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1、2015 年福建省达标校暑期高二英语集训营 55 第六部分 1 2015 年福建省达标校暑期高二英语集训营 55 第 卷 第一部分第一部分 听力 共听力 共 2 节 满分节 满分 30 分 分 第一节 共第一节 共 5小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分分 满分 7 5 分 分 1 Who got the chance of spending a holiday in Sydney A The woman B Tom C John 2 What does the father want his son to do A To go into the family business B To

2、 be more interesting C To become a writer 3 What happened to the woman A She hurt her leg while bowling B She was burnt while cooking C She hurt her back while bowling 4 Why didn t Bob finish his homework A He was lazy B He had too much homework C He had a stomachache 5 What time will they meet A Fi

3、ve B Six C Seven 第二节 共第二节 共15 小题 每小题小题 每小题1 5分 满分分 满分22 5分 分 听第 6 段材料 回答第 6 7 题 6 What makes the man worried A One of his sons being ill B His sons spending much money C His wife and sons being ill 7 What are the family probably going to do next day A See a doctor B Have a party C Go to a bank 听第 7

4、段材料 回答第 8 10 题 8 What are they mainly talking about A Christmas Day B Chinese New Year s Day C Chinese Spring Festival 9 Where do children hang their stockings A In the Christmas trees B In the fireplace C Some place if there s no fireplace 10 Who do children think will fill their stockings with swe

5、ets and toys A Father Christmas B Their parents C They themselves 听第 8 段材料 回答第 11 13 题 2015 年福建省达标校暑期高二英语集训营 55 第六部分 2 11 What did the man put up on the wall yesterday A The picture he drew on his vacation B The picture he took C The picture of him taken last year 12 What kind of pictures does the m

6、an not like A The pictures prepared for cameras B The daily life pictures C The pictures taken by others 13 How many cameras does the man use more often A Twelve B Ten C Two 听第 9 段材料 回答第 14 17 题 14 How many children does the woman have A Three sons and two daughters B Three daughters and two sons C

7、Three daughters and one son 15 How does the woman feel about her children A She is proud of them B She is disappointed with them C She is tired of them 16 Which is true according to the talk A Laura is a secretary B Rita works in a library C Roland works for an airline 17 According to the talk which

8、 countries has Jerry been to A Russia Greece Austria and France B France Australia Greece and Russia C France America Greece and Russia 听第 10 段材料 回答第 18 20 题 18 What is today s Spotlight about A A special English method B An old song C An important message 19 How many copies of the song were sold in

9、 three days A 1 985 B 8 000 C 800 000 20 Which of the following statements is true A Thousands of radio stations around the world played the same song B It was strange that the British people didn t like the song C Mike Procter knows nothing about this old song 2015 年福建省达标校暑期高二英语集训营 55 第六部分 3 第二部分第二

10、部分 阅读理解阅读理解 共两节 满分 共两节 满分 40 分 分 第一节 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 A Bobbi Kristina Brown s family has been gathered around her since she was hospitalized on Saturday after being found unconscious in the bathtub of her suburban Atlanta townhome Whitney Houston s only c

11、hild is now at Emory University Hospital and is still fighting for her life as a family statement said on Monday Nothing has changed despite reports that are popping up and painting a more serious picture Fox News reported Wednesday that the situation is horrific It s now a matter of when the family

12、 wants to let go and accept that she s pretty much not going to make it a source told FOX411 They ve left it up to the family as to how long they want to keep her alive People Magazine is also reporting that a doctor told Brown s family on Wednesday that nothing more could be done Everyone is coming

13、 to the hospital to say goodbye said a family member And the Daily Mail says Brown has been taken off life support But Bobby Brown issued a statement late Thursday denying these reports If we issued a statement every time the media published a false report regarding this matter that s all we would b

14、e doing 24 hours a day This is false just as is the vast majority of the other reporting that is currently taking place he said according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution A source close to the family tells USA TODAY that it s wrong to say the family is gathering to say goodbye because the family

15、has been there since the beginning so nothing is any different today for them Also Brown is not brain dead as has been reported And as for other stories saying that the Houston family is feuding with Bobbi Kristina s dad Bobby Brown Those aren t true either They are NOT fighting says our source 21 A

16、ccording to Fox News Bobbi Kristina is 来源 学科网 ZXXK A within an inch of life B on the way to success C left aside by her family D in a good state 22 Bobby Brown holds the opinion that A they are busy issuing statements all day B the family is saying goodbye to Kristina C he is getting along well with the Houston family D most journalists are getting the wrong end of the stick 23 Which can be the best title of the passage A An Accident In The Bathtub B Kristina We re Still Praying And Waiting On A


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