想法。(novel)_18在我们心中,春节是和愉快的家庭团聚联系在一起的。(associate)_19咱们的冰箱又坏了,我们别修了,最好买个新的。(out of order)_20地震期间,他无法和家人电话联系。(get through)_.完形填空Two teenagers who were lost at sea off the United States for six days were saved yesterday.Driscoll,15,and his best friend,18yearold Josh Lo

8、ng,were_21_on Saturday about 11 km off Cape Fear in North Carolina.That was six days and more than 100 miles (161 km) from where they had_22_from Sullivans Island,South Carolina,on April 24.The boys had_23_a lot of water and were tired,but in pretty_24_shape.They set out_25_on a 4.3metre sailboat on

9、 a_26_day21.A.seen BwatchedCnoticed Dfound22A.took off Bset offCbroke off Dcut off23A.drunk BlostCsaved Dgot24A.good BhealthyCpoor Dthin25A.traveling BracingCfishing Dswimming26A.fine BrainyCwindy Dsnowy when the National Weather Service had warned small boats to stay out of the water.They_27_they w

10、ere in trouble almost_28_and tried to swim back to the shore,_29_the boat along with them.Within_30_,they were far out at sea.“We lost our fishing equipment on the second day,”Driscoll said.“So we couldnt_31_any fish.”The boys hopes_32_with each day.They stood on their boat_33_they saw another boat,

11、_34_and shouting.One night they were woken up by_35_coming into the boat.A large ship was very close to them.“It was like some huge_36_in the water,”Driscoll said.At one point,the boys thought they had gone across the Atlantic Ocean and were close to Africa._37_,they were 179 km north of their _38_p

12、oint.A coast guard boat set out to look for them.The boys got up and made some_39_.This time,they were heard.“What we have is a completely surprising story of_40_thats going to be studied for years to come,”said Richard Goerling,Longs uncle.“I think the boys have a book to write.”27.A.realized BrecognizedCconsidered Dconcerned28A.immediately BsoonCeventually Dsimilarly29A.driving BsailingCpushing Dpulling30A.weeks



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