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1、求职面试 勿用11种不礼貌言语又是一年求职大军走向社会的时刻,面对一波波的面试,很多人已经拿下自己心仪的offer,有的人可能还在寻找或等待更好的机会。但是面试无疑是你拿下一个心仪工作的必备环节,所以千万不要在你的面试上看起来无礼且狂妄,虽说谁的年少不轻狂,但是凡事都要有个度。这里有11句听起来特别无礼,很容易让人反感的话,切记不要在面试中这样讲:1. Ive been waiting a while1 我已经等了半天了。You are totally justified in being annoyed that your interviewer kept you waiting. That

2、 being said, you get no brownie points for grumbling.当面试官让你久等时,你是完全有理由生气的。但话虽如此,抱怨是不会为你加分的。According to Fast Company, a very tardy job interviewer doesnt cast the company youre interviewing with in a particularly good light.快速公司表示,一位经常迟到的面试官是不可能为你正在面试的这所公司带来良好前景的。But, for the sake of not burning any

3、 bridges, its probably better to avoid calling them out on that.不过,为了不毁掉任何沟通的渠道,你最好还是不要向他们抱怨。2. Hi! I know Im late but.2.“嗨!我知道我迟到了,但.”Yes, its a double standard that the interviewee cant be late while the interviewer can get away with it. Still, in most cases, thats just the way it is.是的,在面试官与求职者之间

4、存在着双重标准:面试官可以迟到,但求职者不可以。然而,在大多数情况下,事情就是这样。Make sure you give yourself enough time to get to the job interview even if that means showing up super early and waiting around at a nearby coffee shop, Business Insider previously reported.商业内幕网之前曾报道过,你一定要确保自己有足够的时间可以及时参加面试-即使你会到得很早并在附近的咖啡店等待。And if you ar

5、e late, dont draw attention to it or make excuses. Quickly apologize and move on.并且如果你迟到了,也不要过分关注这件事或者找借口解释。立即向面试官道个歉,让面试继续进行就好了。3. Are you married?/Do you have kids?/How old are you?/etc.3.“你结婚了吗?有孩子了吗?你多大了?”等等Keep things professional. Never ask the interviewer any personal questions or anything th

6、at could be offensive.在面试中要表现出专业性。永远不要问面试官一些私人问题-或者任何带有冒犯性的问题。Youll come across as prying, and potentially a bit creepy.因为这样你会给面试官留下爱打听别人隐私的印象,可能会让面试官抵触。That goes especially for potentially insulting queries, like whether or not a woman is pregnant.特别是有些问题可能会冒犯人,例如问一位女性是否怀孕。If you are not pregnant,

7、it is very much a ground-swallow-me-up-now moment as you struggle to find the words to explain to a perfect stranger that it is very much just a food baby under your jumper, Catherine Phillips wrote in the Metro.凯瑟琳菲利普斯在都市报中写道:“如果你没有怀孕,那么向一位完全不认识的人解释这不过是因为自己吃的太多所以显得肚子太大时,你简直恨不得找个地缝钻进去。”4. Who should

8、 I avoid in the office?4.“在办公室里我应避免和谁起冲突?”Dont embroil yourself in coworker drama before youve even stepped foot into the office. This just makes you sound like a petty person.在踏入办公室之前,不要将自己卷入办公室冲突中。这会让你听起来像是一个心胸狭隘的人。Saying something like this might make the hiring manager suspect that youre an untr

9、ustworthy gossip.并且这个问题会让面试官怀疑你是一个靠不住的、爱八卦的人。Elana Lyn Gross writes in the Career Contessa that office rumor-mongers are particularly troublesome, as they spread both true and false information to undermine coworkers.伊莱娜林恩格罗斯在Career Contessa中写道,办公室造谣者特别讨厌,因为他们会传播一些真真假假的信息来“挑拨”同事关系。Dont indicate to t

10、he hiring manager that youre going to cause trouble in the office down the line.不要让面试官觉得你以后会给办公室的同事关系带来麻烦。5.Excuse me, I need to take this call really quickly5.“不好意思,我需要先接个电话。”Its better to just avoid this pitfall by silencing your phone, Jennifer Parris writes for FlexJobs.珍妮弗帕里斯为求职网站FlexJobs写道,为了避

11、免此类面试隐患出现,最好是把手机调成静音。But accidents happen. If youre halfway through a job interview when your phone starts ringing, dont take the call. Its disrespectful to the interviewer, even if you just blurt into the phone, Ill call you right back, and hang up, Parris writes.但意外情况总会发生。帕里斯表示,如果面试进行到一半的时候,你的手机响了

12、,不要接听。她写道:“即使你接起来立刻说我稍后打给你,然后立马挂断,对面试官来说这仍然是不礼貌的。”Instead, apologize immediately and silence your phone.相反,你应该马上道歉并把电话调成静音。6. I just need a job6.“我需要这份工作。”Seriously, contain your enthusiasm. This may be true, but definitely dont admit it to your interviewer.说真的,你需要控制住自己的热情。你的热情可能是真的,但绝对不要向面试官承认这一点。W

13、riting for SnagaJob, Amy White recommends coming into the interview truly prepared to answer the question: Why do you want to work here?埃米怀特在小时工网站SnagaJob上的一篇文章建议求职者在进入面试室前要准备好回答:“你为什么想要这份工作?”这一问题。Enthusiasm, eagerness, and energy are a first-time job hunters best friend, she writes.她写道:“热情,热心以及活力对第

14、一次找工作的求职者来说是最好的朋友。”Be ready to talk about your long-term goals, interest in the company, and desire to improve your professional skills. Otherwise, you might end up blurting out that youre just desperate.要做好向面试官讲述你的长期目标、对公司的兴趣以及渴望提升自己专业技能的准备。否则,你可能最终会脱口而出你极度渴望得到这份工作。7. Sorry Ive got to run!7.“抱歉,我得走

15、了。”What have you got, a date or something? Try to keep your schedule relatively uncluttered on the day of the interview.你还有什么安排,约会还是其他的事?在面试那天一定要保持一个比较有序的日程安排。Forbes reported that there are certain instances when its probably best to just pack your things and go.福布斯曾报道过,在一些情况下,最好的做法就是把其他事情放到一边。But unless youve hit rock bottom in the interview, or the interviewer is some sort of psychopath, its probably best to just wait it out.但除非你在面试中实在表现很差或者面试官有些神经质,否则最好静候面试结束。8. The office isnt what I thought it would be8.“这处办公室跟我想象的不一样。”Youre here as a job candidate, not as a super-cri


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