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1、用心 爱心 专心 1 课时作业 9 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 短语填空 Taken place of take part in one after another getting married to make A bargain with ask for help as well as competed with against in the charge of stood for 1 After the film the students walked out of the cinema 2 There is something wrong with the old

2、 computer so it should be 3 Who do you think will our discussion 4 It s hard for a foreign girl to learn to the local businessman 5 The two teams each other for the championship 6 Although her parents disagreed she insisted on the poor young man 7 When you are in trouble please from your friends 8 I

3、t s said that the operation was an expert from Beijing 9 They stared at the strange cross in the wall not knowing what it 10 The students their teachers are wishing for a long holiday 答案 1 one after another 2 taken the place of 3 take part in 4 make a bargain with peted with against 6 getting marrie

4、d to 7 ask for help 8 in the charge of 9 stood for 10 as well as 单词拼写 1 My sister was lucky enough to be 接纳 to Beijing University 2 There is an 古代的 building and we will go to visit it next week 3 We are now going to 采访 the Minister of Education 4 If you want to sell your product well you should 登广告

5、it 5 He got a 便宜货 in the shop 6 Every athlete wants to win a 奖牌 in the Olympic Games 7 Since my car breaks down often I will have to 取代 it 8 Companies must learn to win 竞争 in marketplace 9 有规律的 buses will go to the Bird s Nest during the Olympic Games 10 She realized her dream of becoming a 志愿者 for

6、the games 答 案 1 admitted2 ancient3 interview4 advertise5 bargain6 medal 7 replace petition 9 Regular 10 volunteer 用心 爱心 专心 2 单项填空 1 How proud she is She has been Beijing University A admitted to B agreed to C received by D entered in 解析 be admittedto被 接纳 答案 A 2 BBC engineers do not think that their

7、idea will ever books and newspapers because they can be taken with you everywhere A replace B take place C in place of D instead of 解析 replace代替 取代 take place 发生 in place of 代替 为介词短语 instead of 代替 而不是 不能充当谓语 答案 A 3 2010 南京市调研 Long term goals may be our dreams of the future while the short term ones

8、deal with present activities A related to B connecting to C joined to D mixed to 解析 be related to与 有关 答案 A 4 2010 东北三校联考 Our vacation was totally ruined Not only was the food terrible the weather was awful A though B as well C either D however 解析 as well也 用于肯定句 句尾 though 用于句尾 意为 然而 either用于 否定句句尾 ho

9、wever 然而 用于句首或句中 其后跟逗号 答案 B 5 2011 山东 省青岛市检测 Under good treatment Linda is beginning to and will soon recover A pick up B pick out C turn up D show up 解析 pick up康复 pick out认出 挑出 turn up开大 出现 show up 出现 答案 A 6 I can never afford a flat like that The price is too high 用心 爱心 专心 3 A So I can B So can I

10、C Neither I can D Neither can I 解析 Neither 助动词 主语 意为 也不 答案 D 7 She is shy She is not used to in front of others A praise B praising C being praised D be praised 解析 be used to意为 习惯于 后跟v ing形式 该处应采用被动式 答案 C 8 2011 山东青岛质检 Obama and other leaders have been trying to what it is that makes China develop s

11、o fast A carry out B figure out C watch out D make out 解析 figure out弄明白 想清楚 carry out执行 make out 认清 watch out当心 答案 B 9 Along with the letter was her promise she would join us in the work A which B what C that D whether 解析 that引出同位语从句 说明promise 的内容 答案 C 10 2010 湖南省十二校联考 to a university in the UK inte

12、rnational students must display a strong ability in spoken and written English A Having been admitted B To be admitted C Being admitted D Admitted 解析 动词不定式作目的状语 答案 B 11 Pieces of exciting news came to the city A step by step B little by little C side by side D one after another 解析 one after another一

13、个接一个地 用于三者或三者以上 step by step逐步 little by little渐渐地 side by side肩并肩地 答案 D 12 The shop which sells polluted milk has been 20 000 yuan for 用心 爱心 专心 4 breaking food safety rules A given B charged C fined D punished 解析 fine被罚款 charge 收费 punish 惩罚 give 给予 答案 C 13 We invited her to join us in the discussio

14、n but she would not A take action B take notice C take part D take notes 解析 take part参加 take action采取行动 take notice注意到 take notes作笔 记 答案 C 14 How can we get to the airport It s too far and too expensive to take a taxi Don t worry There is a bus service to the airport A regular B general C normal D u

15、sual 解析 regular定期的 符合句意 general一般的 normal 正常的 usual平时的 答案 A 15 this shirt what else did you buy in the supermarket A Apart from B Instead of C Rather than D In addition 解析 apart from除了 之外 包括在内 instead of而不是 rather than而不是 in addition另外 in addition to除了 之外 相当于apart from 答案 A 完形填空 2010 陕西卷 I used to l

16、ive selfishly I should admit But one moment changed me I was on my lunch break and had 1 the office to get something to eat On the way I 2 a busker 街头艺人 with a hat in front of him I had some 3 in my pocket but I would not give them to him thinking to myself he would 4 use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol He 5 like that type young and ragged 6 what was I going to spend the money on Only to feed my addiction to Coca Cola or chocolate I then 7 I had no right to place myself above



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