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1、2011金版新学案高三一轮(人教版)英语福建专版选修7 Unit4 课时作业(三十四)Sharing共享.单项填空1We didnt know you were in trouble at that time,otherwise we_ you a hand.Ahad given BgaveCwould give Dwould have given2A government official was murdered last Friday and the police are collecting information that is_to the case.Arelevant Bsimi

2、larCdevoted Daddicted3Students in our school are encouraged to_more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge.Aattend BjoinCtake part Dparticipate in4I_invite Mr Green to the party that day,but he forgot it completely.Ado BdoesCdid Ddoing5The sooner we students_to the new school,the

3、 better it will be_our studies.Aadapt;for Badjust;toCadopt;for Dadmit;to6The hospital_well,where many wounded_every day.Ais operated;operation Boperates;are operated onCoperates;are operated Doperates;operates on7With the guide_the way,we finally got to the village which we were looking for.Aled Ble

4、adingCto lead Dhad led8At last,nothing but some trees remained,with some branches_the wall.Astick out of Bto stick outCsticking out of Dto stick out of9It makes no_which road you take;both lead to the city,and they are equally long.Apoint BsenseCmatter Ddifference10Mary had to go to a meeting,so she

5、 left her children_at home.Aplaying BplayedCto play Dhaving played11Was it in the library_he often went to do some reading_he met the pretty girl?Athat;that Bwhere;whereCwhere;that Dthat;where12Would you like to see a film with us this evening?Id like to.But I cant_the time because I have to finish

6、my composition.Apass BtakeCafford Dspend13Its an old photo of my father.I_it when I was looking for my passport the other day.Acame into Bcame aboutCcame across Dcame on14The young man earns $20,000 a month.In other words,his annual_is $240,000.Aexpense BcostCincome Dfinance15A much better way must

7、be found to achieve an equal_of the resources.Adistribution BcontributionCcatalogue Dseparation.阅读理解(2009年皖南八校三模,A)My mother through her fine example instilled (慢慢灌输)within me the desire to help others.She taught me to notice those whom others ignore.The railroad tracks (轨道) were within a mile of ou

8、r house.Beggars frequently would knock at the doors in our neighbourhood in summer asking for food.They were often turned away.Others simply ignored the knocks.My mum always went to the door smiling.She would invite them to stay and have something to eat.She would have me open up the card table and

9、carry a chair out onto the covered side porch (走廊)There was a nice view into the flower gardens,and it was cool even on the hottest days.She would bring a red and white tablecloth and set the table as carefully as she did for any company.She would pour their coffee and pile their plates with food an

10、d dessert.Usually she sent a packed lunch with them when they were ready to go,too.Sometimes she would take the newspapers to those who asked about work.She listened to those who wanted to talk.She never asked what would lead them to be in this difficult situation.It did not matter.She saw only the

11、need.Some thought she should not extend this courtesy (礼貌)She would say,“In the depression (萧条时期) when my father was searching around for any work to feed us,thoughtful people fed him.I am just repaying their kindness.I cannot offer them money,but I can see they do not leave hungry and discouraged.”

12、 My mum was quite a lady.1The writers house was frequently visited by beggars because_.Athey seemed to be very richBhis mother was known to be generousCthey lived near a railway stationDthere was a railway near their house2How did the writers mother treat beggars?AShe was on guard against them.BShe

13、looked down upon them.CShe respected them equally.DShe took pride in them.3The writers mother sometimes took out newspapers_.Afor the beggars to kill timeBto teach the beggars how to readCto help the beggars who asked about workDto help the beggars to find their families4Which of the following can m

14、ake an explanation for the mothers attitude to beggars?AHer father was once helped by others.BHer father liked to help beggars.CShe was once a beggar herself.DHer mother taught her to help beggars.(2009届英语周报模拟四)The over55s who grew up watching blackandwhite programs and films are more likely to dream in grey,research suggests.And the under25s who have watched color TV all their lives tend to have colorful adventures in_the_land_of_nod.Research from the first half of the 20th century,



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