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1、Friendship Forever 友谊万岁dialogue 1Andy: Hi Mary, hows it going?玛丽,最近怎么样?Mary: well, last night I had a big argument with Ann.哎,昨晚我和安大吵了一架.A: terrible. It must be something serious. You two are such close friends.不会吧,有什么要紧的事儿吗?你们俩个可是很亲密的好朋友啊.M: now that I look back at it, it wawsnt that big a deal. I

2、shouldnt have lost my temper.现在我回想起来,倒也没有什么大不了的,我不应该发脾气的.A: really? What happened?真的? 怎么了?M: its just weve been planning to go the beach for a while, and we decided we could both make it this weekend. Then out of nowhere she called me up, said her boyfriend had made plans and that she need to cancel

3、 the trip. I was so angry when she told me that I said she didnt care about our friendship at all.就是我们俩一直计划着要去海边玩,决定这周末就去.谁知道她突然给我打电话,说她男朋友有安排,她不来了.我但是非常生气,就说她一点儿都不在乎我们的友谊.A: thats pretty harsh.这话是挺重的.M: I know, but I was so upset. I mean, come on! Does she have to do everything her boyfriend says?我

4、知道,我但是太生气了.我觉得真没劲,难道她男朋友说什么她就要做什么吗?A: you know she probably feels just as bad.你要知道她可能和你一样也很难过.M: well, I think I was being a little selfish myself. I know they dont get to see each other very often.嗯,我觉得我可能有些自私,他们也不经常见面.A: well, in that case I guess maybe you can be more understanding. You shouldnt

5、let a trivial thing like this stand in the way of your friendship. After all you can go to the beach anytime you want.哦,要是那样的话,我觉得你或许应该多理解理解她,你不应该让这样一件小事妨碍你们的友谊,毕竟你们什么时候想去海滩都成.M: yeah, Ill call her later to patch things up.是啊,我一会儿给她打电话和她和好.dialogue 2M: Hey, Ann, I am really sorry about last night. I

6、 shouldnt have said those things to you.嘿,安,昨天晚上真的不好意思,我不应该说那些话的.A: I am sorry too. I know weve been talking about this beach trip for a while. I should have told Bob I was busy this weekend.我也很不好意思.我们一直在说要去海滩度假,我当时就应该告诉鲍勃我这周末忙,已经有安排了.M: dont be silly. You guys should spend as much time together as

7、you can. Besides we can go to the beach anytime.别傻了,你们两个能在一起多待一会就应该多待一会儿.而且,咱们两个什么时候去海滩都可以啊.A: thanks for understanding.谢谢你的理解.M: well thats what being friends is about, isnt it?别客气,朋友就是要互相理解,不是吗?A: hey, what if the three of us go to the beach together? Besides, you and Bob havent seen each other fo

8、r a while. I dont want my best friend and my boyfriend to be complete strangers.嘿,你说我们三个一起去海滩怎么样?况且你和鲍勃很久没见面了,我不想我最好的朋友和我的男朋友成为完全的陌生人.M: Nah, I wouldnt worry about that. But I dont want to be the third wheel. You two should have some quiet time to yourselves.我倒不担心这个,我也不想当你们两个人的电灯泡,我觉得你们两个应该好好享受一下二人时

9、光才是.A: I know Bob wont mind. You can bring a date, like that guy from the bar you keep talking about.我知道鲍勃不会介意的.你可以带一个伴儿,那个你一直说的酒吧男怎么样?M: maybeIll think about it.可能吧,我会考虑一下A: well, I think you should come and have some fun. Besides you never know maybe he likes you as well. You should at least try.我觉得你应该来,开心地玩一玩.而且不然你怎么知道他是不是也喜欢你呢,最起码应该试一下.


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